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She swear she could almost sense him.

But after all this wasn't the first time her mind played tricks on her. She'd experienced this cycle before. Mistaking him for someone else as she walked down the street, hearing his voice in someone else's whilst having a conversation, seeing his eyes whenever she closed her own. She knew their parting was going to be hard, but sometimes it surprised her with how unbearable it could be. She'd already gotten a taste of what it was like to be separated from him, but as months turns into years the taste went from bitter to sour, and she'd lost hope.

So like she promised him, she tested the waters with some new relationships—well relationship. William Dey and her had their go, but inevitably it didn't work out, they had fun though, but they both came to the conclusion that maybe that was all it was going to be. Throughout that relationship she noticed how he could never quite match her current. And of course that wasn't just the only thing that contributed to their spilt. The comfort she desired when bad days came along, the understanding she longed for when she desperately needed to talk. He couldn't give that to her, and she knew she couldn't go the rest of her life yearning for a love that he couldn't give.

All her life she wondered how Clark managed it. Being able to surround himself with humans, but seem like he never has to hold back. And than it dawn on her. He was raised here as an baby, she wasn't. He adjusted to Earth and it's yellow sun for the entirety of his life. She didn't. So in both being raised here, and living life as a normal person from the start. Being human became his 'normal' in a way, that it wouldn't be for her. And Kara envied him for that. He didn't have to wait years to stop feeling like an outcast, but she does. She has to put up caution signs every time she shook someones hand, gave a hug, or high fives.

But it wasn't always like that. A certain Daxamite allowed her to come undone, to take a breather whenever he was around. With him, her caution signs could be put to rest, and she missed that feeling of normalcy. She missed the feeling of not having to be on guard 24/7–she missed not having to put up caution signs.

But she found it profoundly weird, how her caution signs immediately disappeared as soon as she stepped into the atmosphere of her apartment. Instead of when they'd usually disappear when her head came in contact with her pillow signaling that a days work was finally done.

But than she looked up.

Right into his joyous and teary grey orbs.

He was standing there—kneeling actually— but she didn't notice. His face was her only focus. His was hair longer than she'd ever seen it, was neatly combed. Resting against the simple black long sleeved dress shirt he wore. His eyes were tired. Years of fighting a constant war had a lot to do with that, shedding never ending tears in private, and the endless nightmares, had a lot to do with that. But they were also bright. The sight of her, having been the only reason why.

He made it.

He made it home.

He made it back to her.

Kara didn't know when she moved but during one point, she ended up a centimeters away from him, kneeling on both knees like he now was.

Tears nearly overtook her as she reached for him. Her finger tips hand just come in contact with his bearded cheek, when an immense lump made an appearance in her throat. She examined him with her eyes, which were glossed with tears but she still took in anything her limited vision would allow. New tiny scars and marks presented themselves on his beautiful face. She brushed her thumb against them, and that alone made him shatter against her.

He too took a moment to examine her. And he immediately fell in love with the little changes he noticed. The way she dressed, was one of the first things he took note of. It showed a change—a growth, that if he hadn't known her at the beginning of her 'figuring it all out', he probably wouldn't have notice. But he did. After all wasn't he the person she was once most vulnerable with? He knew everything there was to know about her—surprising the both of them sometimes— so he can say for a fact, that the Kara he last laid his eyes on wouldn't walk so confidently in heels.

After letting their eyes wander on an path that that'd need only a few more minutes to memorize, they locked eyes eyes again. And the tears that were pooling in the corners of their eyes took their long awaited plunge.

"Hi." It came out as half sob, half chuckle, and he could only let his smile grow larger at that.

The sound of her voice was something he longed to hear for so long.

"Hi." Voice small but full of emotion, he moved to cup her cheek with his free hand, and she sunk right into the warmth of his touch. Warmth was something she hadn't felt in a long time, and with only a slight movement he gave that to her. Wanting—no needing more of that warmth she tucked her face into the crook of his neck. She'd almost forgotten how well it fit there. An array of silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she took in his scent that she remembered so vaguely.

He wasn't in a much better state. The smell of her hair took him back the all the mornings spent laying in bed doing nothing but being comforted by each other, and all the nights spent cuddled up on the couch watching movie marathons. He'd been longing to hold her for so long and now that he is, he simply couldn't believe this was real. But she unknowingly reminded him when she spoke.

"You came back to me."

He chuckled, and she cherished the sound.

"Every time."

A feeling of sheer happiness flooded her senses at his familiar remark. In-fact she was so enlightened that she took it upon herself to tackle him, leaving his upper body on the rug under the coffee table and the lower half against the hard wood floor. A hearty laugh came from him as he watched her beam down at him with the brightest of smiles. The happiness they radiated at that moment felt so foreign, yet beautiful.

With a slight movement of hand he tucked a loose strand of her blonde locks behind her ear. Once completing the task he ran his fingers down the side of her face, resting them on her chin. The innate desire to kiss her nearly took over him, but he had one thing to do before he'd give into that yearning.


"Hmm?" She hummed trying to meet his gaze, but unable to since her eyes wouldn't leave his lips. And she couldn't blame herself for it, it's been five years
after all.

"I was kneeling for a reason."

It took her a second to comprehend what he had just said but when she her heart rate stopped only to spike a few seconds later. Slowly moving her eyes up she held his gaze. In an instant tears that never really disappeared resurfaced and her smile managed widen, stretching to a point she didn't think it could anymore.

Maneuvering his hand into the front pocket of his dress pants, he pulled out the ring. The sight of it alone did numbers on her. She didn't think she'd see him or it ever again, and here they were, shining ever so brightly in-front of her. Returning all of his attention to her once more, he searched her eyes, looking for any signs of discomfort. Being that they weren't even dating and he was proposing to her, but nope there was no discomfort there, only sheer, pure happiness.

This is no doubt a scary yet momentous moment for the both of them, given they hadn't seen each other in years. They've changed. Grown. There was no promise that they'd manage to fall in love with each other this time. But yet they both have a strong feeling that everything's going to be okay. So that's why she said..


"But I didn't even start on my speech." The Daxamite quipped though his already ridiculously large grin grew at her answer.

"I think it can wait until later. Because I really want to kiss you right now. Is that okay?" Kara asked. Mon-El laughed at that. Before sliding the ring onto her finger. Something thats felt so long overdue.

Running his thumb over her now ringed finger, he smiled to himself before looking back up.

"Well I'd at least hope that I'd be able to kiss my fiancé." Her cheeks redden at the term.

Fiancé, she liked it.

"I'd hope so too...Fiancé." Yep she loved the way that sounded. And she also loves the way he reacts to it. With a light blush, and a dopey childlike grin.

Not being able to help it any longer, she kissed him. Pouring all of her love into the act like she always did. Though it has been years since they last kissed they found their footing instantly.

The kiss was anything but soft. It was driven by such intense feelings of longing and desire, that they couldn't help but let their lips—and teeth crash together in a desperate attempt to get a taste of the other.

The way she cradled his face, and the way he pressed her body ever closer to his, is what pleasantly broke them, but for seconds at a time before the tug of a lip, could pull them back together again.

Out of the two, it was no secret that Mon-El was barely keeping it together at this point. Her fingers wetted as his tears—and some of hers, ran down his face, and onto the tips of her fingers. She tried to pull away, just to make sure he was okay, but he trailed after her lips, too needy to pull away just yet. And as desperately as she wanted to keep kissing him, she couldn't ignore the way his body shook from under hers. So she pulled away faster this time. Gently pushing him back down when he began to chase after her.

She waited for him to open his eyes, and when he did she silently asked him if he was okay. He sighed. And fixed his eyes some-where off into the distance, for a moment before looking back at her.

"It's been more than half a century since I last kissed someone..."

She did the math.

He didn't move on.

And a part of her was shockingly mad at him for it.

He'd practically begged for her to move on and he couldn't do the same.

"You mean me." I wasn't a question. He could only nod. Shaking her head, she had to bury it into his shoulder to try to hide the pain in her eyes, but it was pointless because he would always hear it in her voice. "God, Mon-El do you know how hard it was to try and move on from you?!" He wanted to speak but she continued. "I felt guilty every damn day, when I was laying next to someone else! And you—you didn't even try..." Her voice cracked, and that alone made him feel the all guilt he'd been missing out on.

"I never promised you I would....and besides, when fighting a constant war there's no time for love." His answer did everything but please her.

"Well, if I was there I would've loved the hell out of you." Her voice was still wavering but he found her remark impossibly cute. A single chuckle formed in the depths of his throat before he spoke.

"Yeah, but unfortunately for me you weren't."

Looking back at him she was meet by an almost nonexistent smile, and that broke her heart. She can't imagine how much more pain he's experienced but she can see a glimpse of it in his eyes. Returning one of her hands to his cheek she delicately stroked along it like earlier. Paying his new tiny scars and marks the most attention. Tears continued to trickle down her face, as she watched his eyes shut at the comfort of her touch.

Too much. He's been through too much. She doubted that the healing process was gonna be quick, in-fact she expected it to take the rest of his life. And she was more than willing to see it through with him.

With his eyes still closed, he spoke.

"Are you sure?"

She hummed in confusion.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?"

"Mon-El, you're gonna have to be more specific."

A light sigh escaped from him.

"Are you sure you want to marry me? You could be with someone else—anyone else...they'd be easier to deal with." There was no self pity there, just honesty. She could go without the extra nightmares, cold sweats, panic attacks. If she'd just go and be with someone else...she'd be granted a peace he'd never be able to give.

But that's not want she wanted.

Throat still tight with tears she managed to answer,
"I don't want anyone else...I want you. Only you."

Shaking his head lightly he smiled to himself before opening his eyes and locking onto her cerulean ones. His tears quickly returned, and like always she wiped them away.

"I love you." It was almost inaudible but she more than heard it.

So much has changed, but that look in his eyes didn't. Not one bit.

With a smile so bright she whispered back,

"I love you too."


Their night was full of everything but sleep, and that's what made it perfect. They talked. Did other things besides talking, laughed and even cried both sad and happy tears.

They'd missed out on so much of each others lives, and they could each admit that'd have a lot more to learn, but this was more than a good start for them both.

As he held her, she told him about her failed relationship, and why it didn't work out. Her job, which she still kept til' this day. Alex's wife Kelly (he'd been particularly happy about that one) The friends that's she's made, and lost over the years. The battles that left mental scars along her heart.

As she held him, he told her about the losses that outnumbered victories. How he lost his memory in the first place. The depression he feel into, and how he was still finding his way out of it. The rare times were he saw hope in ever seeing her again. The battles that also left invisible scars on his heart, and visible ones all over his body.

She tired not the cry when she saw them, but it was useless. They were so..striking. And they still took her by surprise although she prepared herself to see them knowing that he must've gotten some over the years. He's put up a fight for too long, and if they were being honest they both knew it wasn't ending anytime soon. But the fact that they'd finally have each other made things a lot easier.

As tears streamed down her face, she unknowingly brought her finger tips against his warm skin, and ran them down his scars. He could only watch as her eyes roamed frantically across his chest and stomach. Taking in a sight she couldn't unsee. A sob danced on her lip, as her eyes reconnected with his. All she couldn't say in that moment reflected there, and he was still more than capable of reading them.

"They've healed Kara...I will too." Honesty matched by both his voice and eyes is what made her nod. Continuing her oblivious caress with her fingers, she managed a slight smile. Because he was gonna heal, she'd make sure of it.

Hours later the suns yellow rays began to beam through the window illuminating everything in its path including their bare skin. Tangled in bedsheets and each others limbs, they basked in their own foreign silence. Holding the gaze of the others quite comfortably. Faint smiles tugged on lips, as their hands ventured in their own little world. Hers slowly tracing his scars memorizing each aspect of his repaired wounds, and his in her hair. Tangling and untangling his fingers in her golden locks. Just laying there doing just about nothing, everything felt perfect.

"I lost hope," He heard the guilt in her voice. "of ever seeing you again. I lost hope." Maybe it was after the second year, maybe even the third, but she lost it. The hope of ever seeing him again, of holding him again she'd given up on that. And she'd never forgive herself for it.

"I did too...some days even the thought of coming back seemed impossible." His husky voice rang out. She could see the remorse in his eyes.

"How long was it for you?"

His answer sadden her.

"Sixty-six years."

"Well that sure beats the hell out of five years and five months." His teeth made an appearance at that, and than brought her some inner well-being.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner." His smile slowly fizzed out, and she was more than quick to notice.

"You were worth the wait." And just like that it was back.

There was something about the way his dimples reached for his eyes, that made her stomach flutter. In way it hadn't in ages. She still couldn't believe he was here, both alive, and safe. In her—well theirs again— bed, and in her arms. She's been wanting this for so long and now that she has it...it doesn't feel real—it feels right but it doesn't feel real. But she knows it will sooner or later.

Bringing his hand down, he grabbed hers. And played with her ring which shined even more brightly thanks to the yellow sun. She smiled as she watched him brush his thumb against the oval diamond. She was gonna marry him. Maybe not soon, but she was. And that brought a feeling greater than happiness to her.

"...You're here to stay right?" He understood the reason of her questioning and he couldn't help but squeeze onto her hand tighter because of it.

"Kara, I swear I'm not stepping out of this time ever again. I'm certain of that."

"Good...because I don't think I have what it takes to watch you leave again." It was meant to be a joke, but her delivery lacked humor, and a joke without humor is just a plain old remark. She wanted to change the topic. He sensed that.

"So you said you moved on, huh?" She wanted to change the topic again.

"Mon-El," She started with an uneasy laugh though he showed no hint of jealousy— in-fact she found it strange that he was smiling.

"So?" He pressed jokingly.

"Well I would hardly count it as moving on."

"Mhm." He grinned, way too smugly for her liking.

"Stoppp," She whined pushing him away all while blushing furiously. "It was—an attempt of moving on..." It was really. She attempted to love William but her heart just didn't belong to him. She attempted not to let her mind think of Mon-El whenever her thoughts wandered, but always failed. She even attempted to forget him, but who was she kidding—forgetting him was impossible. He watched as her cheeks redden in color. And marveled at the fact that he caused it.

"Were you happy?" He asked as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Making her stomach flip.

"I think I almost convinced myself that I was."

He managed a weak smile for a couple seconds. As he let his eyes drop down from her gaze. Only to lift them back up when he felt he fingers gently grip his bearded chin.

"What's on your mind?" The curiosity in her eyes matched by the slight concern in her voice made it slightly easier for him to speak.

"Do you feel like we're rushing into this? And that I should've waited until later to ask you to marry me?"

"Do you regret proposing?" She knew what his answer would be.

"No, of course not." She smiled at how defensive he got.

"And I don't regret saying yes. Not one bit," Reaching for his hand that was intertwined in hers, she enlaced them and brought them up to her chest, right next to her beating heart. "When I told you I loved you yesterday I meant it...and I know we've got somethings to catch up on, and a lot more things to learn about each other but from what I've took note of from the last few hours is that you're an even more fascinating man than you were the last time I saw you. And I find myself falling more in love with you by the minute."

Left speechless by her graceful dialect, he spoke by leaving a chaste kiss on her knuckles. Which of course made her stomach erupt with a zoo full of butterflies.

"Gosh, It feels like everything's changed—"

"—But nothings changed at all."

"Exactly." Kara beamed.

He grinned, before failing to stifle a yawn.

"When's the last time you slept?" She asked, noticing the tiredness in his eyes long before this moment.

"Peacefully?...a life time ago." A light single syllabled chuckle came from him. It was meet by soft eyes and a light smile. What time did to him was....harsh. She didn't even know that half of it but she could see in his eyes how drained he was. But he was trying to stay up for her satisfaction.

"Close your eyes. I'll be here when you wake up." As she brushed a lose strand of his hair covering his eye away, she noticed he was hesitant. "You can take it if you want to." His shoulders loosened, and and an unbelievably minuscule smile marked his face. He truly did miss how understanding she was.

He did what she told him to, and managed not to feel a single ounce of guilt for it. He knew he had a couple more minutes before the dose of the pill would start to kick in so wanting to use that time wisely he scooted even closer to her, and planted a feather like kiss on her lips. She smiled the whole time through, even after he pulled away.

"I really missed you." She breathed/sighed.

"Me too." Mon-El beamed.

Soon his eye lids started getting heavy and so she maneuvered her arm on top of him, pulling him closer to her. Which gave him the chance to bury his head into her shoulder. Just as he felt himself beginning to dose off. Her voice flowed through his ears, capturing all the attention he had to spare.

"Who would've thought? That a girl from Krypton and a boy from Daxam, would've made it to where they are now."

"Not me that's for sure."

He fell asleep, lulled by the sound of her laughter.


Waking up he was quick to notice that she wasn't there, but quickly his concern turned into a smile when he heard sound of her laugher coming from the kitchen, but the sound of her laugh wasn't the only thing he heard. It was accompanied by giggles, and a voice that could only belong to Alex Danvers.

Throwing on the sweats and a t-shirt—both a little too tight— she left for him. He headed out to see what all the commotion was about.

Kara who'd been woken up by semi urgent knocks, was seated on the kitchen island with a three year old seated in her lap. She was balancing having a conversation with her sister, and keeping her attention on a curly haired little girl cupping her cheeks. Mon-El with his shoulder pressed against the wall smiled at the sight, for how long? He didn't know. But it was the older Danvers sister that grabbed his attention.

"Hey! Looks who's finally up." She spoke, also grabbing the attention of Kara who beamed at him as he made his way towards the girls. Alex greeted him with a hug, like she did yesterday when he stopped by the tower. Possibly just to ask if Kara was seeing anyone, practically letting her know he was proposing. Which is why she was here in the first place to congratulate the both of them. Pulling away with the largest grins from the both of them she playfully punched him in the shoulder though she knew it would be nothing more than the feeling of a feather coming in contact with it to him. "You, proposed to my sister!"  She grinned stressing the word you.

"I did." He nodded not being able to help his smile growing larger. Kara still bearing a kid in her arms, shook her head at the two doofuses she loved more than they'd ever know. Mon-El turned to Kara, sweetly grinning at her for some time, waiting until he could acknowledge that she was actually real, before speaking. "Hey."

"Hey." She greeted softly. "Sorry I wasn't there. Two unexpected guest were pounding at our door." It's funny how a simple world like our, got his heart beating at twice its original pace.

"It was locked! It's never locked!" Alex stated defensively with a light chuckle.

"Well there was a reason for that." Kara remarked, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.

"Yeah, and I think I'm starting to know why." Kara couldn't tell why Alex had her eyes locked on a specific point on Mon-Els neck until tell she slightly leaned back on the stool.


Yeah, she was definitely guilty for that. She thought to herself as she leaned back up. Mon-El seeming to be oblivious to what was going on, brought his gaze down to the girl on Kara's lap. He noticed how she'd been watching him with her big brown eyes, every since he stepped into the room. Crouching, he wrapped his hands around the legs of the stool to balance himself, as he offered a gentle smile.

"Hi, what's your name?" He was rewarded with one of the brightest smiles he's ever seen.

"Morgan." She spoke in such a hushed tone, indicating that she was more on the shyer side.

"Morgan?" He repeated earning an exited nod from the little one. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Mon-El." He could visibly see her process his words, and he found it adorable.

"Mom-el?" She repeated after a few seconds, and that was all it took for the room to burst into simultaneous laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. That's it. That's exactly what it is." Mon-El chucked lightly. She'd get it eventually, but for now he was completely okay with the nickname. Glancing up at Kara he traced her soft smile with his eyes, before aligning them with hers. In that moment she looked unmistakably happy, and she was. For the first time in years it felt like the universe was finally on her side. And not retaliating against her. She doesn't know how long this'll last but right now all that doesn't matter, everything's perfect right now and that's all that matters.

Mon-El wasn't aware of the fact that Morgan was playing with his beard, until he saw her little hands reflecting in Karas eyes. Refocusing his attention on the little bug. He noticed how her small plush fingers tugged at his facial hair gently, although he couldn't feel it he cherished the bonding moment.

"Do you like it?" Much to his surprise she sook her head no quite too avidly for his liking.

"No?" Faking being hurt he clutch his heart and pouted. "She doesn't like my beard." He remarked sadly looking up at Kara and Alex, who couldn't help but snicker at the Daxamite. Giggling, Morgan used her two thumbs to lift of the corners of his mouth in an attempt to get rid of his frown, and it worked. "Should I shave it?" He asked her, and he could've sworn her eyes lit up as if she just saw a unicorn. Glancing up at her mom, she silently asked for permission.

"It's your call Morg." Alex grinned, pinching her daughters cheek.

"Well don't I at-least get a say in this?" Kara asked.

"It'll grow back." Alex stated nudging Kara's shoulder. Making the Kryptonian pout this time around.

Looking back down into the bright eyes of the little one he watched as she nodded yet again. Masking his smile he dramatically sighed, bringing back her exuberant laughter. "Well, then I guess we've got to get to work. May I?" In his request to take her with him, she gracefully swung her arms around his neck taking him by a gleeful surprise. Not being able to suppress his growing grin, he let his eyes shut close.  He'd grown used to sudden change, but still he didn't take kindly of them most of the time but this, this was nice. Securing her in his hold he stood up. "We'll be back in five minutes, tops."

The pair of beaming sister watched as the two, made their way into the bathroom. Alex let her eyes wander to her sisters, who still had hers attached to the direction they went. Reaching for her younger sisters hand, she grasped her attention.

"I missed seeing you this happy." Bowing her head down with a giddy chuckle, Kara sighed contently.

Looking back up with a smile even bigger than before, she squeezed Alexs hand gingerly. "After all this time I didn't think I'd have a reason to be." As months turned into years, Alex was one of the first people to notice that she'd given up hope, and she couldn't tell whos heart that broke more. It was hard enough to see Kara slip back into that dark depressing gray way of living again, and it was even harder to watch herself attempt to paint over those gray dull days with any shade of blue she could find.

Alex could recount all the nights she spent with Kara listening to her convince herself that she was happy with her life, but knowing her sister better then herself most times she knew that she wasn't as happy as she portrayed, she was content. It took the reporter a while to realize that but when she did everything changed. Instead of pinning for a source of euphoria in other people, she dug as far as she could to find it in herself like she's had too so many times before. And this time she's certain that she can finally put that shovel to rest.

"How is he?"

"Tired. Really tired."  Weak smiles were exchanged.

"Well he looks happy too. Really happy. Don't disregard that."

"I haven't, and won't."  Answered Kara. How could she really? Whenever their eyes met she'd be overwhelmed by the amount love radiated in those grey orbs of his. It was amazing really. The way he could catch her breath, with doing just about nothing.

But this time it was Alex who's breath got caught, and Mon-El did just about something to cause it.

"What did you do to my daughter?!" Alex gawked as she stared into the eyes of Morgan who'd looked like she's training for the role of Santa Claus.

"I swear I only turned around for one second, and well...that happened."

"That happened? Mon-El there's shaving cream all over her face!" Alex remarked failing to stifle a laugh, as Morgans teeth broke out in a smile even through all that foam. 

"Yeah, I guess I could've prevented that." Suddenly defenseless, he turned to someone he knew, could hold his gaze with effortless ease. "I uh forget where the razors are."

"Second drawer down."

"Right," He beamed at her shortly before turning to the girl balancing on his hip. "I'm gonna need some of that." Giggles erupted as he scooped a good handful onto his palm, and applied it to his bread. "Ready to get back to business?" She mumbled an enthusiastic yes. "Of course you are, you're a Danvers girl after all."

"Damn right she is." Alex agreed too lost in a pair of dark brown eyes to realize that she— for what might've been the 1000 time broke her no cursing in front of Morgan rule. Promising to clean up the mess they caused they then waved a quick goodbye before venturing into the bathroom again.

"He's only been here what? Five minutes, and he's already stolen my kid." That made Kara laugh with ease.

"Yeah, he doesn't think so but he's great with them." She was picturing it again. A life with him. She could have it now. In-fact she could have it all. It's all in her reach and nothings in her way this time. She could have a future with him, maybe not a perfect one given their careers but...she'll more then take what's to come if it meant she'd still get to wake up next to him every morning.

"What are you thinking about?" A soft sense of curiosity balanced on the tip of the brunettes tongue.

"Everything," she answered with a smile. "God Alex, I'm gonna get married." She still couldn't believe it. Every time she'd think about it giddiness flooded her senses. Kara couldn't even begin to describe how the thought of marrying him made her feel. Happy of course. But it was more then that, and she can't quite word it.

"You are. And to Mon-El." That made her smile even bigger. "You know I always kinda hoped you'd end up with him."

"Wait really?" Kara couldn't help but ask. I'd Alex had anything to her other relationships besides the one with Mon-El she never showed it, in-fact she was always supportive so she was a bit surprised at her sisters words.

"Really. I noticed from the start that there was something between you two even before you guys started dating—a connection. One that allowed you to laugh whenever he'd joke about some holidays rituals none of us knew about. One that'd make you eyes light up when he'd talk about the planets he's been to, some that even Winn never knew existed. One that'd make you feel normal whenever he was around," Alex spoke gently just loud enough for only Kara to hear "look we both know that I can't give you that— that normalcy that you crave. But he can. And it's important for you to have that in your life...and besides he's grown on me a-lot since the first time I meet him. He's family." Alex finished with a smile. Kara on the verge of tears stood to hug her sister.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Kara." Kissing the top of the kryptonians head she hugged her back just until the pitter pattering of what could only be child like feet broke them apart.

"Hey! Back so— oh my god."

"Is that a good oh my god or?" Scratching at his now shaven jawline.

They both gawked at him, speechless. He looked younger. In a way he hadn't in so long. He practically looked like a stranger to Kara now but that washed away when she looked into his eyes.

"Wow." Was all his soon to be wife managed.

"You always said I cleaned up nicely."

"Yeah—yeah I did say that, didn't I?" She asked with a mesmerized chuckle.

"Well I for one also think you look great."

"Thank you, Alex." He smiled, and Kara knew she was a goner because his dimples were at full display.

"Mhm, and if I ever see you even try an attempt at growing a beard again I'll shave it off myself next time."

"Oh—oh okay." Little did he know she was serious, and a little late for something.

"Shoot we've got to go, Kelly's grandmother is in town." She grabbed her keys, and a stuffed toy that Morgan brought from the table. "Hey, why don't you say goodbye to your aunt, and uncle." She did just that by hopping towards the pair and hugging at their legs. They matched her radiant, happy energy with bright grins. Making her way back over to her mother she put her small hand in hers. "See you guys at eight?"

"Yeah of course." Kara answered, with a light nod.

"Great. Oh and Mon-El...I'm glad you're back."

"It's good to be back." Kara having been standing in front of him with her eyes straight ahead didn't catch him glimpsing at her, but Alex did. And it took everything she had not to dramatically roll her eyes right then and there. The duo waved another goodbye, and then just like that they were gone.

Not long after the door shut, Kara found herself gravitating towards him. Until there was only a inch of distance between them.

Being so close to him she couldn't even focus on his eyes completely, but she could tell he was smiling, his body language said it all. Wanting to be even closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his middle, and soon found comfort in the crook of his neck. She passed time by simply breathing him in and out, nothing more nothing less.

With his cheek pressed against the roof of her head, his eyes slipped closed involuntarily. The scent of her hair was still taking him to a place he remembered so vividly. So lost in a gallery of sudden memories he hadn't noticed she spoke until her lips brushed against his neck.

Opening his eyes he released a quiet hum.

"How'd you sleep?"




She grinned at his honesty. And he beamed at her concern.

"How'd you sleep?"

She sighed lightly, "Perfectly. Those were the best three hours I've had in a long time." Okay maybe it was 30 minutes. Long after his eyes closed, his breathing slowed and his body relaxed completely, she spent what could've been hours staring at him the entire night but he didn't need to know that.

"I'm glad to hear that." He chuckled. Running his fingers across the fabric of her shirt made it hard for her to pull back, but she managed. This time putting enough space between them so that she could take a good look at him.

"This is all so nostalgic." She sighed, pawing at his stubble. Beardless he looked like the man she found in that pod all those years back. Things were so much simpler then. But the funny things is if she had the chance to do it all over again she wouldn't, because right in this very moment everything felt more than right.

"Yeah it is, isn't it?"

"Mhm." She ran her fingers along the side of his neck before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "I never would've thought that after I'd found you, you'd mean so much to me. And I certainly never would've thought that we'd be where we are now." Engaged, Alive, Happy. Having all of that while juggling her lifestyle, it all seemed impossible to her at some point in her life but they were making it work.

Closing the gap between them, he sealed her lips in between hers. He'd gotten better at it. The realizing that she wasn't going anymore, and that evidently lead to him pacing himself in moments like these. Her fingers dug into his scalp as she pulled him closer. Letting her take the lead in this, she guided him over to the couch. And without missing a beat, fell gracefully on-top of him. She kissed him slowly and only pulled away for a few seconds at a time when needing air. Mimicking her slow actions he threaded his fingers through her locks, and tucked them behind her ear. His hand strayed lower until coming in contact with her hip. Just when he'd began to reach for the corners or her shirt she broke away rather quickly.

He only needed a second to guess why.

"Wanna go be heroes?" He beamed at her, enlightening the most bashful of grins.

"With you? Always." Leaning back down just for a quick second she pecked at his lips one last time before planting her feet onto the ground. Using her super-speed she was quick to change into one of the several suits she'd have on display at her own museum a thousand years from now. The original had always been his favorite solely because he watched with his own two eyes how she grew as a hero and as a person in that suit. But now that he'd basically rewritten history by coming back he could watch her evolve until his last breath—which hopefully won't be anytime soon. But who knows after all he's knocked on deaths door more times then even he could count, and every single time he'd find himself giving into the feeling of slipping away, he'd think of her and that'd be enough to make him snap it of it. And knowing long as he'd have that, a reason not to give in. He knew he'd be alright.

"You know I think National City might've missed you almost as much as I have."

"Oh yeah?" He speed away too coming back in his own suit. Some modifications were made over the years, but nothing too eye catching.

"Yeah." Grinning at him for what only was a second or two, she faced the window ready to walk out of it before he called for her.

"Kara." She glanced over he shoulder just in time to see him reaching for her hand. Swiftly he took the ring off her finger.

"Right. Right." She made a mental note of remembering to do that next time as they fled out the window, flying through the busyness of the roaring city below, just like they used to all those years ago.

They made headlines that day—well less so them because the hickey on Mon-Els neck took up all the spotlight.


Wow. I can't believe this is it. This being the first story I've ever written— it means a-lot. But only because you guys stuck around to read it. So thank you, thank you, thank you for absolutely everything :) I hope you guys enjoyed this, and all the other things I have in-store— including my other story I've already started. It'd mean a-lot if you guys went and checked that out.

And again thank you so much, for every vote, and comment. They mean the world ♥️

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