You Sniffing After Her?

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Yoongi has reached her apartment and knocks on her door but there is no answer. He knocks harder, "Open the damn door Yuna! Now!"

He bangs on the door and tries the handle, it's locked. Mrs. Cho opens her door across the hall peeking out. Seeing it's the young man from the other day she quietly says, "She was . . ." but then she sees Sugar in his hands and her mouth drops open. Suddenly she is pulling Yoongi into her apartment.

"Where is Agust? What have you done with him? He never goes anywhere without Sugar."

Yoongi pulls free of her, for an old lady she sure was strong. "I have done nothing to him. Where are they?"

"She was thrown out of the apartment with just what she could carry. She was kicked out because she was several months behind on the rent."

'Is that why she has been sending threats and why she tried to come on to me. She needs money. My god she thought I would give her money if she had sex with me!? Was she trying to trick me into paying child support too?'

Becoming desperate to find little Agust, Yoongi takes Mrs. Cho by the shoulders, "Do you know where they are now?"

She starts to cry and he releases her. "I don't know where she went and I'm worried for my little Meow Meow." She pulls a hankie out of her waist pocket and wipes her eyes. "I love that little boy so much."

Yoongi can tell her care for Agust is genuine. "I may not be his father but I do care about him."

He pats his pocket where the results from the DNA test his lawyer had done for him proved he was not the father. He was coming to confront Yuna about it when Mrs. Cho pulled him into her apartment.

Mrs. Cho is about to ask him to have a seat while she makes some tea but they hear the loud jingle of keys as the door across the hall was being unlocked.

She peeks out the peep hole of her door and turns to Yoongi, "That man, he is the one making her do things she doesn't want to. He says he will take Agust from her if she doesn't do what he tells her. She would do anything to keep her son safe . . . any thing."

"I want to have a talk with him." Yoongi flexes his arms while cracking the knuckles on each hand.

"Be careful, he's a bad one."

She watches at Yoongi crosses the hall and knocks. She closes her door and locks it.

The door opens and Yoongi and the man both stare at each other in utter shock.

They both say in unison, "WHAT THE HELL!?"

Yoongi shoves his way past Seok, "Where's Yuna and Agust? And what the hell are you doing here!?"

"I can ask the same of you. Are you sniffing around after Yuna again?"

"Oh give me a break." He rolls his eyes at Seok. "Where is she?"

"Surely you're not hoping to get her back. It's been what, five years now since she walked out on you. She choose me over you, remember?" he smirks at Yoongi.

"She choose money, is what she choose. I didn't have any as a trainee and things weren't moving fast enough to be an idol for her. She chose you because you had money, till you didn't."

He jumps at Yoongi, "The little fool loved me and that made her the best little side piece I've ever had!"

Yoongi steps up in his face, "She loved your money and the financial security that came with it!"

"You're a fucking liar." He then smirks arrogantly, "The kid is mine, did you know? And he Looks just like me too." he proudly boosts.

 "I was going to take full custody from her and keep her as . . . what is it they call it now days, ah yes, keep her as my side chick while I marry the woman I really want."

Yoongi takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds to calm himself. 'Seok isn't worth the trouble I will get in to if I beat his ass. But then again it might be'

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