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Norah felt embarrassed, after Karen finished placing the bandaid on Norah's hand she gently guided Norah to the couch and sat next to her. Norah could tell that she wanted to ask her what happened but Norah was grateful that Karen hasn't pushed her for answers because she doesn't even know what happened herself.

She looks down at her hands that are resting on her lap, she closes her eyes sharply before opening them again and glances towards Karen. "I'm sorry for you calling you during the middle of the night," Norah whispers out so quietly that Karen could hardly hear it.

Karen pressed her lips together before shaking her head quickly. "It's no bother Norah, I'm your friend." Norah sucked in a sharp breath, she hasn't had many friends before, only the ones back in Taiwan before she came to America but she doesn't talk to them anymore so to hear that Karen consider her a friend moved Norah, she would've been close to tears but she felt like she was all cried out from what happened.

"It was just so terrifying and I didn't know what to do, I knew he wasn't real but he looked so real. I felt like I could touch him if I reached out, why is he still haunting me? I was supposed to be free from him." Norah sobbed out, she tried to put her good hand on her mouth to stifle the sobs but her sobs got louder so her hand was no longer stifling them. "Norah," Karen whispered before scooting closer and putting her arm around her.

"I'm so sorry that it happened to you, you were finally getting your life on track. I want you to know that you can call me anytime for any reason and if you need a friend I will come running. I promise you that." Norah sniffs and chuckles wetly before using her hand to wipe her nose making Karen turn up her nose in faux disgust. "Gross, are you five? Here, let me." Karen reached toward the side table that Norah got from the New York city sidewalk and grabbed a tissue from the kleenex box and offers it to Norah who takes it with a slight smile.

She wipes her nose, and Norah lets out a slow breath as she looks around. If she closes her eyes she can still see Hugh standing over her looking so grotesque and gruesome, it was something that she never wanted to see again.

"You said you thought he was here, do you think it was a hallucination?" Karen asked gently, Norah quickly opened her mouth to deny it but then shut it quickly and shrugged, Norah didn't know what it could've been but she hopes it was over. "I don't know, I guess. I've never dealt with hallucinations before, I'm scared to sleep though." Norah admitted after she leaned back against the couch with a sigh.

"You know, I had trouble sleeping too." Karen leaned back against the couch next to Norah and turned her head to face Norah. "What do you mean?" Norah asked with a furrowed brow.

Karen chuckled slightly before shifting so she was resting on her side facing Norah instead of just her head. "That's actually how I met Matt and Foggy. I was falsely accused of murdering someone, I was out with someone who I thought was a nice coworker of mine and we went out to a bar. I suddenly felt dizzy after a couple of drinks and then when I woke up the next day I was next to his dead body covered in blood with a knife in his hand. You can assume what happened next." Karen trailed off looking at Norah who nodded.

"When I went to prison I was greeted by Matt and Foggy, they had been informed by Brett who was also the one to tell us about your case. It's funny because they had only been officially practicing for a few hours but they believed me and now I work for them and they're my best friends." Karen says with a smile as she thinks of them. "The point is, I know similarly to what you're feeling, of course, I don't know exactly but you can always come to me," Karen added quickly.

"Thank you, Karen, that means a lot. I'm hoping that it was a one-time thing though, I think it could've been triggered because a customer looked like him and then when I came home I smelled the same cologne, I felt stupid because I know that he wasn't the only person to wear the cologne." Norah let out a sigh, she covered her mouth when she let out a yawn, beside her Karen chuckled. "He isn't but you don't expect to have to smell it again because it's a big world, those chances were very small and I'm sorry that it happened to you. Now, you need to go to sleep."

Norah must have looked scared at the thought because Karen's arm shot out and caressed her arm. "I can stay with you, at least until you fall asleep then I can let myself out," Karen suggests with a raise of her eyebrow, Norah hesitates before nodding her head. "Should we go to your bedroom then?" Karen asks as she stands up from the couch and holds out a hand for Norah to take, she grabs it and looks at Karen confused. "You don't have to sleep with me, you can go on home," Norah said even though it ached her heart to say, she love it if Karen stayed with her, she feels a great sense of comfort when she's around but she understands that Karen has her own life that she needs to get back too.

"No don't be silly Norah, I'm staying with you and in your bed, if you feel comfortable with that." Karen gently says as she lets go of Norah's hand and looks at Norah waiting for her answer. She hesitates before nodding and gestures for Karen to follow her towards the bed to her small bedroom. Norah wouldn't be alone tonight so hopefully, Hugh will leave her alone.

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