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It's been 3 months since Norah Bao was cleared from any wrongdoing in her ex-husband's murder, in that time she's been living in a cheap run-down apartment that she rented with the money she earned from working at the corner grocery store. She also dropped Warner from her name so now legally she will always be known as Norah Bao, she felt like she was finally moving on from what happened.

She could never thank Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock enough but most of all she was thankful for Karen Page, that woman as a saint and a light for Norah in a dark time in her life but thankfully that time is over. Norah thought about texting Karen but she felt it would be too awkward, Norah was just another one of Karen's clients is what Norah would tell herself every time she thought about it.

Norah isn't blinded to the fact that she'll always be known as Hugh Warner's wife who was accused of his murder, she sees it every time she walks to work in the morning. She sees the way people shift away from her in the subway like she's gonna snap at any second, but it doesn't bother her because she's been put through so much worse that they have no idea.

"Norah! Look alive, customer!" Norah's boss brings her back to reality, she looks down at her nametag that was misspelled without the H she straightens it before she looks up to greet the customer. "Hello, Welcome to-" Norah cuts herself off and gulps when she meets the customer's eyes, she can feel her hands start to shake. She closes her eyes quickly and steps back. "Hello? I said do you have chips?" Norah blinks when she heard the customer, she looks at the man apologetically before wiping her hands on her work uniform. "Sorry about that, you just reminded me of someone, aisle 2." Norah smiles quickly, the customer scoffs before walking towards the aisle that Norah directed him to.

Norah lets a shuddering breath, she quickly walks towards the backroom ignoring her boss calling for her, she'll have an excuse by the time she's ready to walk back in but she can't be in that store right now. She felt like the walls were closing in on her like she couldn't breathe. Norah doesn't know what happen but the customer's face looked remarkably like Hugh's, she knew that couldn't be possible because he was dead, but for that second she thought her worst nightmare was back to haunt her again shattering what she thought was the perfect, life but when she opened her eyes again she wasn't looking at Hugh, she was just looking at a normal customer who was pissed off that Norah spaced out.

This wasn't the first time that it's happened to Norah, she'll be walking down the street when all of sudden she'll hear his voice behind her, she'll turn around quickly but no one is there. Norah could be at home watching tv when suddenly the actor morphs into Hugh, he's haunting her life when she thought she was over him. She's been trying to ignore it telling herself that it will go away with time but she's worried that she'll be seeing Hugh forever.

She lets out a long breath and runs her hands over her face before stepping away from the brick wall of the store that she was standing against. Norah opens the back door to the store and walks back in ready to make an excuse to her boss. "Listen I'm sorry for what happened I just-" Norah was cut off by her boss holding up his hand to stop her from talking.

"Let me stop you right there, I'm going to send you home for the rest of the day. I'll still pay you for the full day's work but you need to clear your head. Take the rest of the day off Norah." Her boss patted her on the shoulder before he walked past her to go to his office, Norah's brows went up as she turned around to look where he went. She thought about going to her boss and fighting him on it but Norah knew that it would be a lost guess so she closes her eyes before she walks towards the entrance and walks out of the small store.

Norah lives nearby so she didn't buy a car knowing that it would just be a waste of money as all of her money has to go to food and rent but Norah wanted to buy a car in the future just not right now. It didn't take her long to get to her apartment, she grabbed the apartment key to get into the building and walked up the stairs as her apartment building didn't have any elevators.

As she was walking she passed someone on the stairs, she gave them a wave with a half smile when the smell of their cologne hit her nose. Norah stumbled and almost fell but she kept walking with her head down, she felt stupid. She knew that Hugh wasn't the only one to wear that scent but it was the first time since he died that she smelled it and it was a smell that she didn't think she would have to smell for a while.

When she reached the door her hands shook so hard as she tried to put the key in her lock she dropped it, she let out a shaky sigh before she grabbed the key and stuck it in the lock, she opened the door and stepped through. Norah dropped her keys on the small table that she had stood by the door, it wobbled as she placed the key into the bowl. She took her work vest off and tossed it onto the counter knowing that she would pick it up later, she shucked off her shoes as she made her way towards the couch and fell backward with a sigh.

Maybe a nap would help was Norah's last thought before she drifted to sleep, dreaming of the one that still kept her up at night.

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