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It's been a week since Hugh showed up at Norah's job, and he hasn't left. He came back when Norah came back to her apartment and no matter how many days it's been Norah still sees Hugh but he hasn't followed her back to work. She can see him out of the corner of her eyes when she's walking down the street but every time she's coming home she sees Hugh in the same spot, waiting beside her door with that same gory look that always haunts her.

Norah hasn't told Karen that she keeps seeing Hugh, she doesn't know how Karen would react to that news. Norah feels crazy, she feels like she'll never escape Hugh even when he's gone, Norah needs help. "Shut the fuck up!" Norah yelled to Hugh who was talking about the fact that Norah is a lowlife. Her heart is beating so quickly that she feels like it's going to pop out of her chest. "Awh, did I upset her majesty?" Hugh pouts as he stands closer to Norah.

"Why can't you fucking leave me alone? You've already ruined my life, you got me accused of murder, you got what you fucking wanted so why are you still here?" Norah shouted, she leaned against the counter and placed her head in her hands. She could hear Hugh's footsteps walk around the small counter until he stopped next to her, when she inhaled she could smell Hugh's cologne, the smell made her want to vomit but she placed a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from gagging. "It's obvious that I'm still affecting you because I'm a figment of your imagination. The reason why I'm here is because of you, but I gotta say." Hugh leaned close to her ear and licked his lips making Norah shiver. "I'm glad that you went to jail, my plan worked. I did what I did because I wanted to make you suffer, I hate you and I always have." Hugh whispered before he pulled back with a wide grin on his face.

Norah clenched her fist, if Hugh was here she would punch him but he wasn't so all she could do was sit here and listen as Hugh trashed her, just like she would if he was alive. She sighed and ignored Hugh in favor of sitting on her couch, she grabbed the remote and ignored Hugh who was staring at her from his spot next to her on the couch. She turned on the tv and scrolled through the tv guide trying to find something to watch. "What are you going to watch?" Hugh smirked as he rested his chin on his hand which was propped up by his knee.

She stayed silent, the only acknowledgment Hugh got was she gritted her teeth and adjusted in her seat. Beside her, Hugh hummed and dropped his hand so he can lean himself against the couch. "I won't lie, it's an honor that I'm still haunting you this much. You should see someone about this, you know it isn't normal." Norah sighed and closed her eyes before opening them and finally clicking something to watch. She knows that it isn't normal to see her dead husband but it wasn't normal for said dead husband to blame her for his suicide so nothing about Norah's life was normal, she was ready for someone to judge her if she tried to get help and she didn't want that. She just wanted to forget anything ever happened and live her life, without having to think about Hugh ever again.

"You think it's that easy to get rid of me, that's so cute. You know I'm not going away on my own, and the thing is. I think somehow deep down, you still love me, Norah." That broke Norah, she turned to Hugh with the angriest look on her face. "I don't love you! I hate you! I hate you for what you did to me, you ruined me, Hugh. You were manipulative to me, you made me think I was special in High School. I was the new weird Asian kid and I didn't have any friends you took advantage of that, I was trapped in a loveless marriage because of you! You took me away from my friends and family, you did that! When my mother died you didn't let me go home, you kept me away from everything I loved, and when you said you did it for my own good I believed you!" Norah was panting by the time she was done screaming at Hugh, she had stood up while she was yelling at Hugh so she collapsed on the couch so she can catch her breath.

She took satisfaction with the fact that she rendered Hugh speechless but before Norah could do anything else there was a knock on the door, she froze before she quickly got up and opened the door to see the superintendent of her building. "Hi." Norah managed to get out after she opened the door and stared at him in shock for a second. "Hi, I'm sorry to do this but we've had a couple of complaints from your neighbors that you were screaming and well I was concerned because in the months you've been living here you've been an amazing tenant. So I just decided to make sure you were alright." Norah's heart pounded as she nodded. "I'm fine, sorry. I apologize, I was just reenacting a play. I'll keep it down." Norah hated lying to her superintendent because he was a sweet old man who reminded her of her father but here she was, lying to him.

"Okay, just be safe and let me know if you need anything." He smiled before he turned and started to walk down the hallway, Norah sighed in relief and placed her head on the doorframe before she closed it and turned around to glare at Hugh before she ignored him and sat on the couch crossing her arms in anger. Norah can't believe this has what her life has come to, lying, and talking to a dead person.

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