He forgot about me

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                      Kara's pov

Seven months. It's been seven months.

Seven horrible, excruciating months.

Sometimes I wonder how I made this far, but than I remember Alex...I'd be an complete mess of it wasn't for her, she'd always lift me up when I was down, and she'd always wipe away my never ending tears, and most importantly she'd always be there, every hour of everyday to provide comfort, advice and love, and I couldn't be anymore thankful for that...for her.

Although I have been getting better emotionally and physically, I still have many major setbacks, like the fact that I've basically been living off oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner (that is when I actually feel like eating) for months, and when I'm at work most of the time I feel tired and unmotivated, but the hardest setback of all is sometimes forgetting that he's gone...sometimes I'd walk into a room just expecting him to be there, and other times there'd be moments when I'd be at work and I'd hear about a story that actually brings back the reporter in me, and when that would usually happen last year I'd always call Mon-el to tell him about my pitch and the story itself, and he'd always pick up the phone right away, (it was almost like he could hear my excitement through the phone)...but he  hasn't really been picking up his phone nowadays...hence he's gone, but sometimes I forget that, but life sure does have a cruel ways of reminding me.


"Kara, there's a bank robbery down on Mason st." Winn says through my coms.

"I'm on my way"

Once I arrive on the scene I can't help but notice that the robbers have already been apprehended, but that seemed impossible being for the fact that the police haven't showed up yet.

I'm quickly cut-off from my train of thought when I pick up trembling voices coming from inside the bank, that being said I immediately rush inside the bank to see several people tied up against several support beams, and I also noticed two men chatting on the far east corner of the bank so I wasn't able to see there faces since I entered through the west corner of the bank one of the men seemed to be the the security guard at the bank and the other man seemed to be a superhero?!...I made that conclusion on the fact the he was dressed in a really vibrant red suit, that had streaks of dark blue running down the sides, that matched perfectly with his cape and boots.

On any other typical event I would have introduced myself, but being in a room with dozens of anxious civilians tied up against support beams is anything but typical.

After about five hastily minutes of untying a couple of thick wads of plasma rope, I'm down to the last knot which was wrapped around a very anxious ten year old boy, as I finally set him loose, he mumbles a quick thank you, before hurriedly running off to a women who seems to be his mother, I can't help but smile at the sight.

"Well it looks like you beat me to it" says a vaguely familiar voice behind me.

I smile to myself before responding "It was nothing"

"That little boy would probably say otherwise" he says, making me take another second glance at the boy I just untied giving his mom what seems to be one of the tightest hugs ever known to mankind.

"Yeah...I guess you're right" I say while turning around to face the man from behind, (let's just say I was not at all prepared for what I was about to see).
"Oh my god" I whisper not so subtly as I quickly rush into his arms. (Mon-el's arms to be precise), he's here, he's actually here and he's breathing, wait how is he breathing?! As much as I hated the feeling of not feeling his embrace, I pull away to observe him, and after all this time I can definitely say he's changed a lot! His voice sounds a lot more confident but also managed to sound soothing at the same time, his shoulders were less slumped than before, his body stood a little taller, and that beard (that I'm already started to feel accustomed too) made him look more mature and wise, and let's not forget that suit did absolutely nothing to hid the fact that he had been working out. And although he might have changed a lot during this period of time, there were also somethings that remained constant, like his hair that was parted to the side as usual, and that small smile I got a glimpse of when I first turned around, and his eyes...his eyes didn't change at all.
"You're...you're really here" I say more to myself than him, while reaching my hand out to stroke my hand across his incredibly soft beard, just to make sure I wasn't currently dreaming or hallucinating.

"Yeah....yeah I am" he says in a warm subtle way, that brought the butterflies in my stomach back to life.

I couldn't help but bring my arms back around his neck, to give him yet another hug. "I missed you so much" I say while digging my face into the crock of his neck, after all this time it still fits there perfectly.

"Uh...who are you exactly?" Mon-el says in a confused tone, while gently trying to escape the hug I was currently giving him.

"...it's-it's me" I say returning his confused tone right back at him. I looked into his eyes to see if he was joking, but the only thing I saw was pure confusion.
"We need to get you to the DEO now!" I say hurriedly, while grabbing on to his wrist to lead him out of the bank and to the DEO.

"The what?"

"Everything seems normal" Alex says as she does one last final check of Mon-el's vitals.

"Are-are you sure?" I say a little more anxious than intended.

"Yeah...everything's coming up normal, his vitals are okay, his heart-rate is normal, and there have been no signs of physic activity on his brain" says Alex as she removes pulse oximeter from Mon-el's finger.

"We'll get to the bottom of this Kara" J'onn says while putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Well...as far as I'm concerned he...he could just be a doppelgänger..." Winn mumbles quietly in the corner.

"Winn's right, maybe it isn't the Mon-el we knew" Alex adds to Winn's theory.

"Maybe his name isn't even Mon-el...is it?" Winn ask curiously.

"Yeah-yeah my names Mon-el" says a very confused daxamite (or something of that sort).

"Oh okay, well, Mon-el..., what exactly do you remember?" Alex says with a hint of confusion and curiosity lurking in her voice.

"Uh...well I came here from the 31st century" Mon-el says like it's the most natural thing to say in the world.

"Wait...the 31st century?!" Winn exclaims loudly, sounding really confused.


"As in the future?!"


"Wow that's awesome!" Winn shouts excitedly. "Do the Stars Wars movies happen to get any better?!" Winn manages to say before he is met by three sets of death glares. "Sorry...I'll just leave the questions to you guys" Winn says quietly before moving to take a set at the edge of the Mon-els bed.

"Do you remember anything else?" I ask with a hint of desperation present in my voice.

"Um...I was saying goodbye to my friends Imra and Brainy" Mon-el says as he try's to gather some more of his memories.

"Why were you saying bye?" J'onn asks him.

"Now that I don't remember...I'm sorry" Mon-el says sounding a bit disappointed with himself.

"There's nothing to be sorry about" I say to him before giving him a small smile, which he gladly returns, god I've missed that smile so much more than words can ever explain.

"Why don't you head the the conference room with Alex, so we can do a quick debriefing" J'onn ask Mon-el, as he gets up from his seat.

"Uh okay sure" Mon-el reply's

"Okay great" J'onn says before patting Mon-els knee gently and leaving the medbay.

"Winn do you mind showing him to the conference room, I'll be right there in a couple on minutes" Says Alex before she turns here head to look at me.

"Sure!" Winn responds excitedly. As he stands by the doorway waiting for Mon-el to catch up with him.

"Uh...I'll guess I'll be seeing you around later than " Mon-el tells me as he gets up from the bed he was sitting on.

"Uh...yeah I guess so" I say hating the fact that my voice was shaking.

"It was nice meeting...Kara was it?" Mon-els ask as he makes his way towards the door.

"....yeah-yeah...that's my name" I mumble softly.

"That's a really beautiful name" he says while giving me a small smile.

"Thanks..." I say before returning the smile although it doesn't quite reach my eyes.

And just like that he was out the door.

"Kara I'm so sorry" Alex says before engulfing me in a hug. "I really thought it was Mon-el for a second and when Winn brought up the doppelgänger theory everything just started to make more sense and....I'm so sorry Kara"


"What?!" Alex ask pulling away.

"It's him!" I say as tears start oozing out my eyes.

"Kara...we don't know that" Alex says trying to calm me down.

"He- he's wearing my necklace..." I mumble more to myself than her.


"He's wearing my necklace..." I saw the shimmer of silver, and a blue tear shape pendant hanging  around his neck as he turned the corner.

He kept the necklace.

But he forgot who gave it to him.

He forgot about me.


You'd think that staying at home would give you more free time but that is not the case for me 😂 I've been writing this for almost a week!

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