Some Choices Are Made For Us

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Grateful for Namjoon's intervention she continues:

"Seok then used Agust to threaten me into doing what he wanted. He made me send threats to Yoongi. I did a few times but I just couldn't do it anymore and he took Agust away and started sending them himself. He only gave me Agust back if I promised to make Yoongi believe that my son was his. He promised to let me stay at the high rise with Agust but only if I did what he told me too. But he lied. He had plans to blackmail Yoongi and I was to be part of that plan."

 She wipes her eyes with the handkerchief Jimin let her keep, "He told me because I cost him his inheritance I had to do what he said or he would keep Agust from me and force me out onto the streets. He made me lie to Yoongi about Agust. He wanted five years of back child support and the copyrights to a couple of Yoongi's first songs. He thought I could make him do that."

"What were you to get out of it?" asks J Hope still suspicious.

"I get to keep my son and a place for us to live."

"You mean you don't get any of the money?" 

Yuna shakes her head, "No, all I want is my son."

Jungkook jumps up yelling, "How dare you use Yoongi like that!"

Namjoon stands and puts his hand on Jungkook's shoulder to calm him down. "Kook, she was the one being used."

Jungkook started to protest but Namjoon stopped him. "Yes, she wanted financial security but we all do. Just think of what she and little Agust have been through because of Seok."

Jungkook looks at Namjoon, "But she chose to leave Yoongi. She chose to do what Seok told her, she . . ."

"STOP!" shouts J Hope. "I don't think she had much choice in the matter, much less any good choices given to her in life. She was dealt a bad hand. She just wants to protect her son and that has cost her her dignity, her security and almost cost her little Agust despite all she has done.

Namjoon nods in agreement with J Hope. "Yes, you're right. Sometimes the choices we have to make are made for us."

Taehyung says, "Yeah all of us had choices made for us by the company when we started. Nothing we could do if we wanted to keep following our dream." 

He looks sadly at her, "I guess your dream is to keep Agust because you love him so much."

She nods and wipes a tear from her cheek. "Yes, I love him, he is my heart. I would do anything to protect him even if it hurts."

"Would you let Seok harm or even kill Jinah? Because that is what he's threatening to do." Namjoon is wondering if she knew. If she did, then she is in more trouble than she thinks.

Panic shines through her eyes as she gasps. Her hands flying to her chest. "No! Oh my GOD NO!"

Jungkook sarcastically says, "You said you would do any thing, even if it hurts!"

"No, No, that's not what I meant. I meant even if it hurts me, ME. Not any one else. I would die for my son."

"Jk, stop. Leave her alone." Namjoon gives the 'I'm the leader' look and Jungkook lowers his eyes then his head. He remains quiet.

Namjoon looks back at Yuna, "I won't make apologies for our youngest, his heart is in the right place when it comes to defending his hyungs." He looks fondly over at Jungkook who still has he head lowered.

"You do understand why I had to do the things I did, not because I wanted too but for Agust's sake I had too. All that I can hope for is that you can forgive me for my part. You can call the authorities and I will gladly tell them all."

"That, I think we should leave up to Yoongi." says J Hope. "As all this was done against him."

Namjoon agrees, "Yes. For now Yuna, we won't get the police involved, but be ready when we do."

"I understand, but what of Agust? I'm no longer safe here if Seok finds out what I've told you. He will take little Agust. I would rather die than let his father take him." 

Namjoon knows there is a real risk to her and the boy if they stay here, just because of the rough neighborhood but more so if Seok finds out she has told them and is willing to go to the police.

"We'll be right back guys." Namjoon says as he gestures for J Hope to follow him out. He is pulling his cell phone out as he closes the door.

"Hobi, has your sister sold her apartment yet?"

"No. She's had a couple of interests in it but nothing as yet. Why? Do you think it would safe if we move Yuna and Agust there?"

"Yes and no one can get into your sisters apartment community with out strict authorization. I think they will be safest there for now."

J Hope takes hold of Namjoon's phone, "Put it away, I will call her lawyer, she is handling the apartment for her." He takes out his own phone and calls his sisters lawyer. 

"All done, she says we can move her over there tonight. She has approval from my sister. The lawyer is leaving the entrance code to the apartment with gate security for us. Apparently Seok's name and reputation has gotten around. She is also informing security at the gate with specific information about him.

Namjoon smiles and pats J Hopes shoulder, "Awesome, lets go in and tell her the good news and get them moved."

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