Chapter twelve

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I stared in disbelief, I had to go up against Xavier? to win the affections of Sky..

"Xavier" I said as he turned to walk away, "I ask that you will not use tricks to win her from me"

"It is her choice, I shall do nothing of the sorts, it is up to her should she choose you. Or should she choose me, we will sort out who she stays with first later for now I need to be somewhere" On that word he turned sharply and left the room his pack members following in his footsteps.

"Julian what do I do, what if she does choose him??" I asked panic stricken,

"Erik, you must face reality, there is a 50/50 chance she will choose him, so prepare yourself my son for the days ahead for they will be tiring that is for sure."

Returning home and to my room I realised that Sky's necklace was missing, how had I lost it? she would kill me.. unless Xavier or his pack had somehow stolen it, damn brothers, have np respect for anything.


I reached the river and scanned the forest, no one was around, I shifted back to my human form falling to my hands and knees,

"Why me?" I shouted ripping chunks of grass from the floor as I sobbed, "Why do I have to decide these things?"

Who did I love more? such a small question with so many consequences, to choose Erik or Xavier as my mate.. a seemingly impossible task, I waded into the water and used the air to carry me along effortlessly.

I sensed something - someone.

I leaped from the water using the air to fling me at the intruder and shifted mid-air, landing on top of him I used the earth to bind his arms and legs to the floor before realising who it was, Xavier.

Shuffling back a little I stared at his shocked eyes which were trying to find a way out from his earthy trap, I willed the roots to untangle from him and set him free,

"Sky?" He asked cautiously, I dipped my muzzle once to replicate a wolfy nod, "Why are you here?" He seemed a little puzzled to find me in the middle of nowhere - but then again why was he here?

If you give me some privacy - and clothes we can talk in person I thought to him,

"Haha sure thing gorgeous - and may I say your fur, the colour, it's outstanding.." He trailed off taking his shirt off and throwing it to me, I caught it in the wind and casually trotted after it blowing it into a nearby bush where I shifted and changed into it.

"Oh crap" I mumbled, my hair was a wreck - typical girly statement

"Is everything okay?" He asked worry lacing his voice,

"Yeah, yeah it's all good" I replied tying my hair up awkwardly with a nearby vine, emerging from my bush I walked up to him pulling the shirt down a little as it moved.

He raised one eyebrow and looked at my legs, "I guess I should carry a spare set of clothes in future in case we meet again" He said teasingly,

"Haha very funny" I felt self conscious enough at my atire as it was, "So what do you want? can we make this quick"

"I have something for you" He held out my necklace,

"Oh my god thankyou so much! I thought I had lost this!" I flung my arms round is neck in gratitude and relief causing him to stumble back a little before wrapping his arms round my waist and relaxing,

"That's okay" He nuzzled my neck playfully nipping me sending tingles through me, pressing myself closer I imagined what life would be like if I chose Xavier.. and before I knew it I was completely emersed in his scent and I was seemingly in heaven, it would be amazing to be Xavier's mate would it not, he was lovely and had a sense of danger which was so enticing..

I noticed his breathing had become heavier as he made his way towards my lips kissing up the side of my neck, I felt my heart rate increase and melted into his kisses returning each and every one, "I love you" The words slipped from my mouth before I could tell them otherwise and this only caused xavier to stop for a second, emotion plastered across his face - love shining,

"I love you too" He said before he once more crushed his lips to mine.

I wondered why I didn't feel this way when Erik kissed me.. there was no passion, not like with Xavier, I think I might have made up my mind, I think I want Xavier... but I have to wait a week first, I would give time a chance with Erik, and get to know Xavier better, pulling away from his lips I hugged him tightly smiling at the prospect of choosing him over his brother, the 'dangerous' one.

Xavier began kissing my neck once more before nipping me again - only this time harder, what was he doing? and then I realised, he was trying to leave his mark so that once I saw Erik again he would be crushed at the sight of the hickey on my neck, "Xavier don't" I said "I don't want to upset him like this" I tried to explain, but he only bit harder until I was sure there was no doubt about it, I would have one massive hickey, giving up a laugh left my lips as his face retreated from my neck and gave me a cheeky smirk,

"Let's see how he likes that" He said laughing, kissing me lightly on the lips before letting go of me altogether, "Now I have to go - I was actually headed somewhere before I stumbled upon you"

"Alright, I'll see you later then - I'll just go change from your shirt" I said starting towards the bush,

"Na it's 'kay, I was pretty hot anyway, keep it" He turned and carried on walking in his original direction turning back only once, "Love you gorgeous" he winked,

"Love you too" I replied, there was no denying it, I did love him, maybe more than Erik?...

There was only one way to find out, I had to go through with this whole stupid mess of staying with each of them. Who's heart would I break, who's would I claim for my own ?


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