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"You, in my imagination.
Are so vivid,
As if you are right there,"

It's a familiar melody, one she had heard playing in a shop once years ago and could never quite forget. One that makes her think of warm brown eyes and a dimpled smile as she hums softly.

Before her, the sun begins its descent as it makes to dip below the horizon tugging along with it the once blue sky, now colored in hues of honey yellow, and amber.

"But I reach out my hand
And you suddenly disappear,"

If she had killed Jimin all those centuries ago, would things have ended differently? Would she be walking hand in hand with Namjoon towards the setting sun instead of kneeling before the patch of fresh dirt, a single rose in hand.

"Sealing my wounded heart with a rootless, leafless vow"

The nameless tombstone serves as a reminder that though he may be here, buried under the earth, lips sealed and heart frozen forever, his soul was long gone. For humans were butterflies, beautiful yet fleeting.

She's tired, exhausted to her very core. Lifetimes of blood-stained tears and regrets bleed off of her shoulders as she places the rose upon the ground.

"The fragrance I smell, the warmth I feel,
As long as it lasts, as long as it lasts"

Standing, she brushes her fingers against the tombstone.
"If only you could have seen it, you would have loved it" she mumbles, eyes drifting towards the sea.
"We would've watched the sunrise every morning and every night fall asleep to the moonlight splayed against our skin as we lay in each other's embrace".

"My beloved," tears gather at the corner of her eyes "my beautiful butterfly, how I long to slumber alongside you so that I may never have to live with the agony of your absence. For what good is a garden without its butterflies?".

"From all the memories stored in my heart
I gather up the ones of you, link them together,"

Wiping away the tears that slip past her eyes she walks over the ledge where the sea breeze caresses her face.
Memories of their moments together play out in her head like reels of an incomplete movie. Her heart is filled with both delight and grief for she had found love and was happy even if for a short while. She wouldn't trade those moments for anything in this world.

"I feel you with every burst of pain,"

Climbing atop the ledge she closes her eyes inhaling the scent of the salty sea.
Shakily she pulls a dagger from her pocket and cuts across the palm of her hand. Blood seeps from the wound and stains her white dress. Before the wound can heal she squeezes some of the blood onto the tip of the blade and poises towards her chest.

Finally, she thinks, an end to this never-ending nightmare.

The sound of his voice echoes in her head as he calls her name gently.

The tip of the blade stings against her skin and roughly she plunges it into her chest piercing her heart.
Gasping in agony the scenery before blurs as her tears pool forth. Her blood stiffens her muscles instantly and she can feel herself slipping off of the ledge falling towards the water.
The wind roars in her ears as she falls, the sky above is painted a soft rose pink melded together with pastel lilac.

"If tears can be measured, it took this long but
I've barely made it by your side,"

The moment her body hits the water she can no longer feel the coldness of it. She sinks as the sky above blurs out, blue water dancing across her vision.
She can feel it, the way her body begins to shut down, it's painful. Her chest is on fire and her hands itch to claw at her burning throat.

"I fall asleep with you vivid in my arms,"

He's there, like a beacon of light, like moonlight reaching out towards her. He watches, smiling so wide she can see his dimples. 

If not in this life, she promises, then in the next, may they find each other. As humans, as gentle butterflies flitting about in a garden, as ocean waves brushing against the shore. And may their days only be filled with happiness and love. May nothing ever tear them apart.
Her eyelids are growing heavy and the image of him blurs as they close. Her heart stops as the darkness falls over her. Death whisking her away as her last breath slips pasts her lips.

"I've barely made it by your side,
And found you".



Hello!! I hope you enjoyed my fic and thank you so much for reading <3

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