6|Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

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Jemisha didn't remember much. The last thing she saw was the inside of a griffin's mouth, utter darkness, her I-guess-they-classify-as-friends-now, and then exhaustion.

Pain registered in her brain from somewhere although it started to fade. Something that tasted like her tía's famous hand squeezed lemonade made its way into her digestive system.

"She's not being turned into ashes, so that's a good sign, right?" a voice that sounded like Ezra's asked.

When I wake up, I'm going to murder him, Jemisha told herself.

"I'd give her a little more," an unfamiliar voice said. "How did you say you met her again?"

Someone poured more of the lemonade into her mouth, and warmth spread through her body. She began to blink open her eyes and tried to sit up.

"As I said before, I was- Oh, she's awake," Ezra noticed.

A man with brown hair and a beard sat next to him in a wheelchair. "You should lie back down," he advised.

Blearily she nodded. "Ezra stole a car."

The man in the wheelchair gave him a stern look as Ezra smiled weakly at him. "What have I said about stealing stuff if it's not an emergency?"

"To do it?" he answered.

"Not to," the man corrected. He turned to Jemisha. "I'm Chiron. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

Jemisha blinked wearily. "Like the horse guy?"

"Like the centaur," he said. "How old are you?"

"14, almost 15," she replied. "Why?"

Chiron smiled. "No reason. Your godly parent is just a little late to claim you."

Jemisha's eyes widened as she sat up. "No."

"I'm afraid so."

"Aru, can you take me back to Atlanta away from these crazy people?" Jemisha asked, hoping that Aru could her even if she wasn't in the room.

Ezra smiled kindly. "It's not so bad. You get to see me all the time!"

"I know," she told him. "Why do you think I want to go back home?"

The door to the room opened and in came Aru, Brynne, Mini, and Aiden. They looked worried about something. Could it possibly be her they were concerned for?

"Are you okay?" Mini asked, rushing into doctor mode.

"We were so worried when the griffin charged at you," Aru said.

"Can you teach me how to summon a force field of shadows?" Brynne requested excitedly.

Chiron sent Ezra a questioning look. "You didn't tell me that part."

Ezra shrugged. "I was getting to it."

"Why don't you give them a tour of camp?" Chiron suggested.

Ezra smiled and helped Jemisha to her feet. "Sir, yes sir!"

The Potatoes, Ezra, and Jemisha walked out to start the tour. "Starting off, the house we just left is the Big House," Ezra introduced.

"It's a very big house," Aru noted, nodding her head seriously.

"Next up, we can visit the archery place I may or may not have forgotten the proper name of!"

They walked for a little while, Ezra telling them what everything was. Some of the new cabins, the sword fighting place he also forgot the proper name of, the lava rock climbing wall, etc... All in all, Jemisha found it to be a very fun place. Maybe she wouldn't be too disappointed about being a demigod.

When they arrived at the archery place, a group of people were practicing. Ezra turned around and presented it. "Welcome to the archery place! Okay, we can go now."

Before they could leave, a guy with blond hair who seemed to be in charge of the people practicing spotted them and walked up. "I see you brought new campers back?"

"Actually, 4 of them are just visiting," Ezra corrected.

"We're the Potatoes," Aru said.

"I'm the new camper," Jemisha replied.

The guy smiled. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. I'm Will Solace, son of Apollo. Have you been claimed yet?"

Jemisha shook her head. "Not yet. Maybe later."

"In that case, I hope you'll end up in Cabin 7," Will said before waving goodbye and getting back to his campers.

Jemisha turned to Ezra. "Where to next?"


After getting Aru away from the bows in arrows she wanted to try shooting and trying to keep Brynne fed, they finally made it to the pegasus stables. There was a guy with muscles and a face like a brick which didn't seem to match the care he used when brushing the pegasi and the rainbow tattoo on his arm.

A girl also stood there with the winged horses. She was beautiful with light brown hair that fell in gentle waves, her big brown eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. Clearly, she was a daughter of Aphrodite.

"Butch, hey! Good to see you, Fantine!" Ezra greeted.

"That's all I get? A hello?" Fantine complained. She gave Ezra a big hug that lasted a touch too long in Jemisha's mind.

Butch rolled his eyes at the two. "I'm Butch, son of Iris."

Aru grinned. "Do you know Space Unicorn?"

"Do I?" Butch asked, raising an eyebrow.

Brynne groaned before they started belting out the song.

"Space unicorn
Soaring through the stars
Delivering the rainbows all around the world."

"Will it ever end?" she complained.

Ezra heard them singing, and a mischievous glint entered his eyes. "Just wait until I tell Leo about this."

Butch narrowed his eyes. "You better not or I will throw you both off the roof of the Big House."

Fantine sighed. "Can't y'all just get along?" She turned to Aru and co. "Hello, I'm Fantine, daughter of Aphrodite."

"I'm Aru, and this is Aiden, Brynne, Mini, and Jemisha," Aru introduced.

"Beautiful names," Fantine complimented. "Have y'all been claimed?"

Brynne shook her head. "We're not actual campers. Only Jemisha is, and she still doesn't know."

"Hopefully we'll find out at the campfire tonight then," Fantine said.

A bell rang out across the camp, signaling that it was time for dinner. Butch and Fantine waved goodbye to them as the group walked towards some of the cabins.

"So who was that?" Jemisha asked Ezra.

He smiled. "Fantine? She's my girlfriend. She's amazing. You would be great friends with her."

Jemisha felt a stab of something in her heart. It was her fault really. She should have assumed so when she saw them greet each other.

Ezra seemed to be leading them to a group of people by a cabin that looked so old and worn that Jemisha was surprised it was still standing. The people seemed to be lining up at the order of a guy who was in charge. Most of them looked kind of like Ezra.

"Hey, Connor! I got a new camper and four guests," Ezra told the guy in charge. "They'll be staying with us for dinner."

Connor's eyes lit up. "Welcome to Cabin 11, aka Hermes' Cabin! We're so glad you're here. Question, do you have an extreme fear of spiders?"

"We shouldn't leave Aru in the hands of these people," Brynne told Aiden.


"Now fall in line so we can go to dinner," Connor instructed.

They did as they were told, and marched on to food. The dining pavilion was open to the sky with a fireplace smoking merrily. Brynne watched in confusion as people dropped food into it.

"It's an offering to the gods," Ezra said, expecting her question. "They inhale the smoke which smells good."

"Inhaling smoke can cause swelling in your trachea and lungs, and then you could die!" Mini shared.

With that fun fact in mind, Jemisha carefully took a sniff before giving an offering. It smelled of home, of the sea breeze and the sweet fragrance of the flowers her aunt grew in her little garden. She could see why a god might enjoy it. She threw in some of her strawberries, and turned to Ezra.

"Where are we sitting?" she asked.

Ezra smiled and guided them to the table with all his siblings. "You get to enjoy our company for the evening!"

Jemisha scrunched up her nose. "How fun."

"I promise we don't bite," one of Ezra's siblings told her, grinning. "We do, however, put shaving cream wherever possible, so watch out for that."

Aru smiled as she sat down. "Now these sound like my type of people!"

"If you give her any ideas about how to torture us, I will personally hunt you down," Brynne threatened.

Ezra's sibling's eyes glittered with joy. "That sounds like a challenge."

"Aiden, do you have any hand sanitizer? I used up all of mine," Mini said. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Thanks, Ammamma."

As everyone started to get comfortable, a sleepy camper stumbled by, their eyes half closed. A enormous yawn came out of their mouth that made Jemisha feel like she hadn't slept in years.

As they attempted to walk the camper stumbled into Aiden and took a seat at the end of their table. "Is this the Hypnos table?" they asked.

Aru shook her head. "I don't believe so."

"Well that's unfortunate," they said. And then they collapsed.

Mini looked on in concern and tried to take their pulse. "Oh good. They're still alive. What happened?"

Ezra shrugged. "That's just Reverie. They're probably just tired. Their father is the god of sleep after all."

"Lights out... Why dark?... Winged shadows," they mumbled, making no sense at all.

"We should probably take them back to their table," Ezra suggested as if this had happened a million times before. "Anyone volunteer?"


It seemed to take forever to get Legba back to their table in Jemisha's mind. Night had finally fallen, and the events that had happened today didn't seem all so crazy anymore. If she could just make it through make it through the campfire tonight without anything life threatening happening, she vowed to stay here for at least another day until she was able to fully take everything in.

"Will there be campfire songs?" Aru asked.

"And s'mores?" Brynne requested.

"What if something catches of fire?" Mini worried.

"Photo opportunities?" Aiden inquired.

"Would your head explode if I asked any more questions?" Jemisha questioned.

Ezra groaned. "Yes, my head would, so don't ask anymore questions especially since we're here now."

Jemisha looked up to see a roaring campfire with demigods gathered all around it. There were banners there that she guessed represented some of the cabins. It looked like there was one for Athena where all her kids sat, one for Ares, another for Demeter, etc... Jemisha wondered if she would be sitting with her half-siblings under a banner just like one of those. One could only dream.

Jemisha took her place on a bench next to Ezra with the Potatoes on her other side as a grumpy looking man with a leopard print shirt stood in front of the fire.

"Hello, I'm Mr. D as most of you all may know," the man introduced. "Today we have 4 special guests joining us today." He grabbed a piece of paper and cleared his throat. "Ari Shoo, Nini- I'm not going to read all of those last names- Adrien Arcade, and Brian Row. That is all." And then Mr. D walked away.

"He's strange," Jemisha commented.

"He pronounced my name wrong," complained Aru.

Mini snorted. "At least he didn't give up just after mispronouncing your first name."

Suddenly, an older girl with bright red hair stood up. Green smoke started pouring from her mouth and her voice seemed layered. Something was happening, and Jemisha could only stay where she was, panicking on the inside about what was going on.

"When the queen of darkness arrives,
Only a few shall strive.

Look for the thief, the queen,
The children with souls unforeseen.

Beware the traitor
And the choices that await her.

Bring back the light
Or be plunged in endless night."

The girl who had delivered the strange words swayed on her feet before a few campers helped her to her seat. She smiled wearily. "Looks like there's a new prophecy! How fun."

Ezra turned to the Potatoes and Jemisha. He opened his mouth to say something when his eyes trailed above Jemisha's head. It took her a moment to notice how the campfire seemed dimmer, how the whole world did. And when she looked up?

The faintly shimmering edges of a waning crescent moon and a dark star floated above Jemisha's head like a crown proclaiming her capable of a terrible things. She looked to Ezra to an explanation, but Chiron, now in his centaur form beat him to it.

"Jemisha Nightingale," Chiron proclaimed. "Daughter of Nyx."

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