Confession No. 20: Webisode Durations

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Confession Description: I hate how short each webisode is. Honestly it's just ridiculously, you can't tell a story in like two minutes.

Rebelliously_Yours' Take: Need I say more?
Mattel did a pretty good job with the franchise (at the beginning) with its story line, but there is one of the few things they failed on.

The webisode durations.
Like this confession says, you can't tell a story in two minutes.

Well, maybe you can.

But for a thought out, well designed show of EAH's caliber? No ma'am!
While on the subject, let's talk about the dolls, because that's another thing.

Don't ever bring out new dolls and give them nonsense introductions ever. After. Again. (yes, I just italicized, bolded, and underlined, just to make my point.)

I'm sorry for being urban here, but bruh!
Let's talk about HS Cupid, DN Dexter and Raven, TCO Hunter, Lizzie, and Cerise, TTW Ashlynn, Blondie, Poppy,and Cupid (maybe their intros weren't so bad, but the end still sucks!), and those other dolls that I cannot think up of right now.

Their introductions sucked and didn't make me feel hexcited about the dolls (maybe for Date Night).

Y'know what? Not even Date Night (but I'm getting them cause they look better in doll form than in the webisode)!

I have this same problem with Disney Descendants: Wicked World series.

In fact, let's just take the time to be grateful that it's nothing like DD:WW because if anyone has seen them, they know it's only about a minute and a half long.

Coming Tomorrow: Confession No. 21: A Mad Comparison

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