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Wetting her lips, Eleanor removed the slippers and tucked her feet under her. "It's going to take some time." When they nodded, she brought the cup to her lips, blew on it lightly then sipped. "It actually started way before but things went downhill twenty-five or six years ago..."

"It's okay, we've got time. Just start from when it all begun." Aurora muttered, head tilted to the side.

Both listened intently as she narrated her story. "My actual full name is Eleanor Martin. American dad, French mom. At sixteen, we got into a horrible accident and My parents died on the spot. But, I made it, unfortunately." She swallowed, her grip on the beige cup tightening. "I was about to be shipped to my dad's family all the way to America because mom's couldn't afford me. It was just my aunt anyway, but whatever."

The disgruntled laugh gripped at her chest. Eleanor shuffled a bit. "No one wanted me. My family wasn't really that well off. It's always been just the three of us, anyway. And, we weren't close with the few members of our extended family. So, when I got kidnapped upon landing in America, I was actually thrilled. Maybe, I thought, it was a sign. A way for me to start over...Oh, silly me."

"What happened, Ma'am?"

"Aidan, right? Call me Eleanor please." She hummed when his head bobbed in agreement. "For two years...two damn years, I was sold, trafficked, abused, sexually exploited and..." Silent tears wetted her round cheeks and her hand moved involuntarily to wipe them. "I got knocked up." Sadness clawed at her insides.

Aurora's eyes burned, her hands reaching subconsciously for Aidan's comforting touch. He complied, kissing the side of her head.

"The last person I was sold to was Mark. They were going to sell me again. But, his eyes landed on me and I was whisked into his house. I was trapped there. And, that's where I met Joshua. He was with madeleine already. And, they were struggling for kids. She couldn't conceive."

Eleanor looked at Aurora, inspecting her. Lips trembled. Eyes watered yet again. "So, I offered you to them."

A terse inhale, Aurora whimpered. Her suspicions were confirmed.

"I'm sorry. I really am." The older woman wept, hands covering her face, words muffled.

"Eleanor," Aidan's voice quivered, "What happened exactly?"

Her mind went on an overdrive. "My memory is a bit hazy. But-"

"Maman!" Estelle bolted inside. "Papa est là!"

"D'accord, vas-y. À la douche!" Fake smiles, fake enthusiasm as she guided her upstairs. "I'll be back in a bit. Don't worry, Adam is a nice guy."

The husband waltzed in a minute later, calling for his wife, but froze when he saw them. 

"Salut," his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to be in his late thirties.

"Salut?" Aidan repeated awkwardly. Nothing was spoken until Eleanor returned, told him about their new guests briefly and ushered him to the kitchen. Something about a quick dinner before he goes to work.

Hushed whispers were heard for a couple of minutes at the beginning.

When Estelle was tucked in an hour later and her husband was off. Eleanor called for them in the kitchen. "My apologies. Leaving you alone was rude of me. But, I didn't want to cause a scene. Adam gets pissed off when that subject is brought up." It was hard convincing him to leave and go to work.

"It's alright," Aurora took a seat, wrapping her arms around her torso. "We understand."

Urging them to eat, she finished the last bit of dishes. Settling back on the sofas, Eleanor continued.

"Joshua and Mark were half-brothers, Mark the eldest. Joshua's mom was one of us. But, she got sold off again after birthing him and then died somewhere of an overdose. It was a rumor I heard among the girls back then."

Aurora shuddered. " was a family business?"

"Totally. A year after I was kidnapped, Mark brought me to his mansion. There, I learnt about all that. But, I never saw Joshua until the day there was a huge fight. Screaming, broken furniture, glass, everything. It was scary."

"What was the fight about?" Aidan leaned forward in his chair.

"I managed to hear snippets. Joshua found out about his mom, after Mark asked him to join the family business. "A legacy to carry" he quoted according to their dad who had just passed away. The two brothers were never close. So, imagine Joshua's shock." Her head rested on her palms.

"On a spur of a moment, I contacted him. I couldn't just sit around and mope anymore. I had to do something so I reached out to him, risking getting myself a beating, but, I wanted out. And, Joshua was my exit." A shudder shot down her spine.

"So, he did just that."

"It was like hell broke loose. Thankfully, no one suspected him. And, I was shipped back here. Barbara Breslin was just a fake identity he got me so I can hide there before sneaking me into a ship to France. He didn't have connections but spent a fortune to help me escape. The money he got after his father died was used to save me. And, for that, I'm forever grateful."

Stunned into silence, Aidan slumped down, Aurora leaned back blinking at the ceiling and Eleanor rested her head on crossed arms.

"Where do I fit in all this?" Attention moved to Aurora's heated stare.

"I couldn't take care of you. I was eighteen, kidnapped, broke, broken...I had nothing. I didn't, couldn't abort you. It was too late, anyway. So, I gave you up to Joshua." Fresh tears spilled. "Hardest decision of my life. But, I don't regret it."

"I was baggage." Dejected, Aurora scoffed. Albeit, immaturely.

She frantically shook her head. "Hell no. I went through hell before meeting Adam. I would never wish that for you. Or, drag you through it. I gave birth to you in the street, by the way. It was on the day I was about to be shipped away. I was the one who named you."

"Aurora, my goddess of dawn." A sad smile burned her lips before fading slowly. "After I handed you over yo Joshua. He promised to take care of you and protect you from Mark. I suppose you found the other identity he got you. You and I were the only ones allowed to access that money. But, I was too scared...too traumatized to even look back after I reached France in a bloody mess. The stitches were barely holding up when I did." 

Their hearts ached for each other's misery. None of them had it easier than the other. To each and their nightmares...but it all went back to the same origin.

Lapped again in heavy blankets of silence, one heavier question plagued her mind. Debating whether or not to ask, her mind was overheating. Finally, she decided on: "Eleanor, who's my father?"

Sobs wrecked her body, crossed arms shielding her face. Awkwardly, Aidan patted her back. Aurora did the unthinkable and pulled her biological mother in a hug, quiet lamentations flooding out of her eyes.

"I'm really sorry," she stuttered out between sobs and gasps, "I wish I was able to control it...but, I couldn't. I can't."

"I know, Eleanor. It's not your fault." Fractured voices filled the tiny cuisine. Aidan averted his gaze, eyes glistening.

"It's him. It's Mark."

** ** ** ** **

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