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tw: suicide & graphic depitions

Norah's brows furrowed when she felt a tap on her back, she raised her right hand to wipe the sleep out of her eyes when she found that she couldn't move it. She shook her head confused before turning over and sitting up. "You know, I never wanted you to find out," Hugh said smoothing the blanket down between them, that's when Norah noticed that they were handcuffed to each other. "What? Did you do this?" Norah asked not sure what answer she wanted.

"I did, I thought about how to do this." Norah opened her mouth to ask what he meant when she noticed the 9 mm in his hand, Norah gasped as far as she knew they didn't have guns in the house because Norah was afraid of them. "Why do you have that?" Norah's voice came out strained and cracked from the fear she was feeling. "Don't fucking interrupt me. As I said, I thought a lot about how to do this, should I kill you than me but then I thought it would be worse if you did it." Hugh had this twisted look on his face.

Norah froze as he grabbed her hand that was handcuffed to him and put her finger around the trigger. "Hugh." Norah tried to pull her hand out of Hugh's grip but his hands tighten around hers. "Don't forget to call the police," Hugh says as he places his head at the end of the barrel, Norah closes her guys tightly and jumps when a bang echos around the room.

Norah opens her eyes and screams at what she sees, Hugh's blood is splattered all over her and the walls but also because of the close range the side of his face caved in. Her lip trembled as she reaches over and grabs her phone yanking it off the charger. Her fingers shake as she dials 9-1-1. "You have to hurry! My husband shot himself." Norah is shaking so much that the phone drops from her hand onto the blood that was getting soaked into the sheets and blankets.

She lifted a hand to her mouth not caring that it was covered in blood and she brought her knees up to her chest. She jumped when she heard the door burst open from downstairs. "NYPD!" The officers yelled when they came into the house, Norah gulped and looked around her. "In here!" Norah yelled back, she tried to wipe her tears but it was replaced by Hugh's blood so it didn't do much.

"Jesus Sal." One of the officers commented when he walked into the room guns drawn. "Put your hands up." He says when he noticed Norah on the bed next to her slumped body, Norah put her hands up as good as she can with Hugh's weighted hand pulling her down. "Get forensic in here to do a gunshot residue test." He barked to the officer behind him who nodded and walked outside of the house. "What happened in here?" The officer said walking towards Norah who was shaking with fear.

"I woke up with my wrist handcuffed to his and then he started to talk about how he thought about how to do this and then he just blew his brains out." While the officer was talking to Norah a paramedic was checking out Hugh making sure he was really dead and they didn't have to rush him to the hospital. "Okay okay, can I see your hands?" The officer said, Norah, nodded and watched as the officer grabbed a q-tip before swabbing her hand.

Norah could see that her hands were shaking as she tried to steady them for the officer but they wouldn't stop shaking. "Why don't we get you uncuffed while we wait for the results?" Another officer gently said motioning towards Norah's cuffed wrist, she nodded she didn't move when the officer unlocked it with a key that was found on the dresser. If Norah didn't call the police she was sure to not be able to reach it because of the weight of Hugh.

Norah didn't know how much time passed but she froze when the officer from before that swabbed her hands pointed a gun at her. "Sal, cuff her. Her hands are covered in GSR." The man who was nice to Norah before turned harsh and pushed Norah face down on the bed bringing her arms behind her back. "I didn't do anything!" Norah pleaded with the officers as she was marched out front, at least the officers were kind enough to let her put on slippers so she wouldn't be barefoot but that still didn't prevent the cold from making goosebumps appear on her skin.

She was pushed not so gently into the police car and she was in silence, that's when Norah knew that this was Hugh's plan. He killed himself but he ended up taking Norah down with him like he always does. When the door opened she jumped, she opened her mouth to say she didn't do this but when the officer glared at her in the review mirror she fell silent.

The cuffs jingled when she lifted her hand to wipe her face as she started to sniffle. "You know, Norah Bao-Warner this is probably grounds for deportation. Good riddance I say." Norah fell silent at the officer, she was used to being threatened with deportation but by Hugh, so it was jarring for Norah to get the threat from someone who actually could force her to leave even though she had a green card. She never got citizenship because Hugh had always told her didn't need it and when she would say she did then he would reply with that she was too stupid to pass so now because of Hugh, Norah might have to leave.

Norah looked out the window of the police cruiser like it was her last time because for all she knows she may never be free again.

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