9|A Snake Guy, a Firebird, and a Random Girl

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Forget learning he was a demigod or loosing his memory, today had to be the most confusing day of Percy's life.

It started out like any other. Sally had dropped him and Annabeth off at Camp Half-Blood. They had just finished their first year of college at New Rome and were excited to return for some time to relax and spend with friends. Unfortunately, life seemed to have other plans.

At the bottom of Half-Blood hill there were two people. One had truly terrible fashion sense and a phoenix on his head. The other was pacing and twisting the ring on her finger. As Percy and Annabeth approached, he could hear snippets of their conversation.

"What if...?"

"... fine. Stop... much."

"... last time... like me."

"... go soon."

Percy wrapped his hand around Riptide in case he needed her. He really hoped these people weren't here to destroy camp. That had already happened way too many times. Come up with something original, villains!

"Hey!" Annabeth shouted before he had a chance to. "What are you guys doing?"

The phoenix squawked and fluttered its wings. "Going to camp," the guy responded cheerfully. "Also, what are your rules on murder?"

"I don't think we should let them in," Percy whispered loudly.

The girl looked at them with pleading eyes. "Please! I promise we won't do anything bad! I just want to see my sisters again."

Annabeth hesitated for a moment. "Fine. I mean, it's not like the barrier will keep you out anyways if you're not mortal or a monster."

"Kara?" the boy asked the girl. "You ready to see the rest of the Potatoes again?"

The girl, Kara, nodded nervously before starting up the hill. The guy climbed up after her but stopped. "Wait? Would I classify as a monster?" He shook his head. "Nah, probably not."

For the first time, Percy noticed little scales by his temples. He was surprised he hadn't seen them earlier and wondered what they could be. Unfortunately, he passed through the barrier without a problem, so Percy couldn't ask him about it.

"Rudy!" Kara snapped. "Hurry up!"

The guy, apparently Rudy, hurried to catch up with her, mumbling about how she wasn't the boss of him, and how she should be thanking him for this opportunity to talk to the other- potatoes? No, that couldn't be right. Why would Kara ever want to talk to a bunch of boring potatoes? Percy didn't think she was crazy.

"Percy, come on!" Annabeth yelled.

Ugh, now his girlfriend was doing it too? Kara better stop doing that sort of thing if it was going to influence her.

When Percy reached the top of the hill, he saw what they wanted him and Rudy to hurry for. Over a hundred campers waited at the bottom to see who was there. They seemed nervous but exhaled in relief when they saw two familiar faces. Some were still in their pajamas while others looked like they had changed quickly, some of their shirts inside out like they had grabbed whatever had been closest. Only a few had time to grab weapons which was good news for the people in the crowd, bad news if there had really been monsters attacking camp.

They started to go back to their cabins when they realized there was no danger. Only a few came rushing towards them, all of which were people Percy didn't recognize.

"Boo!" one of them yelled.

"If you're trying to scare me, you're going to have to do better than that," Percy told her.

Instead of responding, she fast walked towards Rudy. "How is he? When did you get him? Have you given him any Oreos?"

"Who's Boo?" Annabeth asked.

The girl smiled as the bird fluttered over to her head. "The phoenix, of course!"

Kara walked tentatively over to her. "Hi, Aru."

Aru stopped smiling. "Kara? You're not supposed to be here."

"Did something happen?" Mini asked.

"I- I'm not sure," Kara replied. "One moment I was in my room, getting ready for bed, when a sudden wave of memories hit me. I can't believe I forgot everything that happened."

The tallest of the group looked skeptical and for good reason. "You just got all of your memories erased by powerful magic back just like that? Aren't we supposed to be 'beware-ing the traitor'? Kara, how do we know someone's not trying to use you?"

"Wait a second, hold the phone! What the Hades is happening?" Percy asked.

"Seaweed brain, I think you interrupted a big moment for them," Annabeth informed him. "How about we go put our stuff away and ask someone to explain it to use later?"

Percy nodded, and she turned to the group of people having a dramatic moment. "So sorry about that. He's a bit of an idiot."


"If you need anything," she continued, "just ask for Annabeth or Percy."

She led him away, so Aru, Kara, Rudy, Boo, and the others could sort it out by themselves.

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