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****a year later (sasha) ****

Sasha handed in her last page and walked out of the office. She pulled out her phone and texted Janus as soon as she left the building.

"You didn't need to text me you know." She rolled her eyes as she walked over to him.

"A Motorcycle? Really?" She glanced at the vehicle behind Janus.

"Why do you think your brother fell for me so easily?" Janus laughed.

"Okay then." She rolled her eyes. "You don't have to be here constantly when I get off work, It's a bit creepy."

"I figured I'd ask like I always do. Would you like a ride home you stubborn bitch?" She looked up at the sky and saw rain was coming and she had about an hour walk home. She glared at him.

"You better have another helmet." He pulled it out of the bag attached to his bike and handed it to her. She hopped on and they drove to her house. As soon as they got there Remus came running out. "Oh boy."

"Well this is awkward." Janus banged his head against the handle bars.

"Remus? Why are you home, don't you have work at three?" She handed Janus the helmet and Janus carefully took off his own helmet. Remus looked between the two of them.

"This..." he gestured at the two of them. "Isn't a thing is it?" She glanced at Janus and then back at Remus.

"He was giving me a ride home stupid."

"You better not be making any moves on my older sister." Remus folded his arms across his chest. Janus held his hands up.

"I wouldn't." He glanced at Sasha. "Trust me she wouldn't fall for me." Janus chuckled. "She'd rather hit me with a car."

"Better leave before I actually do, smart ass."

"I just wanted to get you home safe, stop bitching." Janus stuck out his tongue as he started his bike again.

"Hey stupid." She walked over and slammed his helmet on his head. "Don't forget that." Janus rolled his eyes and flipped her off as he drove away.

"Oh my god." Remus watched him drive off. He looked back at Sasha.

"Remus it isn't what it looked like." Remus stood there staring at her.

"Whatever you say." He walked inside and she followed.

"Remus seriously." He glared at her and she froze in her place.

"He hasn't changed."

"He was giving me a ride home."

"That doesn't matter. You shouldn't be around him at all!" Remus stormed upstairs and Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Fucking drama queen."

***a few hours before Sasha got home (Remus)***

Remus glanced at his watch and sighed. He looked at his coworker.

"Hey can you cover?" She nodded and he went to the bathroom pulling out his meds. He looked at himself in the mirror as he swallowed them and sighed as he washed his face. He walked out of the bathroom and back to the registers. "Thanks."

"Hey Remus, I have to leave early my mom's surgery got pushed to this morning at eight. Think you can cover the rest by yourself? Molly should be here by seven am the latest?" Remus looked at his watch. Five am. He can do this.

"Yeah I'm good. Go to your mom." It hit seven and Molly walked in.

🚧Trigger warning: creepy advances from a coworker🚧

"Hey Remus~" she said as she walked behind the counter getting a little close. Remus backed up and awkwardly smiled at her.

"Hey Molly." He logged out and slipped by her. "Uhm I'm leaving early." She grabbed his arm.

"We have no customers," she leaned closer. "Why don't we take this to the back?" He shrugged her off.

"Don't leave the register unattended." He glared at her. "Fuck it I'll leave my shit here for the day I'll come back for it later." He walked out and realized that his keys were in the bag that was in the back room. He groaned. Seriously? He had to deal with her? He looked back at the store and then at his car. Nope. He shivered as he walked home in the dark. It's fine. Everything was fine. He'll get home by like one in the afternoon but he definitely did not want to deal with her right now.

~~~a few hours later~~~

"Remus!?" He looked up at his land lady.

"Hi mars." She rushed over.

"Boy what the hell!? Did your car break down or something?! You were supposed to be home hours ago!"

"I'm fine Mars, cars fine. I uh left it at work."

"Remus, you work at a gas station that's several hours away by walk." He bit his lip. (a.n. A 20 minute drive is about 3 1/2 hours by walk)

"I know I know." He sighed. "It's just one of my coworkers gives me the creeps and I didn't want to be stuck there longer than I needed to be. And my phone died on the way home and my chargers in my bag..."

"So you walked anyways!?" She walked him inside. "With everything that's happened to you I was so scared."

"I'm alright. Sorry I left you with Dee and Peyton for longer than you needed to be." He handed her some cash that he had in his pockets. "I can get the rest to you after my shift...uhm later?"

"Remus." She scolded.

"Sorry. I know." She sat him down.

"You can't go to work for three when you just got home Remus!" Remus wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Sorry I just I'm exhausted but I really need this job and I am supposed to go in and—."

"Go to sleep Remus. I'll call." He thanked her and walked over to his room. Before he could even lay down the rest he heard the sounds a motorcycle outside and he shot up so fast. He panicked as he ran to the window. His older sister was getting off of a motorcycle. He ran outside almost immediately. Him and Sasha argued and he glared at Janus. He stormed inside and Sasha followed. Panicked he turned to face her. 

"Remus seriously." He glared at her tears in his eyes and she froze in her place.

"He hasn't changed."

"He was giving me a ride home."

"That doesn't matter. You shouldn't be around him at all!" Remus stormed upstairs and Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Fucking drama queen." He heard her mumble under her breath. Remus sobbed as he collapsed to the ground holding his legs to his chest. Was he really being a drama queen about this? He screamed as he held his ears. His heart beat picked up. He remembered the way he fell so quickly for Janus. Was his sister about to fall into the same trap!? Janus will never be a good guy. So why did Sasha think he would be? Why'd she stay in contact with him!? His bedroom door opened and Remus looked up.

"Oh Remus..." Roman walked in and sat down besides him.

"I'm fine."

"You called out of work Remus." Roman looked him over. "What's wrong?"

"I walked home."

"You walked....FOUR FUCKING HOURS!?"

"Yeah." Remus sighed. "I'm tired."

"Remus what the hell!?" Roman stared at him. "You could have called? One of us could have gotten you!"

"Again, I'm fine." Remus turned over in his bed.

"Remus look at me damnit." Remus stared at his wall. "REMUS!" Roman yanked his arm and Remus fell out of the bed.

"Jesus Roman." Remus looked up at his brother. "Can you fucking not?" Remus sat up and stared at Roman. "If you are worried that I walked, it's fine I made it home. I just left my things in the crew room that was locked by the way and the lock smith would have taken forever to get there and you guys would have been worried even more." Roman walked out of the room and Remus leaned into his legs looking up at the ceiling. "Fuck..."


Roman walked into his brothers work and looked at the cashier who was sitting on her phone behind the counter. He sighed and looked out the window seeing Remuss car parked in the lot.

"Hi." Roman walked up to the counter. She raised an eyebrow.

"Finally back for your shit? Seriously Remus leaving early and then running off without your shit? What the hell were you thinking?" Before Roman could even think to reply she stood up grabbing a set of keys. Didn't Remus say the door was locked? Why is she reacting like this? Roman shrugged and walked with the cashier to the back thinking she was going to unlock the crew room. "You change your mind by the way?"

"About?" Roman raised an eyebrow.

"My offer of course." She turned to face him.

"Oh, right." Roman held his arm. "I guess?"

"Great!" She smiled. "Because I currently don't have any customers." She suddenly had Roman up against the wall. Roman's eyes widened. "you look different without the mustache Remus. Kinda hot." Before Roman could even react she was pressing herself against him, her lips on his. Roman shoved her away and wiped his mouth.

"What the actual fuck!?" Roman glared at her.

"What? I thought you finally agreed? Don't you try and spin this on me you little shit."

"You piece of shit! No wonder why he ran out!" Roman opened the door to the crew room and grabbed remusss bag. The door clicked shut behind them and Roman turned to look at her.

"He?" She looked him up and down. "Oh my god no wonder why you look so different. Should have guessed it."

"You just fucking harassed me, it's no wonder why Remus doesn't want to be around you." Roman glared at her. "Now move out of my way."

"Well, you agreed to it." She laughed as she got closer. Roman stepped back.

"He obviously has been trying to get away from your advances and yet you keep trying. Leave my brother alone." Roman went to walk past her but she grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall.

"I think not." She smiled at Roman as she looked him up and down. "Let's call your brother shall we?" Roman screamed as he was hit upside the head knocking him to the ground. She got on top of him and straddled him. He heard the phone ringing and Roman started crying. She held her hand over his mouth. She put Remus on speaker phone.

"They told you I wasn't coming for my shift. Why are you calling me?" She laughed.

"Well, I thought you'd want to come play since I have no customers and you need your things don't you?" Remus scoffed.

"No. Most of that is just useless garbage anyways."

"Your brother was so kind as to come pick it up." He heard Remus gasp.

"What did you do?" She squeezed Roman's side and he screamed in pain through her hand.

"I've done nothing." She looked into Roman's eyes. "He was the one pretending to be you. Didn't even know what I meant when I asked if he changed his mind. Come on Remus you didn't tell him?"

"Molly. Did you hurt my brother?"  Roman felt himself starting to cry.

"Not yet pretty boy. Not yet." She wiped his face of tears and then looked at the phone. "You really should have told your brother about us."

"There is no us Molly! Jesus women! Please don't hurt Roman!" She looked into Roman's eyes.

"Seriously? That's your name?" She hung up on Remus and leaned down so she could kiss his cheek. "Well, we will see what happens." Roman shook his head as she held a rag to his mouth and nose, trying to get it away. He felt dizzy. She held him still and Roman's eyes closed.

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