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had you ever been stuck in one place ? like no matter what you did , or how much you tried you'd always be stuck in this place ? soon as you thought you would finally get out the tragic place , life laughs at you and  pushes you back in youre place therefor ur stuck and after you become stuck for a while , you start to loose your mind?

or is that just me ?

due to the fact that time was ticking , and that i wasnt gonna be here forever , and that me being stuck was gonna kill me even faster , i decided to leave.  the pressure was getting to me , and hamartia was coming close. soon , ill be in euphoria , but im not ready yet.

i packed my bags with everything i thought i needed , to travel exactly 2,941.9 miles. and left.

as i was walking to the bus stop , i began to think about how everyone would feel if i left....then i bursted out in laughter. no one would miss me , and i know no one would miss me. not even my mom or my little brother. every one seems so happier without me . im non existent to almost everyone in this town....hell the state. so i doubt this would make any type of impact....on anyone at that.


i am on my way :)

haha , maybe one day

im serious


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