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20th March 2019;

The breeze was so refreshing in this rural area. Clean air, singing bugs, excited fireflies illuminating the meadow. Her wild raven hair danced around her, gracefully, messily, breathtakingly.

Some leaves and twigs crunched under his feet, he grimaced, his silent approach failing.

"You know better than to sneak up on me like that," her voice sounded so detached. There would've been an inevitable attack if she didn't already know that he'd follow her here.

"I know," he gave up on tiptoeing and stood beside her. "You really do like my jacket." A light-hearted statement to tickle her mood. It worked. She smiled.

"It makes me feel safe." Her arms tightened around her upper-half.

"It's so worn-out. I'll give you another one." One side of his mouth tilted upward, hands stuffed deep in his jeans' pockets. She shook her head.

The urge to see her face was growing with every passing minute. Peering around at her, a distant look obscured her features, disrupting him. Tears slid down her cheeks shyly, slowly, painfully. Everything in him ached for her.

She rubbed her nose, unsuccessful in her attempts to hide timid sniffles. He already knew she was crying, so there was no use pretending. Her laugh out of embarrassment compelled him to step forward and embrace her from behind. Head nuzzled in the crook of her neck, arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"It's okay to cry from time to time, Rho." Voice muffled, lips moving against soft skin.

Her body shook. "I haven't cried this much since the day they died, Aidan." She forced out, struggling for breath. "I feel weak when I cry. It's a waste of time. Useless."

He shook his head. "You're not weak. You're the strongest person I know." A kiss was left at the base of her neck. Her heart stuttered. "Crying isn't weakness. It's like cleansing the body of sorrows and worries. It's like a detox for pain." That earned him a laugh and he smiled.

Their inability to sleep turned into bonding time. Minutes passed with Rho exerting her mind to settle the inner fight inside. Finally, she surrendered to the largest demands within. "Can I cry now, Aidan?"

"Whenever you feel like it, Rho. I'm here. Always." And with that, she turned into his arms, hands snaking around his middle before the first sob tumbled out, hordes following after.

Walls crumbling, baring her soul to him.

She clung to him like second skin. Fingers gripping, hold tightening, head pressed to his chest, body trembling. His hands caressed her hair, her back, pulled her closer and held tighter. His shirt getting wetter, crumpling at her frantic clenching.

The gentle wind carried whispers of soothing words. The night witnessing sweet fervent kisses planted tenderly to her face. The darkness enveloping them as she broke into million pieces, his touch, his presence, mending her.

She slid down to a crouching position, unable to hold herself upright anymore. His hug unwavering, Aidan sat down, urging her to do the same. Legs on either side of her, he snuggled her closer. "Just let it out." His breath brushed her ear.

Hiccupping, Aurora tucked her head under his chin. Her weeps dissipating. Throat itching for water, felt like prickles and needles inside. Clearing it, a quivering exhale blew slightly across his damp clothing. Goosebumps rose on his skin and she mumbled a shy hoarse apology.

He sniffed, regaining his composure. "It's alright." A peck to her forehead. "Feeling better?" A nod.

Overlapped in quietude, the nocturnal stillness, the embrace, raw emotions, too intimate it left them speechless.

"What made you come talk to me in the party?"

She could feel him stiffening for a fleeting moment, then a rugged breath was released before his reply. "I've always wanted to talk to you. Never had such a chance present itself to me." She rolled her eyes. "To be honest, never had the courage. And, you just looked too beautiful, I couldn't help myself. I was a goner."

A deep blush crept up her face. Flaming, her head nestled harder against his chest as it rumbled with chuckles. "Shut up."

"It's the truth." His outburst quietened down. His eyes moved across her face, as if memorizing every detail. Then, beaming, he pecked her scrunched-up nose. "You were and you'll always be beautiful, Rho. Well, at least to me." She slapped his arm looking away, his laugh reappearing.

Aurora flushed yet again. Foreign feelings swirled within. "Stop," she tried lamely. He sighed and held her tighter, fearing she might disappear again. "Just like the moon is the remedy to the night's loneliness, you are to mine."

In utter disbelief, he gaped at her for a bit before composing himself again. A full on toothy grin bloomed. "I'd rather say: stars exist so the moon wouldn't have to shine alone." His cheeky wink called for her lips to stretch into a smile. "And you're not alone. You have Gus, Laura, Jared, Jesse. And, you've got me." He pulled her up, standing. "And you'll always have me. If, you'll have me."

She rose on her toes and placed a firm, lingering kiss on his cheek before retreating wringing her fingers nervously. Lacing his through them, he guided her back inside the house. It was getting too late. "Morning flight. We need to get some sleep." She nodded, agreeing.

The curtains fluttered, Eleanor's restlessness dissolving a bit at their approaching figures.

"I'm sorry for-"

"If you finish that sentence, I'll be very pissed off."

"Okay, sorry-"

He huffed. "Aurora!" his use of her full name stunned her into swallowing her next unrequired apology.

Sneaking back inside, they removed their shoes before padding to the living room. Aurora had refused taking any other place for the night. Eleanor hardly convinced her to stay the night.

Returning to his sofa, he expected her to do the same. Therefore, when she pushed him down and cuddled next to him, it took a while for the shock to subside before he returned her embrace.

A night for surprises, he inhaled her scent. "Creep," she muttered, jokingly. Her body moved with his silent laugh.

"Only for you."

Time ticked, sleepiness settling in. Eyelids dropped, breathing slowed, bodies sagged.

"What're you going to do when we go back, Rho?" He already knew what the answer was going to be. Yet, he needed confirmation.

Her leg moved over his, body gathered in his arms, fingers tracing random patterns on his shirt. "I'm going to kill him."

** ** ** ** **

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