8|There's a Fashionista in My Dream!

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Wait, no they didn't.

After Jemisha had been claimed, Aru sat there not exactly knowing what she was supposed to be doing. "So what now?" Aru asked Mini and Brynne via the mind link.

"I'm not exactly sure," Mini replied.

"Who is this Nyx person anyways and why is she so important?" Brynne asked.

"Nyx was the personification of night in Greek mythology. She is one of the oldest beings in the world and a little creepy too if you ask me," Mini informed them.

Aru shivered. "No wonder she seemed so weird when we first met her."

"How do you know all this?" Brynne asked.

Mini looked confused. "You don't study other mythologies fully knowing they could be real?"

"Well when you put it that-"

"So, where will we be staying tonight?" Aru asked Ezra, trying not to pay attention to the potential argument.

"I- I'm not exactly sure," he admitted.

Chiron walked (or did he trot?) up to them in his horse form. Aru wasn't exactly sure the correct way to say all this stuff. Was she accidentally insulting him?

"You all will be staying in the Big House until farther discussion," he told them. She could almost see the unspoken words going through his mind.

Aru smiled to appear normal and not freaked out. "Let's go then!"

They walked over to the Big House together, stopping every few seconds as people introduced themselves. "Are people always this friendly?" Aiden asked.

Ezra shrugged. "Most of them."

"Who was the girl with all the mist?" Mini asked.

"That's Rachael, our oracle. She delivers all the prophecies," he explained.

"I wonder who the queen of  darkness is," Brynne wondered through the mind link.

"I don't care as long as she's on our side," Mini replied.

Aru snickered. "Imagine if it was one of us."

"What's so funny?" Ezra asked, looking confused.

"Pandava mindlink," Aiden explained. "You get used to it after a while."

"I'm not even surprised at this point."

"What do you think the prophecy is about?" Mini asked Ezra.

"I'd say that it's a child of Hermes, the queen person or whoever they mentioned earlier, and y'all's souls are reincarnated, right?" They all nodded. "Then all y'all will probably go too. I'd say you'd probably have to defeat someone from mythology who either wants to do bathe the world in darkness or do something that result in that. Maybe Apollo is in trouble," Ezra guessed.

"Isn't he the god of poetry or whatever?" Aru asked.

"Among other things, yes," Aiden replied.

"Remember that time we visited Valmiki?" Mini asked.

Aru put up her most snootiest and sophisticated  expression. "If that is true, then I hate you." They dissolved into laughter.

Brynne elbowed Aiden. "Hey ammamma, we need to come up with our own inside jokes. There's no way I'm letting them hog all the fun."

Ezra's lips twitched in amusement as he watched them before going back to tour-guide mode. "Anyways, here we are. Do y'all have anymore questions?"

"Yes, when was the last time the rooms we're staying in were cleaned?" Mini asked.

"No questions? Great!"

Ezra guided them to a hallway in the Big House that looked shockingly plain. Aru expected something a bit more grand for such an important place. She hoped the room would be more interesting, but it proved to be just as much of a disappointment. It was sparse with just a small window, four beds, a dresser for each of them, and a bathroom. As horrible as it could have been, it actually looked pretty good although Aru secretly thought that she'd seen motels with more amenities. At least this one didn't come with free cockroaches as far as she knew.

"Brynne, Mini, Aru, y'all can stay here," Ezra informed them. "Aiden, you'll be right next door. See y'all in the morning!" He closed the door behind him to let the girls get situated as he showed Aiden where he'd sleep.

As soon as the door shut, Brynne collapsed onto her bed and started snoring. "It has been a pretty eventful day so far, hasn't it?" Mini asked. She gently put down her shoes by her bed and pulled the blanket over herself. "Night. Don't let the germs enter your body causing you to get sick and die."

"Don't you think that's a bit too long to say to someone before going to bed?" Aru asked as she laid down. Mini was silent. Aru glanced over to see her sleeping peacefully. Soon, she began to close her own eyes.


When Aru woke up in her dream, she was met by two smiling faces.

"Personal space please," Aru told them.

"Sorry to bother you like this, but I've had another prophecy," Sheela informed her.

Aru raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess. 'When the queen of darkness arrives, / Only a few shall strive. / Look for the thief, the queen, / The children with souls unseen. / Beware the traitor/ And the choices that await her. / Bring back the light / Or be plunged in endless night.' Is that the prophecy?"

"How'd you know?" Nikita asked her.

Aru shrugged. "I'm at a camp for demigods which has its own oracle. Apparently, most prophecies appear to be the same, vagueness and bad rhyming included."

"Can you name something better that rhymes with arrives?" Sheela asked. Aru froze for a moment while she tried to think. Eventually, she shook her head. "Then we'll let this one slide."

"Anyways, can we get back to the part about a camp for demigods?" Nikita asked, putting her hands on her hips. After Aru finished telling the twins the story of how she got where she was, Nikita smiled. "You know what this means, don't you? It's makeover time!"

Aru sighed as Nikita started designing clothes for the Potatoes, Jemisha, and Ezra. She and Sheela caught up as the fashionista worked. The dream workshop was a flurry of activity as Nikita conducted everything. Aru felt someone shaking her from what seemed to be from far away.

"Looks like someone's trying to wake you up," Sheela observed.

"The clothes will be delivered soon!" Nikita reminded her.

Aru was about to say goodbye when she was yanked out of the dream.


"Finally!" Brynne exclaimed. "You're impossible to wake up!"

"Thanks," Aru muttered as Brynne pulled her out of bed. She threw her over her shoulder and carried her outside the Big House.

Campers in orange shirts were running towards the boarder near Thalia's tree. They were all smiling like something exciting happened and they couldn't wait to see it. The girls met up with Aiden before following the crowd.

Next to the tree stood a guy with black hair, a girl with blond hair and a baseball cap in her hand. Three surprises were with them. Rudy, Kara, and Boo.

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