Is This Why Yoongi Is Angry?

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Jimin comes out of the bathroom, leaving the fan on. He is adjusting the waist of his pants, "I wouldn't go in there yet, if I were you." He waves his hand behind him.

"Um Jinah?" He walks close to you, his laughing smile goes away as he approaches.

You smile at him, "Yes, Jimin?"

He holds up a pregnancy test in his hand. "You're pregnant."

You had forgotten you hid it in the cabinet where the air freshener was. You were afraid to tell Yoongi as he was in such a foul mood this morning.

Tae's eyes widen in surprise and your eyes shimmer with unshed tears and you nod.

 "Is that why you almost passed out when you ran into me in the hall?" You quietly nod.

"Is this why Yoongi is angry?" Jimin asks.

"No, I hadn't told him yet. I wanted too but he was in such a foul mood this morning. He has been acting strangely for several weeks now. This morning when I asked him why was he grumpy he got angry at me."

You lower your head trying not to cry. Jimin lifts your chin and looks you in the eyes, "Are you happy about it?" he asks as he hands you the test.

"Yes, Jimin I am. Yoongi and I talked about it and decided if it happened it was meant to be."

Tae and Jimin both hug you and the tears you were trying to hold back finally began to fall.

Facing the open bedroom door, Tae sees someone standing there and looks up. It's your older brother, Mark. In all the hurt and emotional chaos of the morning you forgot he was coming to take you to lunch.

He sees you crying and rushes to you pulling you from Jimin and Tae. "Hey, puppy what's wrong?" He looks at Jimin and Tae as you sob burying your face against his chest. He kisses the top of your head and asks the guys, "Jimin, Tae what's happened?"

"Um, It's Yoongi hyung he, um." Stutters Tae worried about your brother getting mad.

Jimin finishes for him, "Yoongi told her to get out today."

Your brother can't believe this, he looks down at you, "Jinah, what happened? Why would he tell you to get out?"

With tears still running down your face you look up him, "I don't know what's going on. He has been acting strange lately, a mood I haven't seen from him. It was almost like he hates me." You start sobbing and he pulls you close.

He looks around the room, "I see you have been packing, are you moving back to your place then? We can skip lunch today and I will help you take things to your house."

Jimin and Taehyung both chime in that they will come and help.

"That's ok guys. I'm just taking my luggage today. I will have someone else come pick up the rest. I just want to go home now."

They help carry your luggage out to your brothers car and offer again to come and help.

"I've got this" your brother says, "But thank you Jimin and Taehyung for helping my little sis."

They hug you good bye then suddenly Jimin runs off, "Be right back don't leave yet."

Your brother holds the car door open for you and walks around to the driver side and gets in. He starts the car but doesn't leave as he waits for Jimin to come back.

Jimin runs out the door carrying a small Chimmy and Tata plush. He hands it to you through the open window and hidden between the two is the pregnancy test. He whispers, "I thought you might want to keep this a secret for now."

You slip the test into your purse as you adjust Chimmy and Tata on your lap. You look back up at Jimin "Thank you, I love you Jimin." 

Jimin and Tae both reach in and hold your hand. "I love you too Taetae. I'm going to miss you."

Tae says, "We love you too but it's not like you are leaving the country. You will visit us, right?"

You sigh, you heart is breaking at leaving, "I don't know if I can come back, at least for a while." You see their faces turn so sad, "But you can come visit me any time you want too. We can even do a sleep over, just you, me and Kookie. ok?"

That brightens their mood and they smile. You brother says, "Bye guys, we can talk later."

You wave as he pulls away from the house and Jimin and Taehyung wave back and send you hand hearts till they can no longer see you.

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