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If Jimin was a storm, bolts of lightning shocking the sky, thunder shaking the earth in its wake, rain and winds blinding as it whipped through towns and cities uncaring of the damage left behind so long as it did what it wanted, then Namjoon was a summer day.
Warmth radiated from his being like that of the sun's rays resting upon ones back. His presence brought comfort to her, like a summer night's breeze carding its fingers through her hair.
She could sit with him for hours not exchanging a single word between them and still fall deeper in love.
Thinking back to his idea of them living together, she recalls a place she once settled in years ago.
It was a quaint, little cottage resting atop a hill deep in the mountains of Eros, a little village in the town of Ares, behind it were fields of grass that extended so far it made her think she was in the middle of nowhere.
The best part was the sea, she had the most magnificent view of the blue expanse that glittered as the sun rose and dipped from the horizon.
He would love it.
They could sit together on the roof of the cottage and sip tea as they watched the clouds drift lazily by.

Despite a future together sounding seemingly impossible to her, as she would have to tell him the truth one day and feared the reaction he would give, she shoves those thoughts aside for now.

Maybe they could get a dog or dogs, perhaps even try farming.

She laughs at the image of him in worn overalls and a straw hat chasing sheep into their pen.

Her laughter catches his attention and he's raising an eyebrow in question, quickly fixing his composure as the customer he deals with gives him an odd look.
She shakes her head sighing contently.

She's just about to get off her lunch break, gathering her untouched lunch as she packs it away when a violent shiver runs down her spine.

A chilling sensation washes over her entire body and her hands begin to shake.

What was that?

Glancing around at her surroundings she finds the store bustling with people all buried in books or their phones.

Why did it feel as though she were being watched?

Her mind flashes back to those golden-honey eyes, feral in their hunger as they would rake over her form.

Shaking her head she takes a deep breath.

There's no way, he's gone. It's just a nightmare now.


Later that evening, after closing shop and having dinner at a nearby restaurant, she and Namjoon are at his apartment complex lying on the roof, stargazing.

Or at least attempting to as five minutes ago Namjoon had accidentally tipped over the telescope and lost the lens.

He scratches his head sheepishly as he smiles at her, "I guess we can just... look at the sky without it".

She chuckles before plopping on the blanket they had spread out and patted the spot beside her.
He grins as he sits down, leaning against her.

Her heart flutters at the warmth of his body, she chances a glance at him and finds him looking up at the night sky.

The moon isn't out tonight and the stars are glimmering beautifully.

She thinks back to their conversation about moving in together and recalls the home she missed in the mountains.

"I was thinking about places we could move to," she says slipping her hand into his.

He hums in response, waiting for her to continue.

"And there was this place I spent a lot of time in, it was where I found the utmost peace and happiness," she thinks back to that little cottage buried between the mountains.

It truly was a happy time for her, in all her centuries of despising eternity, that place was the only one that held happy memories for her, memories that didn't include Jimin or the carnage that followed him.

"I think you told me about that once, the one where you and your family lived for a while?" he says tilting his head as he eyed her curiously.

"Ah yeah, my family," she says heart sinking a little.

In their earlier stages of dating he had inquired about her family and while she did tell him about them, she shoved any memory she had left of their gruesome deaths behind merely covering it up with a fake story of how they had died in a fire and she was the sole survivor.

Noticing her downcast expression he panics "I didn't mean to bring it up I'm sorry"

"No it's okay, it's all in the past now. I should be able to talk about them without feeling this way by now" she smiles.

He sighs untangling their intertwined hands to sit in front of her, gently placing her face between his hands, he leans in and presses their foreheads together.

"Feelings like those, especially after what you've been through don't leave you that easily and I want you to know that it's okay for you to get frustrated and cry sometimes. So long as you don't keep them bottled up. I'll always be here for you, to listen to you and comfort you".

Her heart skips a beat, breath caught in her throat at the sincerity in his words.

Her eyes sting as tears begin to blur her vision.

Nothing could have prepared her for the amount of love she would receive from this being. They had only been together for three years and yet she feels as though she's known him for lifetimes.

She wishes she could have him for lifetimes.

"I love you" she manages to say through choked sobs.

He breaks out into a beautiful smile and pulls her close hugging her tightly.

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