Chapter 4: The Conquering Queen!

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"Imagine a universe fueled by six worlds, each with its own element. The earth element, Subterra. The element of light, Haos. The dark element, Darkus. The water element, Aquos. The wind element, Ventus. And the element in which I reign, the fire element, Pyrus. This universe is known as Vestroia. It is my dwelling and of recent times the natural balance of my home is waning. It and every Bakugan that lives within the universe is in danger of total destruction. I have taken it upon myself to end whatever is the cause of this imbalance. This game that you humans play has become a war and it seems you have been thrust in the epicenter of it. Our fates are intertwined."

Dragonic Overlord states this as he sat on Kai desk whilst she sat on her desk chair in front of him, listening intently at the new revelations.

"If this disaster is currently happening in Vestroia, why are you here?" Kai asked.

"It was not my decision to come to your world, I was merely dragged from mine to yours." Dragonic Overlord reveals, "That changes nothing though. I must find my second in command and end all of this before it is too late."

"Your second in command?" Kai asks.

"Dragonoid. A faithful companion of mine. A powerful subject with an honorable undying loyalty that earned him his position as my second. He is the only Bakugan I trust. The only one I can rely on." Dragonic Overlord stated.

"This was just supposed to be a hobby..." Kai mutters with a sigh, processing the new information and folding her arms, "Alright, where can we find this second in command of yours?"

"You will help me? You will fight by my side?" Dragonic Overlord asks in surprise.

Kai shrugged with a bored gaze, "It'll keep me busy."

Dragonic Overlord was amused by her nonchalance and he would be smirking if it could be seen from his current mini-figure form.

"Well, I currently do not know his current location." Dragonic Overlord reveals, "I have no doubt that he is alive, but in my current state I cannot locate him. My powers are inhibited because of this wretched form, and it seems I am allowed to truly unleash only through these brawls."

"When we fought against Shuji." Kai noted and Dragonic Overlord nodded.

"Domineering over that pathetic excuse for a commander was a true showcase of my power." Dragonic Overlord stated, "Normally I could sense Dragonoid's presence and locate him instantly, but this form will not allow me to do so."

"If your power is inhibited then most likely Dragonoid's is too." Kai said, considering their options, "Could we be able to find him if he was in a brawl?"

"Possibly." Dragonic Overlord said with a nod, "It could be vice versa in all honesty. My power is large and noticeable enough for Dragonoid to locate and track just as his is as well."

Kai smirks, "Then that's all there is to it. We just have to keep brawling for a better chance of Dragonoid finding us. We would climb the ranks of this whole game, getting our names out there to other Bakugan players. That way we can have the possibility of Dragonoid finding us through your power or through the person he might've partnered up with."

"Yes, an excellent strategy." Dragonic Overlord commends, impressed with the plan, "I am happy to have found such a capable commander."

"Don't try to appeal to my ego just yet. I still have a lot to learn about all of this." Kai dismissed, but she did smile down at him, "Although, I'm glad I found a Bakugan capable of helping me."

Dragonic Overlord nods, appreciative of their partnership and invigorated to have a plan in mind. The plan not only being beneficial to them, but exciting his prospects of crushing and domineering over more Bakugan and their humans.

"Then it is decided." Dragonic Overlord stated, "To bring peace to the world of Bakugan we shall do it through sheer conquest and domination."

Kai smirks, "Dragonic Overlord, my friend. I do like the sound of that."


Over the coming days, Kai Kuso was the talk of the Bakugan town. Her name was spreading throughout the wider Bakugan community with many accounting how she was a champion in the making.

To describe her, many would refer and exaggerate how she was a beautiful angel of a young woman in looks, but her Bakugan and the way she brawled was a demonic and nightmarish experience to face off against.

She was good at the game. Too good. So good that her rank skyrocketed through the charts and the worldwide rankings were in shambles with how fast she was destroying her way to the top.

This, of course, drew the attention of a lot of players to her name. Many players, both of low and high rankings, were hearing about the Conquering Queen of Bakugan and this basically put a target on her back.

Ever since she had started playing the game, she had not lost a single match, and many that had fought her were forced to accept and recognize the gap in skill and power she had over them.

The target was growing larger and larger and many of a higher ranking were curious and enticed with the prospect of being the first to knock her down a peg. The first to bring defeat upon the Conquering Queen.


RiskyRuno11: "Who the heck is she? Like, she just appeared out of nowhere and she's already ranking up this high!?"

KidChaosLOL: "I heard she's got a powerful Bakugan that no one's ever heard of..."

NutzDeep69: "Man she was a real beauty the first time I'd seen her. I mean sure she didn't even try to acknowledge me and kicked my butt in more ways than one, but she was beautiful while she did it!"

AllyWay100: "She beat me so bad, man. And she called our brawl a boring waste of time after! Strong people are a special kind of mean."

Flame-Chan: "Heard she used Pyrus, maybe this time I could have an actual challenge."

KingKlaus34: "This beauty must be a sight to behold. I do relish the day we meet."

Superfan101: "Let's goo Conquering Queen!"

LeoLand1999: "That Bakugan of hers was straight out of a nightmare. It just ain't fair how strong that thing was!"

JamaJam: "No, but seriously, who is she? And what the heck was her Bakugan?"

DanTheMan243: "Kai!?"


The final bell to the local high school rang that afternoon, signaling the end of class for the students and teachers. Many went about their day, either running out of the school or walking out alone or with friends.

Kai and Miwa were no exception as they walked out of the building, Miwa ranting and raving about the long day they had and Kai staying silent as she listened.

"And to top it all off, I can't even nap with how much homework we got today." Miwa complained with a groan.

"33 pages aren't that bad." Kai commented.

"Uggghhhh..." Miwa let out, his groan over exaggerated as he slumped in his steps, but then he perked up when he spotted a familiar sight, "Huh?"

They both stopped and looked on at the person standing in front of the school gates with his arms folded and glaring at them.

"Dan?" Kai asked with a raised eyebrow, "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Danny boy, how's it hanging?" Miwa greeted with a wave and a smile.

"Follow me." Dan told them as he turned and started walking at a set direction.

Kai and Miwa looked at each other confusedly, but started to follow him nonetheless. Their walk wasn't long and all three of them ended up at the courtyard of the park.

Kai and Miwa were still confused as they watched Dan start to angrily pace back and forth in front of them.

"I was there. I was there! I was one of the freaking firsts! Bakugan was my game! The game where you could call me champ! Sure, I'm not the best right now, but I'll be number 1! Believe me, I will!" Dan ranted.

Kai blinked at the mention of the game, "You play Bakugan?"

"What a small freaking world!" Miwa exclaimed with a laugh, "Kai just started playing a few days ago too. I don't know how many brawls she's been in at this point, but there were so many that I lost count and guess what, she hasn't lost a single one! Everyone she went up against always ended up running with their tails tucked between their legs, man, it's hilarious how confident they are when they challenge her and a split second later they look at her like she's straight out of a nightmare."

Dan stopped pacing as he gave Miwa a deep glare that burned with anger, but Miwa failed to notice as he continued on.

"And no you're saying that you play too? Gosh! Maybe I should get into it, but I doubt I'd get far seeing as how Kai is a literal monster at the game already." Miwa said with a laugh, "Maybe she could teach you a trick or two, Dan-"

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" Dan shouted, Miwa jumped in surprise as Dan pointed at Kai with his glare now directed at her, "Kai! I challenge you to a brawl! You and me! Right here! Right now!"

"Why?" Kai asked with her arms folded.

"Because for some reason, everyone thinks you're better than me at the freaking game! If you check the global ranking right now, you're gonna see your name a rank higher than mine!" Dan shouted.

"And she just started." Miwa adds.

"Yeah! And you just freaking started too!!!" Dan shouted, but then he glared at Miwa, "Shut up, Miwa!"

"You're challenging me over a tantrum?" Kai asked with a raised eyebrow.

Miwa chuckled, "Now you really gotta fight him, Kai. I don't think the little man's pride would let him live this down."

Kai glanced at Miwa then looked back to meet Dan's glare. She saw the brazen anger and determination in them, telling her that he was absolutely not going to back down.

Kai sighed, "Fine."

Dan smirked, "Alright! You're so toast!"

The two prepared their brawl as they stood at odds of each other with their cards in hand, Miwa sitting on a bench as he watched them from the sidelines.

They held out the cards and flipped them over as their attributes glowed with both of them letting out their shouts, "Field Open!"

The world began to slow down and time soon came to a halt as a white light enveloped them.


"Gate Card set!"

Upon the entrance of the brawling world, both Kai and Dan set their Gate Cards and said cards enlarged at opposite ends of each other.

Kai: 0

Dan: 0

"Hmm..." Dragonic Overlord hummed as he floated above and sprang open above her shoulder.

"Well, this is a surprise." Kai comments, noticing him, "You never usually pop out like this. You find this matchup interesting or are you just eager to see me put my little brother in his place?

"Spare me the theatrics, Kai. I take no interest in you humans and your petty squabbles." Dragonic Overlord told her.

"Then what is it?" Kai asked.

"That boy...I sense a great and familiar power emitting from him." Dragonic Overlord stated, staring at Dan, "Be wary for he has a powerful Bakugan by his side."

"Noted." Kai said as she started off the game, "Bakugan brawl!"

Kai threw one of her Bakugan and it landed on her card, "Stand!"

Popping open as it landed and transforming in a red blaze. Stepping out of the blaze was a red knight in shining armor with a silk cape and his hands was a long and sharp lance.

Siege: 400G

"Pyrus Siege with 400Gs" Dan's watch analyzed and he looked up at the imposing knight staring down at him in awe.

"A-Awesome...I heard about them, but I've never seen one in person..." Dan muttered, but then he got angry at himself at being impressed by one of her sister's Bakugan, "What am I saying!? That doesn't matter right now! But, dang it! That's so not fair! How'd you get such a cool Bakugan when she just started playing!?"

"Get on it with it already." Kai told him, "I'm not mom, don't expect me to entertain your tantrums for any longer."

"I'll make you eat those words, you jerk!" Dan shouted as he grabbed one of his Bakugan, ready to throw it, but was stopped by his partner.

"Dan, wait." Dan's partner, Drago, told him as he floated up above his shoulder and opened up, "Be careful with this one, Dan. I can feel a nightmarish amount of power exuding from one of her Bakugan."

"Is it the Bakugan everyone online that lost to her were talking about?" Dan asked.

"That could be the case." Drago replies with a nod.

"Ahh, don't worry, Drago. With you fighting with me, it doesn't matter what cracked monster she pulls out. We'll beat her and her stupid Bakugan." Dan stated with a smirk.

Drago hummed unsurely, 'Why does this power seem so familiar though?'

"Bakugan brawl!" Dan shouted as he threw his Bakugan to his card and it landed, "Bakugan, stand!"

In a red flash, Dan's Bakugan transformed into a large slithering snake with a yellow and scaly belly, a red back with yellow marking travelling along its back.

Serpenoid: 320G

"Conquer the fledgling." Dragonic Overlord stated and Kai smirked in agreement.

"Bakugan brawl!" Kai stated as she throws another one of her Bakugan onto Dan's card and it popped open, "Bakugan stand!"

The Bakugan transformed in a red flash and revealed itself to be an ogre-like monster with a large mace studded with lethal spikes to attack its foes. Spiky horns cover its head and shoulders as a dense armor covered its body and legs.

Warius: 350G

"Another one I haven't seen before..." Dan mutters.

The battle ensues with Warius swinging his mace at Serpenoid, but the attack was dodged and Serpenoid attempted to slither around Warius' body, but that was intercepted by Warius grabbing Serpenoid by the neck and slamming it down, raising his mace over the snake Bakugan's skull.

"Gate Card open!" Dan shouted, "Fire Pit!"

The Gate Card opened with a flash under Serpenoid and Warius, increasing their G-Power.

Warius: 490G

Serpenoid: 460G

"No!" Dan shouted with wide eyes at the result of the increase.

"Close, but no cigar." Dragonic Overlord comments.

Warius slammed the mace into Serpenoid's mouth and raised the snake up by the mace. He spun Serpenoid around and tossed him towards Dan, just as Serpenoid transformed back into a ball, landing at his feet with a roll.

The Gate Card disappeared and Warius transformed back into a ball, falling back into Kai's hands.

Kai: 1

Dan: 0

"You're being too overzealous, Dan. Keep our attributes in mind." Kai told him.

Dan grit his teeth angrily, "Shut up and brawl!"

He grabbed his next Bakugan and threw it at Kai's card. It landed and in a red flash, transformed to reveal itself to be a Saurus.

Siege: 400G

Saurus: 380G

"Alright, then." Kai comments, "Gate Card, open! Gate of Fire!"

With a flash, the Gate Card open under the Bakugan and their G-Power increased based on their similar attributes.

Siege: 550G

Saurus: 530G

"Lay it down, Siege!" Kai commanded.

Siege shot forward towards Saurus, ready to pierce him with his spear.

"Ability Card activate! Legends of Fire!" Dan shouted, as he activated the card.

Siege: 550G

Saurus: 690G

"Turn the tide, Saurus!" Dan shouted with a smirk.

Saurus grabbed Siege's spear, stopping him in his tracks. He raised his fist and aimed a devastating punch towards Siege.

"Ability Card activate! Legends of Fire!" Kai announced, boosting Siege's power.

Siege: 710G

Saurus: 690G

Their battle raged on as Siege blocked Saurus' punch with arm, reeling his head back and shooting forwards to hit Saurus with a head-butt that knocked him back and sent him stumbling. Siege spun his spear and leapt up towards Saurus, prepared to bring it down for a devastating stab.

"Ability card activate!" Dan shouted, raising another card, "G-Power Boost!"

"Dan, wait-" Drago tried to warn.

"He's wasting both of them..." Kai muttered.

"Desperation." Dragonic Overlord states.

Siege: 710G

Saurus: 750G

Saurus caught the spear just in time as he glowed a red and fiery aura. He pulled Siege in by the spear, reeling his head back in preparation. Once Siege was close enough, Saurus head-butt him this time and Siege flew back as he transformed back into a ball and landed by Kai's feet with a roll.

Dan caught the ball that was now Saurus and smirked confidently once the Gate Card disappeared.

"Not so hot now, are ya?" Dan asked arrogantly, as Kai picked up her fallen Siege.

Kai: 1

Dan: 1

"Dan, that was too reckless!" Drago reprimands.

"What's the big deal? I won us a point didn't I?" Dan asked.

"Yes, congratulations, Dan! You wasted two ability cards on a single point whereas she still had the advantage of having two! What are you going to do for the next two points!?" Drago asked.

"We don't have to worry about that since you're next." Dan said as he smirked at Drago, "We don't even need an ability card this round since you're gonna sweep anyway."

"Your overconfidence is your detriment Dan." Drago tells him, closing up into a ball.

"I don't know the meaning of the word." Dan tells him as he threw another Gate Card, "Gate Card set!"

"That must be his ace." Kai comments, watching Drago fall into Dan's hand.

"An ace or a dud, that matters not to me." Dragonic Overlord stated as he closed up into a ball and fell into her hand, "I will crush them all the same."

Kai smirked at that, matching Dan's confident one as they stared each other down. With one Gate Card, separating them, the siblings prepared their Bakugan for battle.

"Bakugan Brawl!" The both of them shout and throw their Bakugan.

Dragonic Overlord and Dragonoid roared in unison as they were thrown and they clashed in a bright and fiery clash on the card.

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