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Norah's first session with Nancy was tiring, all she did was explain her trauma to Nancy and why Norah needed to see her. She wasn't expecting to have to do that but she didn't know what she was expecting in the first place so she should've guessed that Nancy would've had her talk about what happened. Karen had texted her to ask her how it went and Norah said lied and said it went well, she didn't give any specifics but her answer seemed to have pleased Karen but now Norah was bone tired.

Her shoulders dropped as she walked into her apartment, she could feel Hugh's eyes staring at her but Norah ignored them wanting some space to herself but she knew that she wouldn't get that. Norah dropped her purse onto the counter and walked towards her bedroom in the back, she slipped off her top and turned around to unbuckle her bra so she could put a more comfortable shirt on. "I don't know why you still turn around to take your bra off, I can still see you because I'm in your head remember?" Hugh mocked making Norah let out a sharp breath and roll her eyes slightly.

She stayed silent as she turned around, he was sitting on the bed smoothing out wrinkles in her comforter but they stayed wrinkled as he wasn't there. Norah walked over and grabbed a pair of loose-fitting pajama shorts and slipped them onto her legs, she passed by Hugh who was still on her bed he smacked her ass. It made her gasp and freeze, she could still hear the sound reverberating in the room. She could feel her butt stinging as she shakily opened her drawer and grabbed the earplugs that Karen had gotten her to try and help with the hallucinations.

It's kind of worked so far and Norah knows that it's exactly what she needs right now. She tried to hide how much Hugh affected her but one downside of Hugh being a hallucination is that he already knows, so when she turns around to go to the living she can see him smirking out of the corner of her eyes but she pushes past him and pushes the earplugs in her ears.

Norah shuffles her way into the kitchen and starts to do the dishes, she didn't have a dishwasher so she had to wash all the dishes by hand but she didn't mind because it reminds her of the times when she would help her parents wash the dishes and they would pile the sink full of soap because little Norah would get too excited. She is surprised when she lets out a little laugh but her smile drops, while she was waiting for her trial to start someone had reported her account on Facebook. So now she had no way to contact her Father anymore, she didn't know if he was alive anymore and the thought ate her up. Norah had thought about asking Karen if she could help but she knows that it isn't what Karen does, she doesn't find people just so Norah can have peace of mind.

By the time Norah is done with the dishes she can barely feel her fingertips as they've become pruney due to the water, she sets the final dish aside on the drying rack and grabs her rag to wipe her hands on. As she's walking towards her bedroom to grab her laundry basket she can see Hugh sitting on her couch staring at her with an angry look and Norah knows the look is because she can't hear him anymore which takes the satisfaction out of tormenting her, which gives Norah peace of mind.

She grabs her laundry basket from her closet and drops it on her toe when she steps away from the closet to be face to face with Hugh and his battered face, she lets out a scream which makes a sick grin appear on Hugh's face. Norah takes a calming breath before stepping beside him and starts to pick up the clothes that she's left on the floor, Norah would by no means call herself a messy person but it gets hard for her to clean her room when she's barely in there because that means Hugh is also in the room with her. She wants the space to safe for her but she can't do that with Hugh around all the time.

With her room now free of clothes she walks towards her living room and the rest of her small apartment just to give it a once after, after finding a few towels in the bathroom and opens the little door that was in her hallway that houses her washer and dryer, and as soon as she closes the door she sees Hugh again. "Fucking stop!" Norah screamed out, due to the earplugs she didn't realize how loud she was but she must've been pretty loud because even Hugh took a step back and looked at Norah in surprise, but then a grin grew across his face. Norah wanted to bash his head again but she knew that wouldn't do anything, she learned that if she did anything to provoke him then he would come around more but Norah doesn't know what that would mean because it seems like he only comes out when he wants to.

Norah's shoulders dropped as she left the basket in the hallway and walked towards her room, she couldn't do this anymore so she hoped that Nancy could help her because she doesn't know what else to do.

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