7|Siblings Are Weird

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A cheer went up from two people by the back once it was announced who Jemisha's godly parent was. Ezra grinned while Mr. D didn't even react. Everyone else who'd been here had a bit of fear in their eyes like they were terrified but were trying their hardest not to show it. Even Chiron looked a little shocked, but he masked it quickly.

"This so cool," Ezra exclaimed. "I've always wanted to be friends with a child of Nyx since the other two showed up! I tried talking to them, but they don't trust me for some reason."

Jemisha rolled her eyes. "I can't imagine why. And what do you mean by 'the other two'?"

"There's only two other children of Nyx that have been at Camp Half-Blood besides this one who popped up a little bit before World War 1 started," he replied. "Speaking of, here comes your newest siblings now!"

As people started to whisper about the new prophecy, the two people that cheered earlier walked up to Jemisha. They both had skin darker than what she had seen before, silver eyes, and looked around 17. One of them had her hair in braids with the upper layer of them twisting into a bun of her head while the other one had short curly hair and seemed to be studying her.

"I'm Cynthia, and this is my brother, Otieno," the girl introduced. "It's good to meet another child of Nyx. Come with us."

Otieno smiled kindly at her as the two guided her to where they were siting. "Tell us about yourself." It wasn't a request.

Jemisha imagined herself sounding strong like she belonged here. In front of these people who were her supposed to be her siblings, she felt out of wack. "Well, my name is Jemisha, and I'm almost 15. I just moved from Hawaii, my dad's an astronomer, and that's all I can think of at the moment."

"That's really cool! What about your mom?" Cynthia asked.

Jemisha blinked and tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean? I thought Nyx was my mom."

A crease appeared on Otieno's forehead. She imagined he did that a lot since he seemed so much more serious than his sister. "Were you adopted?"

"No, not that I know of," she said, her fingers curling over the edge of the seat and slowly tightening her grip on it. "Why?"

"Well, most demigod children of Nyx were created from parthenogenesis. It's rare that she has one with a mortal." Cynthia explained.


"I'm sure it's fine. After all, you're just as much our sibling as Nyx is your mother."

Otieno placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it too much. It's time for the camp songs anyways."

Jemisha nodded. Despite how uneasy she felt, these strangers whom she was apparently related to made her feel more at home the longer she hung out with them. Somewhere in her mind, it felt like she was home. She gazed up at the faces of Cynthia and Otieno and felt a fierce protectiveness over them. And somewhere in the back of her mind she knew with absolute certainty they would die for her if it ever came to it and maybe she felt the same way.

"When life leaves you high and dry
I'll be at your door tonight
If you need help, if you need help
I'll shut down the city lights
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe
To make you well, to make you well."


After the campfire part ended, Cynthia and Otieno guided Jemisha to their cabin.

"It's beautiful," Cynthia said. "You'll love it there. The other cabins are nothing compared to it." Jemisha believed her.

The wood of the cabin was dark with a black roof, black Calla Lilies, and Queen of the Night tulips. The inside was pitch black with drawings and paintings Cynthia did and a projection of the night sky on the ceiling of every room. Jemisha stopped to marvel at it. "I can't believe you actually get to live here."

"Cabin 89 is our home, and now it's yours too," Otieno said.

"It's modeled after the House of Night," Cynthia told her. "Ooo! We should take you there sometime! It would be so fun!"

"We can go there?" Jemisha asked, a little dazed from all that was happening.

Otieno gave her a light smile. "Do you want to play a board game? It'll be a while before we get tired."

Cynthia practically radiated joy. "I'll go get my drawing supplies!"

"Do you have Monopoly?" Jemisha asked.

For the rest of the night Jemisha and Otieno played board games while Cynthia drew Jemisha's picture.

And they all lived happily ever after.

*Art found on internet, not drawn by me

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