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❝𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑, 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙.❞
- 𝖀𝖓𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖓

Your POV:

I drummed my fingers against the desk as I was bored. There were still ten minutes for class to start, and I had been here for the past fifteen minutes.

My eyes glided across the whole classroom, taking in the familiar students that were chattering amongst themselves. My eyes stopped when they fell on the one guy I had crushed on for the last four years.

Kim Taehyung was my classmate in highschool and I fell for him junior year. Thinking that I would get over him once we went to different colleges was stupid, because we both ended up in the same college; Korean University of Arts.

Although having two different majors, we still had two classes together; General Studies and Aesthetics. General Studies was a compulsory topic for all students, but that didn't mean you would have a chance to sit with your friends. The classes were divided into three divisions for this specific class and thankfully, both Min-ji and Eul-soo were with me. And of course, Kim freaking Taehyung.

I let my eyes move away from his built figure that was laughing at the back of the class and instead opted to stare at the door, finding that to be less creepy. Almost as if on cue, the door slid open and Min-ji and Eul-soo walked in, talking to each other. They waved to me and came to their seat, which the three of us shared.

Min-ji sat to my left while Eulsoo sat to my right and they both grinned at me simultaneously, creeping me out.

"Um, what?" I asked. They shook their heads, as if I would be convinced by that. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "If you aren't going to tell me..."

They just hummed happily and shared a glance before giggling. I decided to give up, since I was pretty sure their heads had a large dent (refer: humongous amount of damage). I slumped down, completely bored out of my mind.

Suddenly, Min-ji yelled out a name that caused me to choke on my own saliva.

"Taehyung!" Her voice was normal but loud and I shot her a glare as I continued to cough, Eul-soo rubbing my back to soothe me. The bouncing ball of energy jumped on the seat in front of ours, his forever smile on his face. "Did you finish the assignment?"

"Yup, what about you?" He asked, a gleam in his eye. His eyes washed over me and Eul-soo, the boxy grin never dropping. Min-ji sighed, a pout taking on her face.

"Barely," she replied, giving him the stink eye. "Tell me your secret, Vante, I swear, what do you take pictures of that gets you an A every single f*cking time? If our assignments were not secret, I would have literally browsed through your collection... Share your damn secrets, Kim."

"Ah-ah, Song, careful there," the mischievous look that appeared in his eyes made me want to swoon. I sat up straight, feeling my cheeks burning when I thought of how I must have looked slumped on the desk, a big glob of flesh. "Magicians don't reveal their secrets~ You know what? Find yourself a muse. It helps. A lot."

"Hm...," Min-ji pretended to think then sighed. "Can't think of anyone."

"I'll introduce you to my friend," Taehyung suggested. "He can be your... muse."

The three of us shared a confused glance but then Taehyung loudly called for his friend and suddenly, I felt like stuffing my whole right hand in my mouth.

"Jungkook!" The loud yell attracted the attention of the whole class but they went back to their work since this was nothing new. The familiar dark-haired boy came towards us, confusion etched on his face.

Although a 1st year, he often hung out here because Taehyung, him and their third friend, Jimin always stuck together since high school. His raven black hair and black doe-like eyes captured the fragile hearts of most girls. However, Min-ji has had a crush on the boy since he was a freshman and she was a sophomore and for Taehyung to call him out of all the people possible was too much of a funny coincidence.

"Yeah, hyung?" He said, giving the three of us a polite smile. Taehyung wrapped his left hand around Jungkook's shoulder and gave him a wide smile.

"Kookie, meet Song Min-ji, (l/n) (y/n) and Kang Eul-soo," he introduced us and I felt like my eyes popped out of their sockets. He knew my whole name. Like, with last name and everything. How in the worl- "My friend, Min-ji, needs a muse... I think you'd be perfect. What do you think, Min-ji-ah?"

Min-ji was silently staring at her lap, so I nudged her and she looked up in alarm. I could see Jungkook holding in a laugh but didn't comment on it. 

"Um yeah, thanks," she gave a glare to Taehyung but a sweet smile to Jungkook. I held in a smile too but Eul-soo was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I gave her an amused glance and she shook her head, still laughing silently. "Oh, class's about to start. See you later in class, Taehyung-ah."

With that, the two boys went to their seats in the back and I turned to face Min-ji.

"You're friends with him?" I whisper-yelled. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because you would freak out," she said in a duh tone. "Also, we became close recently, so I haven't really hidden it from you."

"Alright," I let this one slide but passed her a sly smile. "But, Jungkook as your muse, huh? I think that will do wonders on your assignment, hm?"

She blushed a bright crimson, her eyes going to the back where Jungkook was waving to his friends before leaving. 

"Hm," she just hummed happily, "I guess he's right... A muse does help."

Oh, it does. I know from experience.


Updated/Published On:
26th July 2020

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