11. His Apology

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Sleep— that was far away from coming, and it was already past twelve at night. I'd been pacing back and forth in my room for god knows how long. This frustration had really taken a toll upon me. For once, I really wanted to bang my head on the wall, which stood tall in front of me.

"You're such a dumb ass, Taehyung!" I cussed myself for the hundredth time.

"No, this ain't helping. I need to talk to someone," I breathed out, and I knew exactly who.

Immediately grabbing my overcoat, which hung on the coat stand placed in the corner of the room, I stormed out of my apartment and rang the doorbell of the one which was only two doors away from mine. Not so long after, the front door slowly cracked open, and Namjoon hyung stood in front of me while rubbing his eyes, with his disheveled silver locks that cascaded his forehead.

"Taehyung?" He blinked his eyes.

"I guess I woke you up," I scratched the back of my head, feeling a bit guilty for being inconsiderate and ringing his doorbell at such an erroneous time.

"No, it's alright. Something must have been troubling you. Come on in!" He said, opening the door widely for me to enter.

With a beer can in our hands, we both sat across the island table in the kitchen. He sipped the drink once before looking up at me, "I heard about the incident today. You should've called the security instead of jumping in front of that assailant. It could have been dangerous."

"I couldn't think much at that time hyung, he was already strangling down that patient. And I'm absolutely alright," I spoke, tapping my fingers on top of the beer can, which was still unopened.

"So, what's it about this time?"

"Er...what you said the other day," I lifted my head up to meet his scrutinizing gaze, "I was indeed being stupid all this time for nothing."

He sighed, shaking his head slightly as he leaned back on the chair, "I know you're stupid but can't you just spill the beans already instead of beating around the bush?"

I finally opened my can and imbibed the liquor. The bittersweet taste of the alcohol spread across my mouth instantly, calming down my nerves. I inhaled deeply before mumbling, "that man is not her boyfriend."


"That man is not Hana's boyfriend," I spoke again, this time a bit louder for him to hear clearly.

His brows crossed together, and he scrunched his nose at me, "I don't think it's something to sulk about."

"Yeah, why not? I should be jumping around happily after I literally mocked her, and she stormed off in anger," I sneered at the man.

"And why the hell you were going around mocking her?" He rolled his eyes at me.


"What now?"

"You are supposed to help me here!"

"Okay, okay! Firstly, calm down your non-existent tits man, and tell me what happened, yeah?"

"I'm just so stupid!" I exhaled a breath, burying my face in my palms, "she was helping me with cleaning these wounds there, but suddenly something pricked inside me, and I snapped at her. The thought that she was helping me just because I saved that man irked me."

"Well, what does that man had to do with her?" He raised one brow.

"Because it was the man I thought she was dating!" I gritted my teeth.

"Oh well, shit!" He pressed his lips into a thin line, and then the next second, he was frowning again, "Wait, you mean the man who was attacked-"

"Yeah, Park Jimin. Apparently, the accident which got him admitted to the hospital was actually not an accident. I'm worried about Hana, but I don't know what to do," I confessed, looking down at my hands that rested on the table.


Much to my relief, Jimin had finally woken up this morning. Although, his earlier thoughts about everything being alright in the near future had entirely vanished away by now. And after I told him about the threatening text I'd received, he seemed more perturbed.

He had been sitting on his hospital bed for hours, with his back resting against the pillow behind him, while constantly ruminating over some profound thoughts. Well, I was no different from him; I had a whole hurricane of thousands of thoughts whirling inside my own head.

"Hana, you said Taehyung saved me yesterday?" Jimin's voice asked, abruptly breaking the infinite chain of my thoughts. I batted my eyelashes at him for a moment at the mention of him before nodding my head in confirmation.

"I owe him a big-time then." He commented.

"Whatever," I said nonchalantly, leaning back on the couch.

I was still bitter about the last night's incident. He can't go around assuming people's dating life! And amidst all this, I'd realized that his delusional ideas about Jimin and I were one of the reasons for giving me the cold shoulder ever since we have met again. Well, it's not like he had to treat me like nothing ever happened, but I still don't deserve to be treated like some shit!



Jimin glanced at me before looking outside the window, "I think I should get discharged. It's not safe here anymore."

"I know that, but getting discharged? Are you serious?" I immediately retorted.

"Yes." He stated in a stern voice. "My fractures and injuries are healing alright, and I can rest at home or maybe hire a nurse for the time being," he suggested.

After giving it some thought, I nodded at him, "well, that sounds convincing, but-" I pointed my index finger at him before adding, "you're going to be at my place, I'm not at any cost leaving you at your own."

"Oh honey, trust me, I'd love that." He rolled his eyes, with a sly smile tugged on his lips.

"Yeah, sure you will." I mocked, remembering all the times he'd crashed into my place, turning it entirely upside-down.

Despite being reluctant to see Taehyung after what happened, I was standing outside his cabin. I shook all the thoughts off my head and finally knocked at the door. Seconds later, when I heard a faint 'come in' from inside. I carefully opened the door and peeked inside before stepping inside.

"Oh, Hana?" His brows shot up in puzzlement, indicating he wasn't actually expecting to see me there.

"Uh yeah. I was here to discuss something, Doctor Kim," I said, emphasizing the last word purposely.

"Huh?" He blinked at me with a flustered face because of my sudden formal addressing. Speaking of which, wasn't he the one who started this first?

"Sure, take a seat, Han... uh, I mean Miss Song," he mumbled, gesturing me to sit in front of him.

He glanced at me as I pulled out the chair for myself. His mouth opened for a second, but he chose to shut it close almost immediately before any word escaped out and looked away.

I waited for him to say something, but when he didn't, I decided to break the silence, "So, I'm here to get your consent letter. As you're Jimin's doctor, we need that to process the discharge papers."

"Discharge papers?" His eyes squinted slightly.

"Yeah, Jimin decided to get discharged. It'll be more... safe for us."

"But his treatment is not over yet," he pointed out immediately.

"I know that, but we can hire a full-time nurse for him, so that's going to be alright, I guess," I explained.

"But he still needs to get checked once in a while."

"Well," I clicked my tongue, thinking about it. Taehyung was right indeed. Moreover, I can't make Jimin come to the hospital to get checked after every two days.

As if he read my mind, Taehyung looked up at me. "Uhh... Miss Song," hesitation was clearly evident in his voice, but nonetheless, he still continued, "what if maybe I can go there and check on him personally?"

It was a good alternative, but I still chose to deny his proposal. It's not like he's the only doctor in the whole town. Moreover, it would be really awkward to have him at my place.

"I feel it would be better not to bother you, doctor. I'll take care of that." I told him.

"No, it's not a bother at all!" He shook his head immediately, "I want to help... accept it as an apology. And he is my patient, so it's only right for me to complete his treatment properly." He spoke while fiddling with his fingers.

I looked up at him like a deer caught in the headlights, "apology?"

He gulped harshly before nodding, "yeah, I...uh, I shouldn't have said that."

It didn't take me much time to understand what he was referring to, but I was honestly dumbstruck by the sudden change in his behavior. He almost seemed like the old Taehyung, not the cold and emotionless person I'd met three weeks ago.

"Well, it's okay, I u-understand why you assumed t-that." I stammered as a sudden nervousness enveloped me.

"So, would it be alright if I'll be coming over to check up on Mr. Park?" He asked.


Heyo loves!
This was more like a filler chapter after all the drama in previous chapters. A spoiler for you- the antagonist of the story is going to be revealed very soon ;)

And one more thing, do you see that star symbol over there, yeah click on that!

*Sorry that was my desperate ass lol*

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