3. Mingling with Everyone

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Everyone gathered up at the starting point. Neil's eyes consistently searched for Avni from the crowd, and he paved his way towards her and the gang. With the blow of the start whistle Neil grabbed on Avni's waist and pulled towards him. Avni gasped with the sudden movement. Neil's lips curved up to a smile as he lifted his hand and softly stroke the sides of her cheek with colour. "Happy Holi!" He muttered, but it was audible to Avni despite being in the loud crowd. "Happy Holi.." she put a pinch of colour on his nose with a finger, and ran away. Neil shook his head and turned to the others.

The festive fun went on in a huge crowd. Avni's swift moves through the packs, her laughs, her tricks to escape from shoots, all were etching in Neil's heart. He waited for a while before approaching her. Letting her enjoy some minutes with the gang. Ryan chased her for a while but still couldnt catch her. "This is it now.." Neil muttered to himself and ran towards her. Avni noticed him, smirked and ran to the other side. Neil laughed and ran after her. "Where would you escape hmm?" He stopped at one side of the bench where all the colour containers were kept. Avni stood at the opposite side. "You can't catch me..!" She grabbed a handful of colours. "Is it?" Neil chased her again. Avni squealed and ran away from him. She got into the crowd, intending to make it hard for Neil. But his eyes were too sharp, Avni could not escape from his eyes. Neil's hand almost brushed on her arm, but she darted away quickly, pushing Ryan away in the process. "Whateven.. Avi!" Ryan was surprised. Soon everyone's eyes glued onto Neil and Avni. The crowd made a circle around the two of them, cheering for the two. "Go Avi!" Noya and the girls whooped for Avni, while the guys made noise for Neil. Avni was now nervous, as she felt so many eyes on her. She slowly moved inside the circle, her eyes glued onto Neil. He did the vice versa. "This was supposed to be a bet. Not a full on sumo match.." she mumbled to Neil, who laughed in return. "Well, it wouldnt have been, if you had surrendered earlier." "There's no way I would." Avni didnt want to give up at any cost. They moved around at the same pace for a while, until one of the guys from the crowd spilled something on the floor. Neil couldn't tell who, but he was about to warn Avni. But before that, she stepped on it and lost balance. Avni's breath almost hitched as she thought she would fall flat on the floor. But to her surprise, some strong arms caught her just in time. The crowd went wild as Avni lay in Neil's arms, her eyes squeezed shut. She quickly opened them, to the loud cheer and found Neil's face just an inch close to hers. Avni almost made Neil off balance as she shook herself out of the embrace. She stuck a tongue at him and ran off. "Neil!!! Idiot! Catch her!!" Ryan's voice brought Neil to his senses. He hurried after her and caught her just in time! Neil's hand wrapped around her waist and her partly exposed abdomen skin. He grabbed a fist full of colours and stroked on the side of her face. The touch rose some unknown emotions within their bodies. The moment was broke by several whistles from the crowd. Avni quickly moved away, Neil could see strands of blush along her cheekbones. He walked towards their group behind Avni, patting the back of his head. Ryan and Nikhil teased them to death, and Avni did accept her defeat.

After lunch the activities resumed. Avni intended to take a break for a while before joining back. She walked over to the seats at the side of the ground and was about to take one of it when she saw Esha running to the other side of the crowd, where some of the tents were set up. Avni's sixth sense warned her something was wrong, this she quietly followed her. By the time she reached, Esha stood towards the entrance of one of the tents, her arms hugged close to her. Avni walked closer and then noticed the figures moving inside the tent. Ryan was making out with some girl.. Avni's heart skipped a few beats and her mind made voodoos. Her eyes then fell back on Esha, who stood there like a statue. She then turned around to leave and saw Avni standing there. Avni didnt know how to respond, she just extended her hand towards Esha. "Thank you.." she whispered to her, and then ran away. "Esha!" Avni called out but she didnt stop.

As Avni walked back to the holi area, she saw the rest of the group packing up to leave. "Avi! We are heading to the Hotel.." Noya said as she came by. "Something's wrong with Esha, she has left. We are gonna see whats with her. You'll be coming later right?" Noya asked, zipping up her backpack. "Ah, yes. Its time now." Avni replied, checking on her watch. "I'll see you." She gave a little hug to Noya and picked up her backpack. Neil and her gaze met for a few seconds, before walking away.
"Where did she go?" Amra asked as Avni dismissed. "Avi is taking part in a charity run for Down syndrome kids. She'll come back to Hotel afterwards." Noya explained. Neil sighed. He was so worried about Esha and the worry doubled when Avni turned to leave alone.

Avni got out of the elevator and walked to the room number Noya had sent. It was a suit with three rooms with a living area they had booked for two days. She knocked on the door and walked in as someone inside gave permission. Her steps froze for sometime as she saw everyone gathered in the living area. Esha sat on a chair and the other stood at different places around her. Ryan was standing near the window, showing his back. Neil's eyes glued on to Avni. She was wearing a different clothing now. A long white shirt folded to her elbow length, with matching white shorts. Her hair was put up on a messy bun, a hair band supporting the strands that fell. Colors were dried all over her face and skin, including the clothing. The bright sun of the day had given a sexy tan to her skin, turning her face to crimson red. Neil took a few breaths to ease his breathing. 

Avni stood their, too nervous to even make a move. "Ryan, tell the truth.." Noya's voice was stiff. "I am telling you, you were with a girl!" Esha stormed. "Even Avni saw you!!" Everyone's eyes shifted to Avni, and her eyes widened. "Did you?.." Nikhil mumbled. Neil saw the fierce lawyer, turning into a cute little kitten. Her eyes were round and wide, clear nervousness evidenced. "I— I did. And I think you were under intoxication, Ryan." She carefully put out her words. Ryan clapped a hand to his forehead. "The lassi..." he mumbled as he recalled how much he had the drink. "Esha, I can explain.." "no! Dont you dare.." she held up a hand to him. She quickly got up from her seat and ran inside, Noya and Amra behind her. "You! Come with me." Nikhil took Ryans hands and dragged him out of the suit.

Avni took a deep breath and turned around. Neil stood there, his arms folded against his chest. Avni slowly walked into the kitchen and dropped her backpack on to one of the seats. She took a bottle of water and poured into a glass as Neil walked in and sat on the opposite side of the counter. "I thought you wont say you saw him.." he mumbled. Avni let out a soft laugh. "I take oaths of people in the courtroom, ACP. Why would I lie." She shot back. "No I mean.. sometimes some people keeps the truth, you know.. not to worsen the circumstances." "I'm not the kind. Plus, what Ryan did, was disgusting! Even on his worst sense, the way he was snogging that girl.." Avni shook her head to drop the image from her mind. Neil laughed at her reaction. "Guys sometimes needs sidekicks." He said openly. "And what if the girl sidekicks?" She crooked an eyebrow at him. "She gets pregnant." Neil replied, sinking into the seat. This gave a really bad image of him to Avni. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Neil seemed really okay with whatever happened. Avni didnt say anything, to Neil's surprise. she just placed the glass back on the cabinet and left. He sat there wondering what had possibly gone wrong in their conversation.

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