10. The Threat

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'Hope you liked my surprise Miss Song. Oh well, he isn't dead yet. Isn't that a good thing? Although, if I wished, killing him wouldn't have been a big deal for me. But that's no fun. I know you're very curious about me, will be seeing you very soon.'

My hands trembled on reading the dreadful text that was illuminating on the screen in front of my eyes. Every single word of it groped on my mind and heart like the vicious monsters, frightening my soul to the core.

"What happ-" I looked at Taehyung who had stopped midway abruptly, and his gaze was fixated down on my phone screen. Then the next second, my phone was in his hands. A line etched between his brows as he re-read the text.

"What's going on Hana? Who's this person?" He tilted his head in my direction, waiting for the answer which even I wasn't aware of.

"I don't k-know. But what I know is that, Jimin isn't s-safe here," I mumbled as my knuckles dug into the wooden bench we were sitting on.

It was the same number, the one from which I received the call just now and earlier in the evening. I felt something was off when none spoke from the other side when I first received the call, but I had shrugged the feeling thinking it was nothing.

But this isn't 'nothing' anymore. In fact, there was no room for any doubt, that this person isn't just trying to kill Jimin but he is up to something more. Something very terrible. He knows me, he knows Jimin is someone very precious to me.

Just who exactly this person is and what are his true intentions?

"And neither you are." Taehyung's words snapped me out of my incoherent thoughts and I looked up at him in perplexity.


"You're not safe Hana, this person .... he can hurt you, this is extremely dangerous," he said with an unfathomable expression on his face. His words leading another wave of sheer terror to struck my mind, that I could only reply him with a barely audible 'I Know'.

"Did you receive threats like this before this too?"

"No, this is the first. But I think... I think I was being w-watched, even before Jimin's accident," I told him.

"What have you been doing Hana, to be dragged into this kind of mess, huh?" he mumbled under his breath, but my ears were able to catch it.

"Do you think I wanted to get involved into this? I don't even have a single clue about who this bastard actually is and what does he wants from us!" I lashed out.

"What about Mr. Park? Are you sure he's clean? I mean why would someone want to kill him if it isn't for some sort of grudge?" he raised his brows

"What are you trying to imply here? You don't know anything about Jimin, it would be better if you can refrain yourself from concluding such things"

"I'm just trying to think rationally here," he spoke with a straight face.

That's when it hit me. There's someone indeed - someone who holds a huge grudge against us. But there's no way he is capable of doing this; not when he is locked behind the bars for his entire lifetime. He can't find us.

But what if it's really him?

"The cops are here for investigation; I need to give my statement as well," he said, reading the text which he received just now. "We need to go"

"Yeah," I replied with a simple nod.

"So, Doctor Kim," the police inspector glanced at Taehyung "You were the one to witness the incident right?"

"Yes officer" he nodded.

"Can you give us some details? Did you see the face of the assailant?"

"I couldn't see his face, he was disguised in a doctor coat with a face mask. He was already strangling Mr. Park when I reached there. I tried to fight him but couldn't stop him from injecting potassium into his body," Taehyung stated.

"Yeah, the injuries on your face are enough to tell that. Anyway, thanks for your time doctor. You just need to give a detailed written statement" the cop said.

"Sure, will do" he nodded.

"Officer, did you find any lead from the previous investigation?" I asked.

"We are trying our best Miss Song but it seems like this person isn't an amateur. He had planned it all out very meticulously, making sure not to leave any traces behind," he answered with a sigh.

"I actually received a kinda threatening text and I believe it's the same person. Maybe, he can be tracked down with that phone number?"

"I highly doubt that, he must have discarded that sim card by now. But we can find out about his previous locations, maybe it'll help somehow."

"Yeah I hope so. Thank you, officer."

I looked at Taehyung who stood beside me, "Come with me."

"Huh, where?" He asked with an entirely puzzled expression.

"You have first aid kit in your cabin, right?" I asked, ignoring his previous question entirely.

"Yeah but-"

"Alright then, let's go."

I sat on the couch in an utter silence as Taehyung looked for the first aid kit. None of us spoke a single word, only the sound of closing and opening of the drawers could be heard inside his huge cabin.

"Did you find it?" I finally asked on seeing him struggling as he fumbled through the drawers in haste.

"I'm looking for it, can't remember where I put it last time," he huffed as he opened another drawer.

"Seems like the old habits never go away," I muttered to myself. He has always been like that. He used to put his things here and there carelessly and would throw a tantrum when he couldn't find it later.

"Ah, found it, " he announced as he closed the drawer, finally walking towards me. "Are you injured somewhere though? Let me see it"

"Sit down. You're the one who's injured here," I eyed him, opening the small box he just handed me.

"You don't need to do that. I'll take care if it," he said, but still sat down anyway.

"You got injured while trying to save Jimin, let me just do this much at least, yeah?" I asked.

"Okay, but make it fast"

"Yeah, come here," I beckoned him to move a bit closer to me.

He hissed in pain and squeezed his eyes shut as soon as I dabbed the cotton pad which was soaked with the disinfectant on the scratch on his cheek. And his nose scrunched a bit when I gently blew some air on it, to ease the pain. I could feel all kind of emotions exploding inside me on seeing him this up close after all these years.

His eyes suddenly fluttered open, causing my breath to hitch in my  through. His eyes stared into mine intensely. But those eyes weren't emotionless this time, instead they held an emotion which I  was absolutely unable to decipher.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered thickly, grabbing my wrist. And I immediately looked away, being caught off guard all of a sudden.

"I was just c-cleaning your wound" I blurted out as I retracted my hand back from his grip. I was more baffled at the sudden change in his attitude.

"No, I mean why are acting like you care all of a sudden? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend right now?" he snapped.

"What?" A gasp escaped my mouth at his baseless stupid statement.

"Look, I would have done the same if it was someone else as well. You don't need to return any kind of favour to me," he stated flatly.

"Why are you being so-"

"I think you should go back. I can do the rest, I don't need your help here," he cut my words in between with his own harsh ones, taking away the tweezers from my hand.

"Yeah, I should probably go," I let out as I got up and made my way towards the door. "And for you kind information, Jimin was never my boyfriend. Stop assuming things on your own for God's sake!" I bellowed before closing the door shut behind me.


Oh boy! My updates are getting more and more irregular now ,thanks to tons of assignments I've to complete. I've the whole plot drafted with me but I'm still feeling so clueless. My brain is literally malfunctioning at this point! ಥ_ಥ

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