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31st March 2019;

"Jimmie! Lily!" Aurora sprinted after them. "Jesse, catch him. I'll get her."

The girls panted trying to catch the tiny bundles of energy. Finally, loud hoorays were shouted when the kids were captured.

A deep laugh startled them. "You beat up men double your size. But, you get beat up by ones half yours."

"Shut up, Aidan." Aurora glowered at him, playfully. Jesse rolled her eyes leaving them alone. "You're late." She balanced the girl on her hip, pecked her cheek then grabbed his hand towing him inside.

His eyes glinted at her sight with a kid. "Fuck, you look so good right now."

She gasped loudly, swatting at his arm, her face blazing with the deepest blush ever. "Don't curse. Lily is just a kid." She cooed, taming her thundering heart.

"Sorry, princess." He kissed the little girl's cheek, who buried her head in Aurora's chest, timidly. Aidan envied her. He pouted.

"She's shy." She said, oblivious to his dilemma.

Everyone else was seated around the table. Alison, Matt, Jesse, Jimmie, Jared and Gus, all chatting lively. They waved at Aidan and engaged him in conversation as Aurora settled next to him, Lily by her side.

Laura hurried closer, minutes later, the steamy lasagna making mouths water. "I'm drooling from the sight only," Jesse almost went cross-eyed. They laughed and then, everyone dug in. It was heavenly. The food was delicious.

Appreciating hums and cluttering utensils filled the dining room.

The dinner was so cozy; it warmed them up, easing their tension away. Everyone was buzzing from the homely welcoming atmosphere.

Jared and Gus washed the dishes since the women cooked. The kids were tucked in and put to sleep soon after.

Aurora hugged Laura, thanking her for the meal. She hasn't had homemade food in forever.

The teenagers occupied the theatre room, reserving it for themselves while Jared and Laura cuddled on the couch, watching a movie. Gus looked at them, then at Aurora and Aidan. He huffed. "Why do I always have to be the third wheel?"

Aidan covered his mouth to stifle his laugh. "You're fifth-wheeling, this time, though." He glared at Aurora. "Go get yourself some nice woman, old man."

"I'm actually going out with the guys, kiddo. Take care of her for me, will you, son?" Clapping him on the back, Gus sauntered out, twirling his keys and whistling.

"So, fifth-wheeling, huh?" His eyes sparkled, eyebrows moving up and down. Awkwardly looking away, she muttered a shut up before dragging him out to the garden. "I may be in my thirties, a grown ass man, but, the darkness still gives me the creeps." She rolled her eyes.

"Just hold my hand without excuses, Aidan."

"Yes, ma'am." He saluted before picking her up. She yelped, hands and legs wrapping around him automatically. "I like this better." He took a few steps then settled by the fountain.

"Idiot," her light-hearted mutter eased out soft laughter from him. Snuggling closer to him, her head buried deep in the crook of his neck, arms wrapped around, fingers playing with his soft hair. Her legs tightened around his middle, to avoid falling in the water.

Being with him just felt natural.

"They've got such a nice house. It's so elegant." She nodded.

"I had to force them out here, at first. They weren't used to 'shiny stuff'. Jared's words, not mine."

He grinned. "They're doing alright, now. The shiny stuff didn't blind them, though. Which is really admirable. They're really humble and very nice people." Her head moved in agreement. "When did you get back the lake house, Rho?"

She hummed, mind going over memories. "Two years ago. I had it renovated. Took almost a year to move there. I used to live with Jesse in the beginning. Well, it was my apartment. But, still."

"It's beautiful. My favorite part is the garage." Her body shook with quiet laughter.

"I haven't forgotten, don't worry."

Lapsing into tranquility, neither said anything, fearing they might just ruin the moment.

Minutes later, his hands stopped twirling her hair. "What's on your mind, Rho?"

Heaving a sigh, her chin rested on his shoulder. Eyes followed the squirting water as it cascaded down. "I've been thinking about helping the victims."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I don't up or invest in centers that offer special care...some sort of rehab. The girls, even guys, are not only sexually exploited, but also forced into consumption of drugs. That's how they keep them hooked. Plus, many victims have no families anymore. Either orphaned or they were disowned. And they've been through a lot. I can't just sit back and watch..." Sarah's glazed eyes flashed before her. "I want to help them."

Aidan's head moved up and down. "I think that's an incredible idea." Pride filling him whole. "Absolutely! Go for it." She smiled. "What about the business, though?"

"Well, we're slightly affected compared to the other companies. I'm seizing the opportunity to make more profits." She shuffled a bit and stopped when he groaned.

Reddening, she was glad it was too dark for him to notice. But, her face warmed up and that's a dead giveaway. He laughed.

"Sorry, go on."

"Remember...I told you we've sealed a deal with the Japanese?" He nodded. "We've started expanding right after. Those restaurants are lifesavers. They've been under construction until the deal was official. Then, they thrived." She beamed, proud of her work. "I wouldn't have made it that far without them." Her head tilted to the house. A content sigh brushed the skin of his neck.

"I know. They're proud of you. And, they love you."

"I love them too, more than they can comprehend, more than I can express."

"It's okay, they get it." His eyes locked with hers and they stared at each other for eternity, heads leaning in.

"Aurora," he whispered.

"Aidan," she whispered back, giddy at him using her full name.

"I have one last question," her lips twitched in amusement at the pained expression from his self-restraint.


"What about Eleanor...?"

Her smile faltered, lost in thought. "I haven't given it much thought, honestly. But, I'm going to visit her another time. She's my mother, after all. And, she's as much a victim as I am, as everyone else is." Then, the grin spread, slowly. "I've got a little sister, too. I need to take care of them."

"You're so mature, Rho. So loving and pure. So amazing."

"Stop it, you're making me uncomfortable." A shy reserved giggle erupted.

His intense stare tickled her core; butterflies went crazy in her stomach. Heck, it felt like hordes of elephants stomping. "Can I kiss you now, Aurora?"

Took you forever, she growled. "You don't even have to ask." Their lips met, fervently, urgently, then sweetly.

Her back arched into him. His arms gathering her closer, taking and giving. Her fingers tugged at his hair a minute, weaved through it the next.

Pulling apart, their breaths mingled. "You taste like lasagna."

"And soup." Their laughter resonated in the still garden. Her fingertips brushed his swollen soft lips then fingers laced through his. Her eyes studied their joined hands. "Together?"

"Together." He cupped her chin for another toe-curling kiss, sounds of upmost satisfactions emanated. "Together," he repeated between pecks.

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