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Misfortune had a way of following her.

Like shadows lingering behind you, waiting silently to be known.

Like that unfortunate night, she had stumbled upon that monster in those woods all those decades ago. 

And even now, centuries into the future, where life had felt so good that she had expected it to be a dream all along and one day she'd wake up and find herself staring into golden honey irises, watching her with that suffocating look of desire.

Except that those eyes are colored crimson, dark slits fervently devouring her where she stood frozen. 

His eyes are dull, lifeless, cold.

His body hangs limp in the arms of the other, his skin is sickly pale and he gapes painfully.

Before her, resembling a scene in one of those horror films she enjoyed so much, was Namjoon, half drained and weakened in the arms of Jimin. His head is buried in the other's neck and all she can do is watch, fear churning in her gut.

Park Jimin, the man who had taken her life and kept her like a prized possession, the man who she had buried in that crypt centuries ago, now stood in front of her.

The scent of Namjoon's blood is so intoxicating she can almost taste it.

Her heart sinks the moment Namjoon spots her, weakly stretching a hand out to her. This snaps her from her daze as she rushes forward screaming in fear. She vaguely registers the tears that have slid past her eyes.

Slamming into them they topple to the floor where she's quick to grab Namjoon and haul his body away from Jimin who merely chuckles as he wipes his lips.

"Ye Rin" comes his soft voice, that horrid tone of longing clinging to each syllable of her name.

"I've missed you" he smiles, leaning back on his hands.

The sight of him before her terrifies her to the point where she can only stare in horror.

Namjoon is breathing heavily as he lies against her lap.

"What have you done!?" she screams as a sob rips through her throat. Jimin merely frowns mockingly as he tilts his head.

"What do you mean Rin-ah? I was merely having a meal, you know, like old times?" he smiles wickedly.

Like old times she thinks as flashes of his blood-stained parties play out before her eyes. The bodies, the blood, the drunken daze of a blood-induced high.

"Why are you here?" she asks voice low, hand gripping Namjoon's shirt so tightly her knuckles turn white.

"You mean how did I escape? Honestly Rin-ah, how could you do that to me, I was so hurt" he grabs at his chest playfully.

"Shut the fuck up!!" she screams feeling her head throb. Below her Namjoon's breath was becoming short and labored as he reaches a hand up panicked and grabs her.

Tears are pooling down her face as she takes a hold of his hand, "you'll be f-fine, I'm here n-now. You'll be okay!" she half screams. There's a resigned look in his eyes and she shakes her head stubbornly, "don't look at me like that, please! we'll get you to a hospital and you'll be okay!!".

Jimin scoffs in annoyance as he stands, dusting his pants, and leans against one of the stock shelves.

"Do you really think that he still loves you now that he knows what you truly are? Humans are weak, frail little beings that flit about like butterflies locked in a cage that is their own mortality. We are superior, immortal beings, what could that human give you that I can't? Surely not all of eternity" he grins wickedly. 

Her stomach knots in discomfort as she squeezes Namjoon's hand, he was right. Humans were delicate, soft beings that lived despite their limited time in this world. Namjoon was no exception, and regardless of it, she loved him. Saw with him a life where she felt loved and free. "I love him" she merely says noting the way the smile slips from Jimin's lips, a crack in his ever so smug demeanor.

"I love you" he states glassy eyes never leaving hers.

"I don't love you" she spits with as much venom as she can put into her voice.

"You do love me, you didn't kill me, if you hated me I'd be dead" he reasons and she can see how delusional he was from the way he nods to himself as though attempting to convince himself it was true.

"No" she grits out, "I wanted you dead, it was Taehyung who suggested we put you to sleep".

He stills, eyes never leaving her.

"No, you do love me, you always have" he kneels as he inches closer to her, desperation in those crimson eyes.

"Don't come any closer!!" she yells, embracing Namjoons's body as he shivered violently.

"Joon" she sobs taking his face in her hands, "please, you have to stay awake. Don't close your eyes" she begs.

Namjoon looks up at her, a sad look in his eyes as he attempted to smile. Pulling his hand from hers he reaches up and places it against her face.

She leans into the touch, her tears land on his palm, and she can only stare into his dimming eyes.

She could turn him, she thinks as she looks down at the wound on his neck, she could easily bring him back to life but it would mean condemning him to eternity and she couldn't do that to him, not when it had taken so much from her.

Before her, Jimin can only watch in an odd, dazed state as though his mind were miles from here.

"Joon" she croaks, "I could- you can live again-" she starts but stops when he shakes his head. She knows it's futile, she knows it's selfish to hope that he would choose to turn, and yet she still finds that ugly slither of hope crawl its way up her chest.

"We can be together" she whispers watching as his eyes grew heavy.

"You and I for eternity" she continues foolishly, knowing she could never do it.

"We can live in the cottage by the ocean, the one I told you about" she sniffs as a smile tugs at his lips.

His pulse is faint, his once warm embrace now cold, empty.

"Don't leave me" she begs, watching as his eyelashes flutter closed and the last of his breath leaves his body.

The sound around her drowns out as her heart cracks in agony, her tears spill forth and land upon his face. Lifting her face to the ceiling she screams in grief ignoring the way her throat ached.

The sound of a faint huff snaps her from her screams, and she looks to find Jimin laughing hysterically as he leans back against the shelf.

Her head is pounding as she stares in disbelief.

"Do you see now Baek Ye Rin? He can never love you for eternity, I have always been here and I will always be here with you" he yells in between choked breaths.

The rage that overtakes her is volatile as she carelessly throws her body on top of Jimin and slams his head into the floor.

He laughs continuously despite it and she can feel the red bleeding forth from her eyes as she sinks her teeth into his neck harshly.

He gasps in pain but reaches up to card his fingers through her hair, "I've missed this" he sighs.

She ignores him, the taste of blood after centuries had her shivering violently as she drank greedily.

The moment he feels himself weakening he attempts to push her off, "Rin-ah, it's- stop you're taking too much-" he gasps as she sinks her teeth in further.

"YE RIN-" he screams as he shoves at her, she doesn't budge, too far gone in euphoria at the taste.

He sinks his nails into her scalp and tugs her off violently. It's then that she pulls back, ripping off a chunk of the skin on his neck. 

He's panting harshly, dizzy as blood spills from the wound

Without a second glance, she takes Namjoon's body and rushes out of the back room. He hears the shop bells rings loudly as she rushes outside.

Dizziness overcomes him as he falls back against the shelf as his eyes droop heavily. 

"Ye Rin" he mumbles before darkness overcomes him.

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