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"THIS IS THE POLICE WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" Remus looked up at the door. He laughed as he held his knees to his chest. Tears fell down his face as the door was burst open and police officers burst in wearing full tactical gear and gassing the shit out of the room. Remus looked up at them coughing as he smiled through the pain of the tear gas in his eyes. He was rescued.

~~~~Roman (a few minutes before the police arrived)~~~~~

Vixen hummed as she braided his hair. Roman pulled away and glared at her.

"Oh come on, I know your mother never did anything like this for you." Roman slapped her hand away.

"Just...stop touching me." He glared at her. "You broke your promise." She laughed.

"Bold of you to assume that I ever made a promise." She leaned forward. "Remus isn't here for us to torture you, he's here because of Janus." Roman glared at her.

"I hope you rot in hell." She stood and smiled at him as she walked over grabbing some rope.

"Want to rephrase that? Or do I need to send in my men again." Roman wiped tears from his eyes.

"I said." Roman stood up and turned to face her. "I hope you rot in hell."

"You have grown some balls." She walked over to him and tied his wrist. He winced as he tried fighting her off. "But you are still too weak to fight back." Roman laughed.

"Maybe." He looked up at her making eye contact. "But you and your men are never going to touch us again."

"Bold of you to assume that." She must have heard the sirens because she stopped tying the ropes. She looked at Roman. "How..."

"Hotel phones are a blessing, you know." He laughed as she threw him down. The door was thrown open and Roman pushed himself against the furthest wall he could from the door. When they dragged her out they walked over and someone knelt down besides Roman. "Is he safe?" Roman asked. The man nodded.

"Very banged up but he'll be okay when he knows you are safe as well. Come on kid." They escorted him out and Roman immediately ran to Remus. The two held onto each other tightly.

"Hey." Remus choked out. Roman laughed and held him even tighter.

"Hi." For the first time, he actually really looked at his brother. He knew he'd do anything in his power to protect Remus now. Just like his brother was trying to do for him this entire time. How could he have ever thought otherwise?

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