Chapter 6: Confusion

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As I slowly closed my eyes, a voice in my mind interrupted my peaceful 'sleep'.

Stop, Saffire! You cannot and must not be fooled by his voice! Wake up! The voice snapped.

What? I groaned. I didn't sleep for so long...I just want to take a nice long nap...

Wake up! Just wake up! I can't afford to die! If you die, I'll die with you! The voice hissed again.

After, a long, pointless argument with myself, or at least what I thought was my consciousness, I forced my eyes to open. And no, I wasn't some princess fluttering her eyes open. I just opened my eyes. Sure, it sounds quite manly, but, I was in a life or death situation so, who cares?

I opened my eyes to see a gruesome mouth of a crocodile - faced demon in the mist of devouring me head first! Blood - not my blood, hopefully- covered his razor sharp teeth, and as he slowly opened his filthy jaw, a foul smell of corpse filled the air. The scent was so unpleasant, even flies scurried away. Seriously, he should definitely invest of a toothbrush and toothpaste, because the scent of his breath was absolutely unbearable!

"Get your stinky mouth away from me," I said as I pushed the demon away from me with all my might. "Oh, and by the way, dental hygiene is very important! You should really brush your teeth!"

The demon gave me a "what? my-prey-can-run-away" look, then shook his head and gave me a scowl. "Girl.....My prey usually doesn't move once I use my voice, but you're an exception......But that makes no difference. You're just a puny little girl!"

Without a notice, the demon lunged forward towards me. I jerked.

Saffire! What are you going to do? You're to young to die! Come on! Get on your feet and run!

As my brain processed my thoughts, drops of cold sweat dripped down my face.

"Oh? Is that the look of fear on your face?" The demon sneered. "I love to look down on helpless people like you. You're just all talk. You can't even defend yourself!"

That did it! I was scared, but at that moment, I forgot about my fears and I gripped by scythe.

"No one, I mean no one insults me! Got it?" I tightened my grip on the scythe and swung it as hard as I could towards the demon.

Suddenly, a red, menacing glow surrounded the scythe I was holding. Latin letters circled the scythe as vapor poured from the tip.

My eyes widened. What in the world? Sweet!

My head was filled with emotions of surprise, excitement and horror.

"Did I just-," I murmured as I wiped off some goo off my face. Seriously, I don't mind getting dirty, but demon parts? No thank you!

Julius, who was in the middle of summoning a ball of pure energy stopped. Even Bella stopped and looked at me with astonishment.

"Death magic," Julius murmured in astonishment. "Saffire, you....No, it can't be. "

I titled my head. Death magic. Okay, sure I was super powerful just a split second ago, but death magic? As much as I love mythology, let's get real. There's no way I have magic! I'm just a human, right?

"What do you mean," I managed as I took a step back.

Julius looked at me, then shook his head. "Nothing, Saffire. Nothing."

"What do you mean "nothing"? Clearly you were suprised about something," I growled.

Julius signed as he released his ball of energy. "I got myself confused. I though you were the reincarnation of-"

"Julius,"Bella interrupted Julius, and gave him a flirtatious smile. "You know your not suppose to talk about Master's personal information to strangers, much less human!"

Bella gave a "don't-get-close-to-Julius" glare, then grimaced. Julius on the other hand just sighed. He seemed completely unaffected by Bella's smile and I was kind of happy about it. Bella was getting on my nerves, and it's not because she likes Julius, or at least I though so. And no, I'm not suggesting that I like Julius, I'm just being honest.

"Saffire, you still have to open the gate of hell remember? And if you don't this boy dies," Julius reminded as he wiped the dust off his shoulders.

What? So I'm back on the life or death mission again? Great! Just great!

I was about to say something, but I was interrupted by a crackle. The sudden noise caused a domino's affect. Everything became pin drop silent. No one dared to move.

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