Jesse pt1.

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18th November 2017;

Few people scattered across the street. Some guys were drinking, others smoking. They kept leering at every passing girl, harassing them. Some girls scurried away for dear life. While some thrived from the attention they were given and even clung to the more than willing guys, like leeches.

Prostitutes, she scoffed shaking her head. Their clothes, or lack thereof, a clear indication. Her nose scrunched up.

The dark night loomed over the battered shady neighborhood, making it seem even more deserted and haunted. An involuntary shiver shot down her spine. The street lights flickered every now and then. And a slight drizzle would grace them from time to time, trying to cleanse the place in futile attempts.

The wind blew ever so slightly, carrying the stench of homeless drunks loitering around. Her eyes almost watered from the ugly smell as she grimaced.

Leaning further back on the wall, trying not to think about how dirty it was, she studied every person's moves and looks from obscured spot. The gears in her mind reeling.

Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt as a vehicle rolled noisily down the dirty road and stopped in front of the club.

Finally, she rolled her eyes. It wasn't long before the sun rose and she's had enough of waiting. Her sour mood got even worse as their raucous voices penetrated her ear drums.

They hooted, cheered and high-fived each other climbing out of the rusty SUV. Two headed in, the blaring music sneaking out. The two left spoke in hushed noises. She strained her ears to eavesdrop but to no avail. Exhaling impatiently, she took few steps out of her hiding spot only to stop dead in her tracks as they opened the trunk.

One guy stood idly by, yawning. The other struggled hauling a tied up person out. She could hear a muffled groan as the body collided with the pavement before they dragged the poor soul inside. Her expression hardened.

"They arrived," she muttered, stalking after them.

"I know. The poor car." He winced, imagining the shape of the vehicle.

"Shut up, Gus. They got someone with them. I'm going in." She pushed the door open and almost recoiled from the disgusting smell and view. "Fuck."

"Shit. What're you gonna do? You can't do anything alone. Get out, Aurora." Gus warned her.


"You can't possibly expect yourself to come out unscathed and save that person." He hissed.

"I'll see what I can do. I'm disconnecting." Taking off her earpiece as he protested, she quickly swept the room.

It was packed with drunks, strippers and junkies. Nauseated, she internally gagged at the scene unfolding before her.

Trying her best to ignore it, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked for their possible hideout. Pulling her baseball cap further down, she roamed around peering around hoping to catch a familiar face.

Wandering hands kept reaching for her. She tried dodging most of them, slapping others. She might've broken some guy's fingers; she wasn't sure. By the time she finished her trip around, she'd tripped a stripper breaking her heels in the process, stepped on the foot of another, punched some dude and kneed his friend.

But her satisfaction was short-lived when she took a seat by the bar surprised no one kicked her out. As she sipped her beer, this guy wouldn't stop touching her.

Grunting, she scooted away. He followed. "Fuck off," her curt voice dripped with venom.

"Oh c'mon babe," he cooed.

Her head snapped up as she heard a familiar laugh. Craning her neck around, she caught a glimpse of two of them coming in by the back door. Her heart sunk. What if I was late?

The guy beside her put his hand on her waist and tried to pull her closer. Sighing, Aurora hopped off the stool and turned to face him. He grinned.

In a swift move, she pushed him back and then brought him close dislocating his shoulder in the process, his face mere inches away. Stuffing the napkin quickly in his mouth to muffle his screams of pain, she put her index on his lips shushing him then whispered in his ear lowly. "I said fuck off." He nodded frantically.

Pushing him off, she hurried to her destination. Inhaling deeply, Aurora pushed the door open slowly peering out. Two guys surrounded this girl in the middle as she sobbed.

"C'mon, I'll be quick."

"I don't know, man. The boss doesn't like his goods touched..or late." He scratched the back of his head, hesitance and fear clear in his voice.

"How the fuck would he know?" His belt was popped as his pants dropped down. The girl tried to scoot away, her pleas muffled.

"Dude, stop. He'll know. He always does. And you don't want to know what'll happen to you." The warning was loud and clear.

"Fuck off, you wimp." Pushing his friend away, he waddled to the girl.

Looking behind her, Aurora made sure no one saw as she sneaked out. Taking a deep breath, she dashed toward the first guy knocking him off balance as he tripped over his pants; face slamming against the wall.

The other guy stammered reaching for his gun. Alarmed, her brain acted impulsively. Ducking to dodge the bullets, she jumped to her hands cartwheeling in his direction. When you can't avoid 'em, slam into 'em. She grunted as her back came in contact with his front.

Caught off guard, he stumbled back but quickly regained his foothold, legs wrapping around his neck. "Fuck," he hissed punching her ribs. She wheezed and tightened her hold while bending laterally reaching for his gun fruitlessly. Using all the force in her legs, she pulled herself up and punched his jaw.

Spitting out blood, he leant against the wall behind him struggling to breathe. Finally getting hold of his arm, she twisted the weapon out of his loosened grip and it fell down. Heaving, he tried faintly to choke her.

Pulling his pants up dizzily, his friend rubbed his forehead rushing to them and grabbing her ponytail harshly. Groaning, he dropped to his knees clutching his groin for she'd punched it. "Shit!"

Shaking his head, the first guy grabbed her hips roughly, pulled her up then slammed her down bringing them both to the hard tarmac and knocking the air out of her lungs.

Both rolled on the ground trying to regain their composure. Not wanting to waste time, Aurora snatched the gun on the floor and the one in the other guy's pants then staggered toward the frightened girl. 

Taking the knife out of her boots, she untied the girl with shaky hands. "Take the gun and run. Don't hesitate to kill." She shook her head, whimpering and pushed the weapon away. "They won't hesitate to kill you, so get your shit together." Handing her the earpiece too, she pulled her up and pushed her away. "Run, put it on. He'll give you directions." The guys started rising.

With reluctance, the girl took off out of the alley.

Turning around, Aurora cracked her neck and fingers. Emptying the other gun in their bodies, she dusted off her clothes and picked up her baseball cap.

As she headed to leave, the door swung open and the other two stood gaping at her. "Get her!" Seething, they barreled toward her.

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