2. Getting closer

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Neil went through the files of Avni's clients under police custody. She was being frank the other day about the lawyer visits. Neil fumed up and lashed out at the officers in-charge. He met with the Commissioner and discussed the matter, and sent memos by the end of the day.
He let out a huge sigh as he sank to the office chair. Drank some water and relaxed before dialing up a number on his phone.
Avni sat at the window seat of her room, drafting up some notes on her legal pad. Her mind was diverted with the vibration of the phone that laid by her feet. Avni quickly picked it up, an unknown number on display. She thus hesitates to answer. It rang twice and with the third ring, she finally thought of answering.
A: Hello?
N: A busy time, is it?
A: Who am I speaking to?
Neil bit his tongue, realizing that Avni was a bit nervous.
N: its me! Neil..
A: oh! I'm sorry, I didnt know.
N: haha thats okay, thought you were busy as you didnt answer.
A: ah, no. I.. didnt... it was an unknown number, so I was a bit hesitant.
N: oh hehe. Just called to let you know that the lawyer meeting is fixed for tomorrow morning.
Neil heard Avni letting out a sigh.
A: thank you! I've got summons for the day after. Thank you so much, Neil!
Neil's heart skipped a beat as Avni called him by name for the first time.
N: you're welcome! So 9am it is.
A: sure, thanks a lot. Bye!
N: nites!

Neil tried to meet Avni by the time she comes to meet the clients. But he got very busy at the field and couldn't even drop by the police station. He tried calling her phone but she didn't answer. Two days later Neil dropped by Noya's house. They have planned an outing as it was Holi Holidays. Neil greeted and entered, while the others greeted back. "Why are you all assembled here?" He asked, as everyone was seated at the living room, no signs to leave. "Not is a bit busy, so we're waiting for her to finish." Mikhail said, pointing at Noya, who was busy at the kitchen. Neil hurried to her. "Noy? Aren't we going?" Noya's glance shifted to Neil. "Neil.. sorry its taking long. Actually Avi have a hearing in a few minutes. We overslept and now she's running late. I'll prepare her breakfast, and then we'll leave, okay?" Nora quickly explained. Neil just nodded and took a seat near the counter. "So whats the plan?" Esha asked, handing over a coffee to Nikhil. "Breakfast by the lake restaurant, Holi at Hanuman street and then we'll go to the hotel and finally dinner." Neil went on briefly. "Don't you dare apply the green colour on me this time, Ryan!" Amra warned him. Everyone broke into fits of laughs, reminiscing some old memories. "...I'll need them. please get me a printout soon." Neil's eyes darted onto Avni, as she climbed down the stairs. She was wearing a clean white top, and black pants. A suit was properly folded and rested on her arm, while she held her bag and the case files with the other hand. "Avi! Come, have your breakfast." Noya called out from the kitchen. "I'll get late.." Avni tried saying. "No! Come, and sit down." She beckoned her, and to Neil's surprise, Avni came and sat down at the counter. Her phone kept on buzzing, one call after the other. "...Aayush! Are you here?..okay...And!!... did you appoint yourself as Ms. Sushma's lawyer?" Neil tensed up a bit, hearing a guys name. Avni sighed with a reply from the other end. "Thank god! wait up, I'm coming." She ended the call and started eating. "Can you call the driver and tell him I've got a ride?" Avni told Noya. "Aayush is here?" She inquired before calling their driver. Avni nodded her head. "Avi! Will you be joining us?" Ryan called out. Avni shrugged, giving a little smile. "Can't say.. depends on how my hearing goes." She got up from her seat. "Can't eat more. Thank you for the food!" Avni thanked Noya while grabbing a napkin from the tray. Noya hugged her tightly as a good luck charm. Avni quickly grabbed her files and her eyes got fixed on Neil. "All the best.." He whispered. Avni smiled, "Thank you..". With that, she ran to the door. Neil's phone rang just then. "Hello?.... ah whateven DD!! Okay, I'm coming.." Neil scratched the back of his head, as everyone's eyes were glued to him. "Er.. something came up. Why dont you guys head there? I'll come by holi celebrations.." Neil said hesitantly. Amra threw a cushion at him. "Traitor! Always the last minute bunker!" Neil laughed and quickly headed to the door. "Hey Neil!" Noya called out. "Yeah?" "Why dont you pick up Avi too, if she's done by then? The two of you can come?" Neil's heart danced! "Yeah.. yeah sure!" He gave a thumbs up with a huge grin and left.

Neil pulled on to the driveway of the Mumbai High Court. Lawyers and layman were pacing up and down the porticos, their gowns looking like flocks of crows passing by. Neil got out of his car, and checked out the court schedule displayed outside. Avni's hearing was finished a few minutes ago, she can be out at any minute now. Neil leaned on the bonnet of his car, his eyes searching for Avni. After a while she came into sight. Climbing down the stairs with swift moves. However, she was stopped at the steps by the press. Neil smiled to himself, as Avni seemed a bit nervous, but was proceeding with the answers. Avni escaped from the crowd with great difficulty, and then she saw Neil waiting for her. Noya had sent her a message saying that Neil will pick her up. Avni almost ran to Neil, intending to escape from the press. But the worst happened, as she tripped over and Neil caught her just in time. Flashes from several cameras lit at them, capturing the handsome hunk ACP Neil Khanna with the beautiful lawyer they all have seen today. Neil moved quickly, helping Avni to her feet. "Sit in the car." Avni nodded and hurried to get inside. Neil drove away as soon as he could.
"That was...." "barbaric!" Avni finished the sentence Neil started. He gave a worried look to her. "You know what they are gonna do right.." Neil wanted to point out the facts clearly to her. Avni just nodded her head, which tensed up Neil. "I'm sorry.. I stood there—.." "there's no fault of yours!" Avni cut him. "Really, I'm not upset with you." She gave him a smile. "But.. anyway. There's nothing we can do. Lets wait until something shows up." Avni relaxed in her seat. They discussed about the hearing until they reached Noya's apartment. Avni gave the key to Neil, as her hands were occupied. "Give me ten minutes, yeah?" Avni told Neil and headed upstairs. Neil lounged at the living room, going through a law book kept on the coffee table.

Avni came down after a while. She was dressed up for holi, and carried a backpack. Her hair was put up to a ponytail and was talking over the phone. "Let's go.." she mouthed to Neil, not ending her call. Neil nodded and followed her to the car.

As he pulled the car away, Neil closed his eyes and inhaled the mild fragrance in the car. "The others have reached?" Avni asked, breaking his moment. "Y-yeah." Neil said quickly. Avni gave him a smile. "Holi is my favorite festive.." Avni looked at Neil. "Mine too haha. You wanna bet who plays it the best?" "I'm not scared of challenging." Avni laughed and replied. By then they have reached their destination, and both of them got out of the car. Noya and the others were waiting at the entrance. Avni was about to walk off, but Neil grabbed her hand. "So deal?" Avni pursed her lips. "Deal!" She shook his hand and went off. Neil smiled, scratching his hair. He was nervous, yet excited!

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