Jesse pt2.

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Frustrated, she willed her legs to move faster. Her muscles aching for her speed picked up.

The sun peeked shyly far away in the horizon. A couple of sun rays kissed the ground, tickling it.

I need to get away quickly, she grunted.

Feet slapped viciously on the hard asphalt. The streets void of any living creatures, other than stray or homeless ones.

Her legs carried her to the nearest park. I'll lose them there, she decided taking a sudden turn into a narrow passage. She zigzagged avoiding the trash cans only to come face to face with a dead end. "Shit!" She glared at the wall in front but didn't stop. She ran faster, the guys hot on her heels.

Jumping on the wall beside her, her arms outstretched, she used the force to reach higher. Grabbing the edge, her fingers tightened ready to pull herself up.

One guy caught up to her just in time and grasped her ankle frantically pulling down. "You're not going anywhere!"

Offering him a generous tray of profanities, her other foot rested flat on the brick wall and pushed in his direction. Caught off guard, he stumbled back and down on his bum as she backflipped in the air landing on her feet behind him.

Fuming, he dashed toward her. She smirked grabbing her knife out and charged at him too. Dodging his high kick, she punched his face and kicked his knee. He grimaced for the knife moved across his neck then quickly slashed his abdomen. He wheezed. Thankful for her quick reflexes, she pushed him off of her and he tumbled down convulsing until life seeped out of his body.

The other guy clearly wasn't meant for running but for combat, she concluded as he rounded the battered alley grabbing her by the hair. Pissed off beyond imagination, the knife swiftly turned in her slender fingers and she stabbed his bulging bicep then twisted.

"Bitch!" He groaned in pain, throwing her against the wall.

"That's what you get for messing with my hair," she heaved, sneering at him.

Peeling her body off of the wall, fists flew around. Punches, kicks, new fresh wounds and cuss words filled the new fresh atmosphere. The sun was rising and she needed to get away soon.

Ducking to dodge his punch, she grabbed his injured arm, squeezed the deep injury and punched his mouth as he was about to scream out in pain. His eyes hardened and her shoulders moved in a nonchalant shrug.

Twisting his arm behind him, she slammed his body against the wall. "Payback, bitch." He grunted trying to kick her. Applying more pressure on his wound, her other hand moved fast and she stabbed his neck twice.

Inhaling noisily, he struggled against her. It was hard to keep him in place. Kneeing his side, her knife pierced his thorax multiple times. He rasped sliding down. Pulling away from him, she staggered watching his eyes get duller by the second.

Her heart ached.

Shaking her head to rid it from the unnecessary thoughts, she wiped her hands in his shirt then rubbed the fatigue from her eyes. She was drained. Glancing up and noting the dim sky, she pulled the mask from her jacket, put it on and fixed her cap. Only her eyes were visible.

Resuming her journey, Aurora climbed up the wall then hopped down gracefully landing in a crouching position in front of a guy.

Sweat glistened on his skin. Noting his outfit, he must've been on his morning run. She might've interrupted him with her sudden arrival for he seemed a tad bit startled. Her eyes moved from his body to his face reluctantly.

Holding her breath, their eyes met.

Trying so hard not to freak out, she swallowed slowly. A lump forming in her throat as recognition flashed through her mind.


Her lower lip quivered under the mask and she was thankful for the protection it offered. None of them said anything. It wasn't like she was going to speak. He mustn't know who she was.

Fighting the dreadful memories swamping her, her hand trembled slightly as she reached up to pull down her cap. "Um, hey," he rubbed the back of his head. "Are you alright there, Miss?"

Her heart ached again.

Too many emotions stirred within her frozen heart. She almost recoiled from the overwhelming feelings swirling inside. Pushing herself up on wobbly legs, she nodded slowly then started to panic when his gaze zeroed in on the jacket. It was his after all.

Turning on her heels, she darted in an unknown direction hoping to get away from him as soon as possible. But, also, wanting to hug him so tight. Pushing her conflicted thoughts to the back of her mind, she hastened her steps leaving behind a dazed Aidan staring off in the distance.

Her heart pumped faster and her breath came out labored by the time she reached her destination.

Pushing the gym door open, she collapsed down heaving, her body in tremors. Seeing him brought back painful recollections and triggered pent up emotions. Her fingers struggled, taking off the mask.

"Aurora?" Gus was by her side in a heartbeat. "Oh God, did you run all the way here? What's wrong?" He picked her up and hurried inside his office placing her softly on the couch. Handing her a glass of water, he helped her drink slowly then hugged her.

Her arms limp by her sides, she blinked tears away. No, she scolded herself. No tears. No. Pushing him off gently, she rubbed her face then cleared her throat. "Yes."

He tilted his head to the side. "Huh?"

"Yes," she repeated. "I ran all the way here."

"You're such an idiot, I fucking swear." She shrugged, looking around.

"Where's the girl?"

"Sleeping in the next room. Or, she's right here." He chuckled, nodding to the door where the girl stood sheepishly. She tried to smile.

"Come here, dear." Gus ushered her in patting the space next to him.

"Your name?" Aurora asked as the girl settled down.

"Jesse. My name is Jesse." She replied timidly, uncertainty evident in her voice and body language.

"Age?" Gus shook his head at the typical curtness.


Sighing, Aurora decided to be gentler. "Mind telling us what happened?"

Grimacing, Jesse flinched at the memories.

"It's okay, kiddo, you can tell us whenever you are ready. Just know that you're safe now here with us." He smiled warmly at her. "I'll leave you to talk for now. I need to run this place." He laughed walking out and shutting the door quietly behind him.

Turning her head to the tiny girl, Aurora sagged. "Aren't you in school?"

"I am, but my parents sold me off." Her lips quivered. Please don't cry. Getting an encouraging nod, Jesse continued. "They're junkies, abusive and they needed money. So, here I am."

"Any siblings?"

"Had a brother. Got shot in the hood. Typical shit that happens to black people, right?"

"I wouldn't know. And I don't care. We reap what we sow."

"But, you know how it is for us." Jesse shrugged dejected.

Aurora exhaled and leant back comfortably in the soft couch. Silence took over and the girl fidgeted awkwardly.

"Wanna finish your studies?"

"Yes! I'd love to. I'm good at programming and hacking. My brother taught me. He was too good, some people hired him to help them all the time. So, he taught me as well. He wanted to get us out of there and get rich and successful, you get me?" Excitement taking over, her eyes sparkled.

"Alright then. You got that."


"Gus will get you a job here if you want. I'll ask him to teach you some self-defense techniques. Alright?" Aurora pushed herself up, Jesse following suit dazed.

"Why are you doing this?" She grabbed her savior's forearm stopping her from leaving.

Prying her hand off gently, Aurora patted the little girl's head. "Because I can."

She smiled softly and dragged herself out, calling for Gus.

** ** ** ** **

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