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Norah flinched when Hugh opened the front door so hard that it hit the wall with a bang, it's been 4 years since they married. Norah was 25 and she hoped that with time Hugh would start treating her better but he wasn't, it just kept getting worse after the first year of marriage was completed.

"Is the food ready? You didn't make any of that foreign shit did you?" Hugh gruffly said as he tossed his briefcase onto the coffee table so hard that Norah thought the glass would shatter. She tried to ignore the pain in her heart when Hugh insulted her culture, it wasn't something new but it still stung Norah all the more. "I made fried chicken steak and gravy," Norah said quietly as she plated Hugh's food, she didn't get the concept of fried chicken steak but it's what Hugh wanted so she made it without argument, she learned that the hard way.

Hugh huffed as he walked over to the fridge and yanked the fridge door open, he grabbed a beer and shoved the door closed, Norah had to try her hardest to not flinch. She watched as her hand twitched when Hugh put his hand roughly on her shoulder and squeezed before he reached over her and grabbed the food that she just finished plating.

The scent of his cologne drifted to her nose and she had to try her hardest not to puke at the strong musky scent. Over the years she's grown to hate the scent, and she would keep hating the scent it would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Norah jolted awake when she felt the urge to vomit, she sat up quickly ignoring the ache in her back from sleeping on the couch. She leaned over the carpet and dry heaved when she heard a voice that made her spine shiver. "Well well, it's good to know I still have that effect on you." Norah coughed as she looked up at the voice, in front of her was a squatting Hugh who was looking at her in mock concern. "You like my wound?" Hugh turned his head to show the bullet hole in his head, Norah screamed and pushed herself against the back of the couch quickly trying to get away from him.

"You aren't real! You fucking died!" Norah yelled as she watched Hugh smirk, Norah could see in the moonlight the blood that was splattered on his face. It made Norah sick, she resisted the urge to gag as she reached for her phone. "Who are you calling? You don't have any friends remember?" Hugh taunted as he started to walk toward her.

Norah screamed as she grabbed her phone and stood up from the couch to run towards her kitchen, she knew he wasn't real but she grabbed the knife anyway and held it out in front of her. "Awh, you know that isn't going to do anything to me, darling," Hugh smirked as he slowly walked towards Norah who quickly scrolled through her contacts and selected a number, she didn't know many people who would help her but she knew that this person would. "You have to help me! He's here!" Norah cried out, she could feel the tears drip down her face as she stared at the scarred face of Hugh as he tilted his head and looked at her with interest.

"Hugh! He's here at my place!" Norah gasped out, she could feel herself not getting enough air into her lungs. The phone slipped from her grasp and hit the floor with a clang, the sound made Norah jump. She covered her mouth as a sob slipped out, and the knife slipped out of her hand, cutting her hand in the process she could feel the sting but she ignored it. "I love it when you cry." Hugh taunted as he squatted down next to Norah, she covered her ears with her hands to block Hugh from being able to taunt her anymore.

She closed her eyes tightly when she couldn't handle seeing Hugh's face anymore, this was it she thought to herself. Norah was going to die next to her Dead Ex-Husband. She flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder, her eyes snapped open quickly, and scooted to the corner of the kitchen. "Hey, It's just me. Karen Page, you called me, and when you didn't answer my question I came right over. The door was unlocked." Karen rambled quickly putting her hands out in front of her showing Norah that she was no threat.

Norah's heart skipped as she looked around, Hugh was gone. She let out a shuddering sigh as she took her hands off her ears slowly. "I'm sorry I made you worried, it's nothing." Norah lied as she looked at her hands, she can feel her palm burning but she couldn't see anything from the darkness. "Norah, it's something, or else you wouldn't have called me at 1 in the morning screaming that Hugh is here." Karen's face was illuminated by the moon coming through the window. Norah let out a shuddering sigh as she started to slowly stand up with Karen's help, Karen reached over and flipped on the light switch in the kitchen making Norah wince at the sudden bright light.

"Jesus Norah, you cut yourself." Karen grabbed Norah's hand which she saw was dripping blood, Norah sniffed as Karen guided her hand to the sink carefully to not step on the knife on the floor, and started to gently wash off the blood. "Can you tell me what happened?" Karen asks gently as she turns off the sink and picks up the knife putting it on the counter by the sink to wash later. "I came home from work early and I was tired so I fell asleep on the couch and I had a nightmare, well a memory of Hugh and then I woke up suddenly and there he was. He was in my apartment Karen but he looked frightening, his head had a bullet wound and blood was splattered on his face." Karen sucked in a sharp breath as she started to move closer to Norah.

"Can I hug you?" Karen asked quietly, Norah hesitated but nodded so Karen moved closer and gently put her arms around Norah letting Norah tuck her head into her pajama shirt. Neither of them said a word about how Norah had left a wet spot from her tears because Karen had brushed off any ounce of apologizes that Norah was about to say, she just grabbed the small first aid kit that Norah had under the sink and started to dress the knife wound on her palm.

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