Chapter 3: Bakugan Brawl!

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Kai blinked from the bright flash to readjust her vision. Once done doing so, she looked around and was shocked to see that they were no longer in the Bakushop but a completely different dimension. It was an empty space with a completely white floor but the most distinct thing were the skies, they were variants of different colors in a cosmic blend.

"Beautiful right?" Shin asked, standing next to her.

She looked at him and nodded as he smiled "Well, you ain't seen nothing yet."

"I hope you're ready to lose, hot stuff!" Shuji stated with a cocky smirk.

Kai narrowed her eyes at him as Shin spoke "Don't listen to him, I'm sure you're gonna beat him."

"I will beat him." Kai stated.

Kai: 0

Shuji: 0

"That's the spirit, now for the rules." Shin said with proud smirk "First things first is setting your Gate Card, you get to choose one of three and you can set one on your turn."

Kai held up her Gate Cards and read through them "The numbers on the sides represent the Bakugan and its attributes?"

Shin nodded "Good to have a fast learner. When you throw your Bakugan and it lands on the Gate Card, their G-Power is increased by the amount on the card according to the attribute but be careful because Gate Cards also have effects that can lead to your opponent's favor."

"I understand." Kai said and Shin nodded.

"Gate Card set!" Shuji shouted as he threw his Gate Card and it enlarged in front of Kai.

"You've got your Gate Card?" Shin asked and Kai nodded "Alright, go on and set it."

"Gate Card set." Kai stated, throwing the Gate Card and it enlarged in front of Shuji.

"I'll go first, newbie! Bakugan brawl!" Shuji shouted as he threw his Bakugan and it landed on his card, opening up "Bakugan stand!"

The Bakugan was a green humanoid creature with the face and wings of a gargoyle. Spines adorn the tips of its massive wings. He has massively sharp horns on his head and claw-like fingernails.

Gargonoid: 350 G

"A Ventus Gargonoid! So that's the attribute you picked." Shin exclaimed.

Shuji laughed "That's right! With this new attribute, I can beat anyone especially a newbie like her."

"So that's a Bakugan's true form..." Kai muttered, looking up at Gargonoid as it roared.

"Ventus Gargonoid, with a power of 350 G's. Pretty good throw." Shin explained "Be careful, Kai."

"Hn. Bakugan brawl!" Kai let out as she threw her own Bakugan and it landed on her Gate Card "Bakugan stand!"

The Bakugan opened up and transformed into a red and yellow humanoid robot with metal shielding, claws and blades in its body. It is capable of slicing cleanly through any substance.

Robotallion: 340 G

"Pyrus Robotallion with 340 G's, nice pick." Shin commended.

"Never seen one of these before but I know I can take it down." Shuji said with a smirk as he threw his Bakugan at Kai's card "Bakugan Brawl! Stand Falconeer!"

The Bakugan opened up and transformed into a greed humanoid bird beast that was a bit shorter than Robotallion.

Falconeer: 340 G

"Ventus Falconeer with 340 G's, you're equal." Shin said with a smirk "But that could change once you open your Gate Card."

"Let's see if you're right," Kai said with a smirk "Gate Card open! Gate of Fire!"

The Gate Card opened with a flash under Robotallion and Falconeer, increasing their G-Power with their respective attributes.

Robotallion: 490 G

Falconeer: 440 G

"W-what!? No way!" Shuji exclaimed.

"Attack Robotallion!" Kai stated.

Robotallion's eyes glowed as he jumped and grabbed Falconeer by the leg, he then slammed him down to the ground to which Falconeer let out a screech in pain. Falconeer reverted back into a ball and flew back to Shuji, landing by his feet.

The Gate Card disappeared as Robotallion reverted back into a ball and flew back into Kai's hands.

Kai: 1

Shuji: 0

"Nice one, Kai! You just need two more points to secure a win." Shin congratulated.

"Shouldn't be too hard." Kai said.

"W-whatever! Just because you won one round, doesn't mean you're gonna win this!" Shuji shouted.

"You talk a big game for someone that's currently losing." Kai said with a blank expression as Shin chuckled.

"Shut up! I'll beat you! You'll see!" Shuji shouted.

"Robotallion can't be used until you use your other two Bakugan so keep that in mind for your next brawl." Shin explained.

Kai nodded as she picked the Bakugan that fell from the sky and threw it "Bakugan Brawl!"

The Bakugan landed in front of Gargonoid but it flew back to Kai, landing by her feet much to their surprise and confusion.

"Huh? What's going on?" Shin asked.

Kai didn't answer as she picked up the Bakugan staring at it inquisitively.

"Hey! What's going on!? Your Bakugan broken or what!?" Shuji exclaimed.

Kai ignored him and switched to another Bakugan "Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan stand!"

The Bakugan landed and opened to transform into a red, white and yellow hybrid that possessed a deafening roar to stun its opponents. Its hands had sharp claws that never dull. It had powerful wings that give it the ability to fly high in the air. It had a serpent tail that possessed a venomous bite.

Griffon: 390 G

"Aww crud! A Griffon!" Shuji exclaimed.

"You ready to give up?" Kai asked.

"No way!" Shuji exclaimed "Gate Card open! The Cliffs!"

The Gate Card opened with a flash under Griffon and Gargonoid, increasing their G-Power with their respective attributes.

Griffon: 510 G

Gargonoid: 400 G

"You're still lacking in power genius." Kai said sarcastically.

Shuji smirked as he pulled out an ability card "Oh yeah!? Check this out! Ability card activate! Hot Wind!"

"But that won't help though..." Shin muttered with a sweat drop.

Griffon: 510 G

Gargonoid: 480 G

"You suck at math." Kai stated.

"Shut up! I'm not done!" Shuji shouted as he pulled out another ability card "Ability card activate, Circle of Fire!"

Griffon: 510 G

Gargonoid: 530 G

"Yeah! Take that!" Shuji exclaimed with a laugh.

"This is bad." Shin said, looking at Kai worriedly but he was surprised to see her smirking.

"So you got a few points big whoop, I'm still gonna win this." Kai stated.

"Yeah whatever newbie, Gargonoid! Show her why I'm the best!" Shuji shouted.

Gargonoid flew up high and stopped, falling back down towards Griffon with its claws brandished.

"That Griffon is toa-" Shuji was about to say but Kai cut him off.

"Ability card activate." Kai stated.

"What?" Shuji asked with wide eyes.

Kai held the ability card with a smirk on her face as it glowed "Legends of Fire!"

"Ah, Legends of Fire can only be used when the user's Bakugan is on an opponent's Gate Card." Shin said with a grin "You wanted him to go all out."

"I expected him to use one ability card but two just made this win way better." Kai said.

"No way!" Shuji shouted.

Griffon: 670 G

Gargonoid: 530 G

Griffon flew towards the incoming Gargonoid with a roar as Kai shouted with an excited smirk "Go Griffon!"

Griffon roared as it maneuvered past Gargonoid and bit into its neck, expelling a plume of flames that burnt Gargonoid whole.

"Amazing!" Shin let out as Gargonoid reverted back and landed on the ground in front of Shuji as Kai caught Griffon that reverted back into its ball form.

"Dang it!" Shuji exclaimed angrily.

Kai: 2

Shuji: 0

"You ready to apologize to Shin?" Kai asked.

"I haven't lost so no!" Shuji childishly shouted.

Kai rolled her eyes, taking a Gate Card but then the Gate Card suddenly glowed which surprised them as well as one of her ability cards. The glowing stopped and Kai noticed the card had completely changed as well as the ability card.

"You have proven yourself." A deep voice stated and both Kai and Shin watched in shock as the Bakugan that fell out of the sky floated in front of her and opened up "A king needs a strong commander; you have reached my standards, human."

"It can talk!?" Shin exclaimed.

"H-how?" Kai asked.

"Nevermind that now, we must crush this joke of a commander." The Bakugan stated.

"You'll brawl with me?" Kai asked and the Bakugan nodded.

"Whoa..." Shin muttered.

"Hey! What's the hold up!?" Shuji asked.

"Nothing." Kai said as she threw the Gate Card "Gate Card set!"

"I know I'm losing but with this Bakugan, I'll beat you for sure!" Shuji exclaimed as he threw his last Bakugan "Bakugan brawl, Bakugan stand!"

The Bakugan was green and large with a triceratops head and an armored yet muscular body.

Saurus: 380 G

"This'll be tough." Shin said.

Kai's Bakugan scoffed "Child's play."

The Bakugan closed up into a ball and fell into Kai's hands but as she was about to throw, she had to ask "What's your name?"

Shuji widened his eyes nervously and Shin smiled as Kai's smirk widened.

"Stand up and brawl, my Bakugan!" Kai shouted as she threw it, directly landing on the Gate Card "Rise, Dragonic Overlord!"

With a roar that shook the dimension, the Bakugan rose with a plume of flames rising up to the endless sky. He stepped out of the flames and looked down at Saurus with his towering figure much to everyone's shock and Shuji's fear. He was a mix of variants of red colors and some black with sharp white bones spread around his body. He was lean with yellow eyes and sharp fangs, claws, horns and large wings. A sharp sword was in his hands and steam emanated from it.

Dragonic Overlord: 500 G

"500 G's!?" Shuji shouted in shock as he checked the data on his watch.

"That's insane!" Shin exclaimed.

"Gate Card open! Dragonic Overlord!" Kai shouted.

The card glowed and Dragonic Overlord roared as he got a boost in power.

Dragonic Overlord: 700 G

Saurus: 450 G

"I don't have anything to counter against that at all!" Shuji exclaimed.

"Final turn!" Kai stated much to their surprise and Dragonic Overlord grinned, showing off his sharp teeth "Ability Card activate!"

"Great Flame Commandment!" Dragonic Overlord shouted as his blade burst into flames and the fire kept growing larger and larger until it was about the size of a double story house.

Dragonic Overlord: 900 G

"AHHH!" Shuji screamed.

Dragonic Overlord raised his blade and brought it down on Saurus, causing and explosion of fire that enveloped them all.


Miwa and Akira were shocked to see Shuji now crouched and trembling in fear as the Saurus Bakugan was emanating smoke while Kai and Shin stood there.

"What the heck just happened?" Miwa asked.

"The greatest brawl I have ever seen." Shin said.

Kai stared down at Dragonic Overlord who was in his ball form again and she dawned a small smile.

"I'm guessing you won?" Miwa asked, looking at the trembling Shuji.

"He was all talk." Kai said.

"I bet." Miwa chuckled.

It didn't take long for Shuji and Akira to help fix up the shop and profusely apologize to Shin for the trouble they caused, running off as the sun was setting.

"Today sure was eventful." Shin said and Kai nodded.

"So have you decided yet?" Miwa asked.

Kai nodded "I think I'll be playing Bakugan for a while."

"Sweet! Glad to see you aren't bored of everything anymore." Miwa said.

"Hey Kai," Shin said, gaining their attention. He moved to the back and came back with a case, he opened it and inside were three Bakugan along with 9 cards "These are one of the best I can offer, not as good as other stores but I would be honored if you would take them."

"Huh..." Kai let out, looking over the Bakugan and cards "I can't take these, they're your best stock."

"I'll get more," Shin said with a nonchalant shrug "And I wasn't planning on selling them anyway, just putting them up on display but after seeing you brawl, I can see greatness from small beginnings."

"Are you sure?" Miwa asked and Shin nodded as they looked at her.

She sighed and closed the case, picking it up and bowing respectfully "Thank you."

"No problem." Shin replied "Oh and here."

Shin took out a watch similar to Shuji's but it was red "This will help you keep track on the G-Power and effects of cards when you brawl."

Kai put on the watch and smirked "Nice fit."

"How much is this stuff anyway?" Miwa asked.

"Oh no, this is my thanks. You guys helped out of trouble so I'm just paying it back in the only way I can." Shin explained.

"You're one generous guy." Miwa said with a chuckle.

"Thank you again Shin." Kai said.

"No worries, just come back anytime for some advice or any new Bakugan you might want." Shin said and Kai nodded.

"See ya." Miwa said with a wave to Shin as he ran after Kai who was leaving the store.

Kai was barely listening as Miwa babbled about his favorite fast foods because she was thinking back to her first brawl and that brought a genuine smile on her face. She finally found her new lease on life and it was quite unexpected but she was going to keep playing and see what her future holds with Bakugan.

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