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October 11th, 1623

Another distasteful quality she learns about Jimin is that his appetite for blood was insatiable.

While he drank from her periodically, whether she allowed him to or not, he indulged himself, allowed his greed to consume him, and left behind a trail of bodies in his wake.

They left the castle behind years ago, moved to Prague where he picked up on a new lifestyle.

He flaunts about, joining groups of elites in high society and invites them to parties.

Parties he hosts in locations that can easily be disposed of, burned down to rid him of any evidence.

She hates it, hates the blood baths she's forced to witness as he bleeds them all dry.

They scream, beg for help, reach out to no avail.

The look of horror on all their faces keeps her awake at night.

On some occasions, he forces her to join him. Knowing how weak she was at the sight of blood he would taunt her, tempt her until her mind went blank and the next time she awakens she's covered in red, drunk on the metallic taste of them. Their empty eyes sent fear corroding through her body. The guilt would tear her apart. She'd scream, cry, beg for forgiveness but no one heard, no one cared.

She especially hated when he would come to her whether it be midnight, or at the peak of dawn.

Her senses would be on high alert of something watching her and when her body jolted awake, breaking out in a cold sweat, he would be there. Watching her, that sickening look in his eyes.

Sometimes he wouldn't speak, merely stare but other times words of love and desire would spill from his lips as she sat there, terror in her heart.

If this was love, then she wanted no part of it. For it was maddening, deteriorating, cruel.

Prague bores him after only a year of being here and he's already planned where he wants to build a new home in some other country she could care less about.

It goes on like this for decades, the constant moving and bloodshed whenever he went. It drives her over the edge.

She can't keep track of how many times she's tried to end her existence, knowing it to be impossible.

For every time her eyes opened after another failed attempt at leaving eternity behind, he's there, waiting. Beautiful lips pulled into a smirk.

And each time, he'll come up to her and wrap his arms around her, encase her in a bone-crushing hug. Whispering in her ear the words she hates the most.

"You can never leave me".


If there's someone she hated just as equally as she did Jimin, then it would be Kim Taehyung.

The reckless, impulsive cousin of the other.

Taehyung was always by his side, his soulmate he had once referred to Jimin as.

Did they even have souls? she wondered as she glared daggers into his face.

She would later find out that it was Taehyung who suggested to Jimin that he turn her into one of them forcefully if she rejected him again all those years ago.

She hated being in the man's presence, he had an unpredictable aura to him and his eyes, those hazel eyes that stared at her like that of a starved animal, would follow her every move the moment she walked into the room.

His eyes held a disturbing look in them, a carefully contained yet desperate look that suffocated her whenever Jimin had left them together for even a mere minute.

It was obvious, the way he spoke to her, the softness in his tone, and the gentle caress of his hand as he'd brush strands of hair away from her face, that the man was smitten by her as well. Though she doubts Jimin would take kindly to this knowledge.

She hated to admit that despite how much she despised Jimin, she'd rather him over Taehyung. For Taehyung's rage was even worse than the latter.

She had witnessed it at one of their "extravagant parties".

She had been sitting away from the sounds of obnoxious laughter and the nauseating scent of alcohol on one of the tables in the far back of the ballroom. Jimin was conversing eagerly with a group of people he had met earlier that morning by the bar and she rolls her eyes in annoyance for she knew what was to come. Every single person with a beating pulse in this room would be soaked in their own blood by the end of the night, dead.

When the noise begins to irritate her she stands abruptly, causing Jimin to whip his head in her direction, catching her eye he smirks before sending her a wink and continuing his conversation.

She stalks off towards the back hallway leading to the many rooms lined up on each side, deciding to rush into a random one in hopes of being able to drown out the blood bath that was sure to ensue once Jimin became bored of the party.

Shutting the door she sighs out in relief and is about to plop onto the bed when she hears a low giggle coming from the balcony.

Startled she tiptoes towards it and peers through the small window near it. She sees a woman standing by the ledge.

She's beautiful, her hair is raven black, curled, and short as it rests upon her shoulders. Her eyes are big and brown and her lips are curved into a mischievous grin as she looks rather playfully at something in front of her.

Another figure comes into view and she immediately recognizes it as Taehyung.

He shares the same playful expression as he closes in on her and traps her between his arms.

She laughs as a rosy pink blush spreads across her cheeks and Ye Rin wants to scoff at how easy it was to sway humans. Not that she hadn't been one, but surely she was warier of strange men, even so, look where that landed her, she thinks bitterly.

They're mumbling, speaking in hushed tones and he tries to kiss her a few times, each time she shies away. Ye Rin can see the frustration building up in him from the way his expression twists and his shoulders stiffen.
It's when the girl attempts to pull out of his embrace that she finds she can't.
For he merely stands there, a mad grin on lips as he holds her in place.
She begins to panic, begs him to let go and he throws his head back, laughing.
She threatens to scream and his grin only widens.

In one quick motion, he bares his fangs and sinks deep into the girl's neck, she can't process it at first. The girl merely stares forward in shock until her face screws up in pain and her knees go weak. She lets out a deafening scream that has him pulling back in disdain.
"Shut up!!" he roars grabbing a fist full of her hair and tugging it back harshly. Slamming her head into the stone ledge she swears she hears the girl's skull crack.
The woman is barely conscious but still alive as he hoists her body over the ledge and holds her there.
She hangs precariously shaking as blood seeps down her face.
"You squirm too much," he says before letting go.
There's no sound for what feels like a long minute before Ye Rin hears a barely audible thud.
She shivers at the look on the other's face.

He looks bored like he hadn't just murdered someone.

Then without warning, as if he knew of her presence the entire time, his eyes flit over to the window and lock with hers.

She's frozen in place, staring at the grotesque sight of him covered in blood. That look of unhinged desire in his eyes as he licks the blood that splattered on his wrist.

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