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Norah picked the skin around her nails so low that she could see the blood beading around her nails. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Hugh sitting next to her but since she stepped foot in the room, he hasn't said a word. Sitting across the two of them was Nancy who looked at Norah curiously, she looked at her notes for a second before looking back at Norah. "Can I ask you something, Norah?"

Norah was hesitant but she nodded at Nancy. "Did you date anyone before you met Hugh?" Nancy asked carefully, Norah looked at Nancy in surprise before hesitantly nodding. "I did, at least in America. My partner before Hugh was amazing." Norah noticed that Nancy raised a slight eyebrow at the use of language that Norah was using to describe them. "Why did it not work out with them? Why did you end up with Hugh?"

Norah pursued her lips together as she looked next to her at Hugh who was smiling crookedly. "I wasn't ready to come out, we dated in High School and one thing we had in common was we were the only Asian kids in our class so we kinda bonded over that." If Nancy was shocked at the revelation she didn't let it show on her face.

She just nodded before writing something in her notes. "Before you told me this, you looked to your left. Is it because Hugh is with you right now?" Nancy asks Norah with a raised eyebrow, Norah licks her lips before nodding. "It is." Nancy quickly writes something down before she asks something else. "Okay, has he talked to you at all since we started today's session?"

"He hasn't, after I had the first session with you over a week ago he hasn't said a word, in this room besides when we're at home or out in public. I'm not sure why but he just stares at me while I'm talking to you." Nancy nods as she writes what Norah said down. "Does he ever touch you?"

Norah gulps. "He does, He can touch me and it feels just like him. Please help me, Nancy, I just want this to end." Norah pleaded with Nancy, she frowns before she turns behind her and grabs a pad on her desk, and writes something down quickly. "I'm going to write this prescription for Amisulpride, I'm putting you on a higher dose so it can treat your hallucinations but I think what you're going through right now will pass, with time. What you have been through has been so traumatic and this is just your way of trying to cope with it. It should take about 2-4 weeks to notice things change so keep me updated, but I would like to see you here next week at the same time and day." Nancy stood up and handed Norah the script, Norah took a deep breath before taking it and sticking it in her pocket.

"Thank you, I hope this helps because I don't know what else to do," Norah says as she stands up, out of the corner of her eyes she can see Hugh standing up and giving her a little smirk but Norah does her best to ignore it. "If you need anything before we see each other next remember to call me," Nancy promises, and Norah nods tightly. She raises a hand to Nancy instead of saying goodbye, she walks towards the door and opens it, she feels embarrassed when all the eyes jumped towards her so she put her head down as she walked to the reception to make a new appointment.

"Ready to schedule your next appointment?" The receptionist asks with a smile before typing something on her computer. "Yes, Nancy said same day and time next week." Norah picks at her nails as she talks to the receptionist who nods before looking back at her computer again. "Okay, you're all set. See you back next week." The receptionist smiles, and Norah nods before she rushes towards the door.

She doesn't have to look behind her to know that Hugh is following her every move, she knows what he's waiting for. He's waiting for her to step outside the building so he can talk again. "So, that was fun." Hugh chuckles slightly as he walks next to her down the street. "Why don't you just leave me alone?" Norah pleads.

"Awh, you know this already." A smug Hugh says, Norah sighs and rubs a hand across her face while groaning. "Hopefully this medicine will get rid of you forever," Norah comments as she holds up the script for Hugh to see, for a second Norah watches as a flash of fear crosses Hugh's face but then he's back to a smug grin. "We both know it won't, might as well not even fill it."

Norah wasn't going to respond when a question popped into her mind. "Hey, why don't you talk when in my sessions?" Norah knows she won't get an answer from Hugh but it's worth a try to ask him. "Well, I decided that you deserved a break from me. At least one day, but I can talk if you want me to." Hugh smirks at Norah who quickly shakes her head.

She would love it if Hugh left her forever but she can handle his eyes staring into her skull while she's talking to Nancy even though it makes her skin crawl just as much. Norah rubs her head as she opens the door to her apartment complex after entering the code so she can be let in. She can hear footsteps behind her as she walks up the stairs she doesn't have to turn around to know that it's Hugh following her to her place, once again.

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