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It's been a week since Norah saw Hugh, he's only come back in her dreams but never in person. She hasn't talked to Karen since she left the next morning, Norah feels guilt when she thinks about how Karen had to lay next to her just so Norah would feel safe. She sometimes asks herself if this was Hugh's plan all along, not only did he shoot himself but he did it with Norah next to him so now she has to live with it for the rest of her life.

Norah closes her eyes and leans her elbows on the counter of the grocery store she works at, when she came in for her shift this morning she apologized to her boss profusely but he shut down her apologizes. She wanted to assure him that it wouldn't happen again but she didn't know that she hopes that she never has to see Hugh again but Norah feels like when she closes her eyes he'll pop up.

She scrubs her eyes trying to force herself to stop thinking about it, she wishes more than anything that she could think about anything else. She looks up when she hears the bell go off. "Hi! Welcome to Evelyn's Market, can I help you with anything?" Norah politely says to the couple who just walked in. "Uh no, we're just- Norah right?" Norah was surprised to see that it was Foggy, and he remembered her.

"Yes! Is this your husband?" Norah steps around the counter and holds her hand out for the man to take. "This is Sebastian. Seb, this is Norah she was one of Matt and I's clients." Foggy shook Norah's hand and Sebastian did the same after Foggy let go. "How have you been doing? Settling in alright on your own?" Foggy pushes his hands into his pockets as Sebastian starts to walk around the store looking for whatever they came for.

Norah presses her lips together before pushing one of her hands into her work vest pockets. "Are you looking for anything specific? I can see if we have?" Norah changes the subject, Foggy looks at her confused but before he can say anything Norah turns to start walking toward Sebastian to ask him, Foggy grabs her gently on the arm.

She flinches instantly, as soon as she does Foggy quickly let's go and looks at Norah with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Norah gulps as she brushes a hand across her face and turns around to walk around the counter, she sighs as she hops onto the stool that is set up. "You didn't, I still can get jumpy when people touch me. I apologize." Norah closes her eyes, she jumps when she opens them and Foggy's face turns into Hugh's. She purses her lips together and lets out a slow breath while closing her eyes and soon as she opens them she can see that Foggy is Foggy again, he's worried but he looks like Foggy.

"No no, you shouldn't apologize. It was my fault." Norah opened her mouth to retort when Sebastian walked up with an armful of stuff, Norah smiled at him before she got off the stool and started to ring them up. "It'll be 23.93." Norah put their items into bags before placing them on the counter and grabs the card that Foggy offers. Norah presses her lips together concentrating as she swipes the card and gives it back to him.

"Have a good day and thank you for shopping at Evelyn's Market." Norah smiles at them, she knows that it doesn't reach her eyes but she hopes that Foggy doesn't notice. "We will for sure be back soon, Foggy here loves goldfish and this is the closest store near us." Sebastian jokes smirking at Foggy who rolls his eyes fondly.

Norah smiles at the couple before waving goodbye at them, as soon as she can't see Foggy anymore her smile drops. She rubs a hand across her face and backs up until her back hit the stool, she hops onto the stool and can't help but glance at the clock.

"Whatcha looking at?" A voice from behind Norah says, she turns around expecting to see her boss but instead she sees Hugh, just like the night before. She screams and jumps off the stool, she moves so she's in the corner between the wall and the counter. "Norah! Are you alright?" Her boss asks as he steps out of his office and pops his head into the store. "Can you see anyone in the store?" Norah asks her boss, voice shaking.

He raises an eyebrow before shaking his head. "It's just you, are you alright?" Norah glances between her boss and a smirking Hugh, she gulps before she nods her head at her boss. She waits until her boss walks into his office and shuts the door. "Why are you here?" Norah's voice trembles as she turns back towards Hugh.

"Oh darling, I love to torment you. Don't you remember?" Hugh puckers his lips and steps closer to Norah who tries to move backward but since she was in the corner she can't go anywhere. "Please leave me alone, haven't you taken enough from me?" Norah pleads as she whimpers to Hugh who is staring at her with a joker-like smile.

"Sweetheart, I'm just getting started," Hugh smirks as he presses his lips against Norah's cheek who has to press her lips together to not scream. She closes her eyes tightly before opening them again, she was alone again. Norah's legs gave out from under her as she collapsed to the floor.

She raises her hand and presses it to her cheek, she can feel the warmth that he left behind. Norah closed her eyes as she tried to keep her heart rate under control, she didn't know what was happening to her. She was beginning to go crazy, why couldn't Hugh just leave her alone?

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