Chapter eleven

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We had all gathered in the back yard and were preparing.

My heart was heavy as I thought of Sky, she had spent the night with Xavier that much I knew, and that was enough.

He was bad news and she was in serious danger around him I had to get her back, he couldn't bond with her he just couldn't. My fists clenched in anger and I launched myself at a tree snapping it clean in half from the middle.

"Erik calm down!" Julian ordered me from across the field, "We are leaving now" great, time to make them pay - make him pay. I phased mid air shredding my clothes and set off towards Maverick's lair.


I woke up with a smile on my face, opening my eyes I saw Xavier smiling down at me

"You really are cute when asleep you know gorgeous" He said lovingly tweaking me on the nose a glimmer of darkness surrounding the edges of his eyes.

"Urgh I look a wreck" I said mumbling into the pillow as I pulled the duvet back over my head when he pulled it back,

"Uh-uh no can do sorry Sky, we have to meet with the guys downstairs, I hope you've made your decsion as Maverick really does have his heart set on you joining us" I thought I saw sadness in his eyes for a moment before he turned away, it was like he felt bad for me.

"Urgh" I said for a second time pulling the duvet back over my head, I had completely forgotten about this, what was I meant to do? hearing the door shut I slowly dragged myself out of bed and made my way to his closet, pulling out an oversized yellow shirt and a leather belt I made a makeshift dress and nimbly cutting a pair of ovbious old jeans to make shorts, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I brushed through my hair and tied it back loosly into a messy bun and splashed my face with some cool water "Alright" I said to my reflection "Show time".

As I made my way to the front room I stopped by the kitchen, there was no one about so I took the liberty of grabbing a box of cereal from the cupboard, ignoring anyone I pased I sat down on the sofa and began staring at the tiger 'Tony' on the box of Frosties, it was ridiculous how that picture alone makes people buy bits of sugary corn.

"You have my cereal missy" xavier said suddenly in my ear which made me jump sending a shower of frosties into the air, using my quick thinking I caught them with wind and guided each one back into the box without hitting the floor and turned to see Xavier staring obviously impressed,

"Thanks" I said proud that my little trick impressed him, he hadn't seen anything yet,

"I like what you've done with my jeans, they never looked that good on me" He said flirtaciously, laughing I simply thrust a fistfull of frosties towards his face causing him to roll his eyes and nibble at my finger eating a couple of the frosties, "Come on then" He said motioning for me to follow him,

"But muuuuum I don't wanna go to school today" I said ironically lurching to my feet,

"Ha ha very funny" Xavier said flirtily pulling me in for a kiss, but just as my heart began to race he pulled away, "Now come on lovely" He looped one arm about my waist and we walked to the other room where maverick stood waiting smugly.

"So I see you have both become good friends" He said proudly, "That is good to know, now, we must retreat to the other room to bond you two lovers" he turned abruptly and left, the door staying wide open.

For the first time I saw pure love and a hint of fear on Xavier's face, "Are you ready?" He asked me listening intently for my answer, I swear there was something else I had forgotten.. something that should make me say no but I couldn't think what it was.. It was as if my memory had a massive part missing.

"Of course I am" I said kissing him lightly on the lips, he was my mate and now we were to be bonded for life, my thoughts skipped over the missing memories and we stepped into the other room closing the door behind us.


I could sense they had entered the room, I didn't have long left before she was claimed by another. And that was when we reached the fence of Maverick's lair - or rather mansion, I'm coming sky, my love.


"Hold your hands out young ones" Maverick said fastening a silky cloth around my right hand and Xavier's left tying them together,

"This is it" Xavier said quietly as Maverick began chanting, the cloth started to glow when we heard a lot of commotion coming from the main part of the house,

"What's that?" I said turning slightly just in time to see the door fly open and a group of wolves charge in, "Who are they?" I saw the front wolf phase back into Erik, "Erik!" I called happily reaching for him, how had I forgotten about him?

"What are you doing Sky?" He said the hurt obvious across his face,

"I..I don't know.. I couldn't remember you.." I was completely puzzled,

"Ahem.. Yeah I can kind of control peoples memories a little, choose what they remember and such" A young werewolf from Maverick's pack chipped in "And after all I do what Maverick tells me to"

"So you don't love me?" Xavier's eyes hardened over, suddenly in one moment I had one hand tied to Xavier and the other holding Erik's and the cloth began to glow brighter than before,

"No!" Maverick yelled angrily when the light grew so unbearable my eyes were forced shut, I heard more wolves enter the room and was suddenly ripped from both Erik and Xavier's hands and thrown back against the wall.

When I opened my eyes I saw everyone staring at me - wolves and people alike,

"What?" I questioned them warily,

"Your shoulder.." Erik said worried, looking down I saw a strange symbol marked onto it rather like the one on my side, I lifted my makeshift dress a little to see if it were still there but it wasn't the only mark left was the one on my shoulder,

"What does this mean?" I asked a little scared,

"Well the pack mark is gone so you have no pack, but that mark on your shoulder, it has two different colours and symbols merged together, It seems that you have been bound - rather like the legend to two different males, two different brothers" Julian said entering the room having phased.

"So I have two mates?" I looked from brother to brother, they were glaring angrily at one another,

"Until you decide on one mate for sure yes, you are bound to both of them"

"What's going to happen then.."

"You must spend half of your time with me and my pack, and half with Xavier's" Erik said through gritted teeth,

"How long for?"

"Until you choose a mate, for we cannot coexist as one pack"

"How long do I have to decide?" I said quietly almost inaudiable,

"How ever long it takes so that one binding will become permenant, and you cannot be bound to two people, you must choose a side, the legend does not allow for this." Julian informed me,

I looked from mate to mate hoping a decision would spring to mind but nothing happened, only the love I felt for them both was present. 

Knowing not what to do I ran for the window phasing mid air shattering the glass, I ran for the forest looking back only once seeing both of my mates staring after me seemingly heartbroken. 


so what do you think ? :)

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