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Norah is at her last straw, after her close call with her superintendent Hugh has gotten more annoying if that was even possible. He hasn't been sticking to the apartment, he's taken it upon himself to follow her to the store again. Which told Norah that it was time, she needed help and she couldn't do this alone. She can see Hugh sitting in the chair in the corner watching her as she grabs her phone that was laying on the table, she slowly let out a breath before she hit dialed the person she was looking for, she knew that Karen could help her and if she couldn't then Norah had nothing left. "I need help, can you come to my apartment?" Norah said instead of a greeting once Karen picked up. "I'll be right there." Karen could tell that this was serious or else she would've mocked the lack of greeting but Norah was glad that Karen picked up on it.

She let out a breath as she placed her phone back onto the coffee table, now it was a waiting game. "So, you're finally going to see someone to see if they can get me out of your head. Well, news flash. It's not going to work." Hugh taunted but Norah rolled her shoulders and did her best to ignore him when she blinked she knew that Hugh moved closer because she could feel his eyes staring at her on her left but she ignored him.

Norah rubbed her eyes in frustration, she couldn't wait until Hugh would be gone forever but she felt that it wouldn't be easy. "That's precisely right darling because we both know I won't go down without a fight." Norah could feel Hugh's breath ghosting her cheek, he used his thumb to try and pull her chin towards him but Norah jerked out of his hold quickly. She looked down at her hands and noticed that they started to shake from anxiety, she could feel her nose start to tingle in the telltale sign that she was going to start crying soon.

She scrubbed her hands over her face in frustration, she was about to give in and let the tears fall when she heard a knock on the door. Norah could've sobbed in relief, she quickly got up and ran to the door, she swung it open before Karen could knock again. Norah held in a whimper as she wrapped her arms around Karen and hugged the woman tightly, she could feel Karen freeze under her hold but she relaxed into the hug and hugged Norah back just as tightly.

Norah gulped as she pulled back from Karen, she can't believe what she just did. "Hey, don't feel embarrassed. I like hugs, but are you alright?" Karen asks softly as she slides her hands down from Norah's shoulders to grasp onto her hands, Norah's hair flopped as she shook her head instead of answering. She stepped away from the door so Karen could step into the apartment, out of the corner of her eye she could see Hugh smirking from his spot on the couch when he met her eye she shivered she wanted to cover herself with her arms but she resisted as Karen was here. "I'm not okay Karen." Norah whimpered out as she rested her arms on the kitchen counter, Karen frowned as she rested her hip against the counter standing next to Norah.

"What's on going on?" Karen's tone that she used almost made Norah burst out in tears right there, hearing such kindness and a tone that wasn't filled with judgment. "Remember a while ago I called you because I saw him again?" Norah didn't need to explain who he was because Karen widened her eyes and stepped away from the counter so she can get closer to Norah. "I do, have you seen him again?"

Norah swallowed, she let out a sigh as she looked at the living room to see Hugh who was watching them with a creepy smile on his face. "I never stopped." Norah's voice cracked with emotion as she gave Karen a watery smile. "He's always been there, I see him at work. He can touch me, I can smell him. It feels so real Karen, and I can't take it anymore." Norah's voice cracks as she can feel tears building in her eyes, Karen lets out a gasp before she gives Norah a tight hug. "Is he here right now?" Karen whispers in Norah's ear after a few seconds of silence.

She hesitates before nodding, she nods towards the couch where Hugh was sitting. He smirks and gives them a finger wave even though Norah was the only one who could see him. "Oh god Norah, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you've been going through, and in silence. Can I do anything to help?" Karen asks sucking her teeth as she pulls back from the hug.

"I was wondering if you had any recommendations on anyone I could talk to, to help. I can't deal with this anymore, I don't want him to be in my life anymore. I want to be free, I want him gone but he's still taunting me." Norah explained, she placed her arms on the counter and rested her head in her hands. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder but relaxed when she realized it was just Karen. "Like a psychologist?" Karen softly asks rubbing Norah's shoulder soothingly, Norah breathes out slowly as she nodded. "Okay, there's this woman named Nancy Tanner. I can get a referral for you but the office uses her a lot and we like her because she's nice but she's also no-nonsense. If you would like that?" Karen kept her voice low which Norah appreciated.

"I would like that."

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