It's Yours If You Want It

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Back at the house you have gone to the bedroom you share with Yoongi, and start to pack. Taehyung and Jimin have come to be with you and help if you want it. They can both tell you aren't done crying and they don't want to leave you alone.

Jimin is folding clothes from your closet and putting them in a suit case as you go through your grandmothers desk that she gave you. It is a large antique desk you share with Yoongi he loves it as much as you do.

As you shuffle through the desk you mutter, "I know my passport is in here somewhere."

Taehyung over hearing you as he enters back into the room, after getting two spare suitcases for you, asks, "Do you want me to help you look?"

You smile at him and nod, as you have only gone through half the desk and you want to be back at your apartment before Yoongi comes home.

He says, "I love this desk. It has so many little secret drawers and compartments. Are you planning on taking it with you?"

You softly laugh, "Only if Jimin can fit it in my suite case." That gets a giggle out of Jimin.

You explain to Tae, "I will have it picked up later and delivered to my apartment, along with my other things, unless you want it Taetae?"

You think to yourself, 'Too many memories attached to it of me and Yoongi now. I don't think I really want to take it.'  You are remembering Yoongi loved hiding little gifts in it for you to find on your birthdays.

 Last year he had hidden an engagement ring in one of the little drawers and when you found it, he asked you to marry him. You shake your head to shake off the memories.

You look up at Tae, "It's yours if you want it Tae. Just help me get all the stuff out of it and we can move it to your room."

He smiles his happy boxy smile, "Oh, thank you, I love this desk. I will take good care of it. I know your Grandmother gave it to you so if you ever want it back, just know it is taken care of till you do."

"How many hidden drawers and compartments have you been able to find since I first brought it here?"

He grins, "5 hidden drawers and 4 compartments."

"You have a ways to go then. I think I found them all but it took me a long while. My Grandmother had given me a map of the desk of where they all are but I lost it."

 You sadly laugh, "I must have put it in one of the hidden compartments to keep it safe. Now it's safe even from me."

Jimin and Tae laugh and you lovingly run your hands over the top of the desk and smile at Tae.

 "You have 5 more hidden drawers and 6 more compartments to find." You go back to searching through the desk for your passport. Taehyung is excited about the treasures he may find searching for the other hidden drawers and compartments.

Jimin is emptying your dresser and folding those clothes to go in the extra suite cases. Taehyung is sorting through papers from the regular desk drawers and showing them to you. You direct him whether to put it in the 'Yoongi' pile, the trash pile or the keep pile.

Jimin goes into the bathroom and closes the door. Tae looks at you and loudly whispers, "I hope he uses the air freshener. He almost killed us this morning."

You hear Jimin shout, "I heard that!" 

You and Taehyung start laughing.

You call back, "Did you really have to use my bathroom Jimin?"

You hear, "Ah, well, yeah sorry. I don't think I could have made it to the other one."

You are laughing as you hear the flush and then the sound of the air freshener being sprayed.

"I'm going to miss you two so much." They could always find a way to  make you smile or laugh.

Taehyung notices your eyes start to tear up and gives you a hug. "Don't cry Noona, you can come see us any time and we will come see you too."

Trying to be brave you tell him, "I'm not crying, it's the fumes that have my eyes watering." 

You hear Jimin shout, "I heard that too!"

You wave a paper you were holding in front of your face as Taehyung drops onto the edge of the bed he is laughing so hard.

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