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It's easy to find her the second time around.

Considering she drank from him, he can sense her now. Her faint pulse beats from somewhere further ahead.

The walk up the grassy hill is painstakingly tiring and he huffs in annoyance when he finally spots the roof of a tiny cottage.

Eros was the name of the town, a rather quiet and secluded place, something he found rather distasteful. She always was a private person and he once believed that dragging her along on his midnight outings would open her up more, how wrong he had been, he thinks bitterly.

While the area was much too quaint for his liking, he cannot hide the warmth that blooms in his chest at the scenery before him. For it truly was a sight to behold.

The sky is doused in soft hues of blues and the clouds resemble brush strokes painted across the blue. Absentmindedly, he reaches a hand out towards it, as though hoping he could feel the coolness of the white against his fingers.

The grass surrounding the stone path he follows up the hill, is long, wispy, as it flows with every brush of wind. The air is warm, touseling his hair pleasantly and he can smell the salty sea breeze. This would perhaps be the closest he could ever come to living in one of the many paintings he once hung in his castle. He ignores the slight pang in his heart at the memory of his once lively home. 

The image of Taehyung's remorse-filled face would always haunt him.

As he nears the top of the hill, the cottage comes into view and he can practically smell her delightful scent. 

Before him, the sea roars as its waves dance together in harmony. The sun, glowing a soft yellow, reflects into the water and it leaves behind streaks of glimmering light.

He breathes it all in, sighing contently as he turns to face the cottage finding the thick wooden door already ajar.

She knew he would come. Why wouldn't she? They were bound together. They could feel each and every fiber within each other.

The cottage is cozier than he anticipates, the wooden floors are polished and glossy and there's a faint smell of lavender that welcomes him as he steps in. 

The moment his eyes land upon her, his heart flutters as though he were seeing her for the first time.


Her soft, brown hair is curled delicately as it rests against her shoulders, a cotton white dress hugs her comfortably as it lands at her feet. Her eyes are distant, staring off at the blank stone walls lost in a place he longed to be for if it meant she would think of him, even if for a fleeting second, then so be it.

"Ye Rin" he breathes out, resisting the desperation to reach out and feel her soft skin against the palm of his hand.

She takes a moment, before her statue-like demeanor shifts and she's finally looking at him. There's no anger, repulsion, rejection in her expression.

It's something he can't read, it's oddly calm.

"Jimin," she says, her voice is rough, sore as though overused. Her eyes are tired, sad.

"Why did you run away?" he barely whispers, afraid that she may break how fragile she appeared.

She huffs weakly, exhausted laughter leaving her lips.

"No matter where I go... you will always be there" 

He smiles daring to step closer, noticing her lack of reaction as he does he moves even closer.

Her scent is overwhelming and he can't help himself as he reaches out and brushes his fingers through her curls. "It's the providence of the universe, we are meant to be".

Tears begin to glimmer in her eyes as she places her hand over his and rests it against her cheek, nuzzling into his touch. This brings tears to his own eyes as he tugs her forth into a tight embrace.

She follows easily, sniffling as her face is buried in his neck and her arms are wrapped around him. 

Finally, at long last, he could cry out with joy. After centuries of pining and heartbreak, she had finally accepted him.

"I love you Ye Rin-ah"

There's a brief moment of silence where a warm breeze brushes past the open door harshly and he can smell the sweet grass from outside as he waits with bated breath for any type of response from her.

"I love you too Jimin" comes the sweet melody of her voice. 

Pulling away he meets her soft gaze as his tears cascade down his face and she laughs, a symphony to his ears before he leans forwards capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

Mine, he repeats like a mantra over and over in his head as his grip around her tightens and he deepens the kiss.

The moment feels like an eternity, the two of them embracing in a place he would learn to call home if only for her.

It's strange

The shift in her aura, it's dark, heavy. 


There's something pointed, prickling at his chest and before he can process it there's a sharp pain that shoots across his entire body. One that has him shoving her away violently.

She laughs a burst of hideous monstrous laughter that rings in his ears as dizziness overcomes him.

Protruding from his chest, dripping with the metallic stench of crimson, is a dagger. He glances up at her pained.

"Not again my love" he sighs wrapping his fingers around the dagger to pull it out when he notices a vial clutches within her grip. 

It drips onto the floor and he doesn't recognize it as her scent, no.

It's his own blood.

Glancing up at her in shock, she's smiling. A horrid, wretched grin stretched across the face he loves so much.

The reaction is instant, his legs grow weak as he drops to his knees onto the floor and coughs violently. His throat feels as though it's on fire and his chest is weighed down heavily as he hacks out a cough. Blood splatters across the glossy floors inches from her feet.

"W-why?" he manages to croak out.

"Why?" she tilted her head mockingly, "you took everything from me, you took my life, my parents, my one true love!!" she sobs as she screams the last part-out. "He was my joy, my heart, my moon and you killed him because of your sick, demented obsession with me!!".

Her words stung worse than the pain in his chest.

"WHY CAN'T YOU SEE MY LOVE FOR YOU!! Everything I've ever done was for you!! I killed people, built houses in extravagant cities, gave everything all for you, and yet you despise me so!" he screams as blood slips down his lips and he's left coughing heavily. 

"I DID NOT WANT THIS!!" she screams as she cries, dropping to her knees. "You killed my family and blamed me for it, you hurt me, and yet I was at fault! For all you have done Park Jimin you will never find redemption. For all this time I blamed and hated myself when I should have healed and nurtured myself. I felt guilt towards all those you've killed centuries ago believing it to be my own fault. I will never fall victim to you ever again" she sneers as she stands.

His vision is blurring, her tears streaked face going in and out of focus. "Was it Taehyung? Did he tell you how to- to kill me?".

"He did, a dagger through the heart, doused in the blood of the one whom you wish to kill. And that night, moments before he sealed your coffin closed, I filled a small vial with your blood and kept it hidden in this cottage. For I always knew deep down inside that I could never rid myself of you unless you were dead in front of my very eyes".

"So this is how you truly felt all along" he smiles as blood drips from his lips, his heartaches fervently as tears sting his eyes once more. "You could never love me" his voice cracks. It's becoming difficult to breathe and his limbs are feeling stiff. His blood was most likely nearly finished poisoning the entirety of his heart and soon he would die.

"Goodbye Park Jimin, I hate you with all of my heart" she sneers oh so cruelly, hatred seeping from those beautiful eyes. For just once, he wishes he could have seen love in them.

His body crumbles to the floor as a terrifying numbness creeps up his spine. He can only watch as her retreating figure stalks out of the house not once looking back. The image of her back towards him is engraved into his mind as his vision dims and darkness falls over his eyes.

His eternity slips past his lips, like a butterfly flitting away, in one final breath.

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