Hey there stranger

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Kara's pov

"Wait let me get this straight...after I sent him away he flew into a wormhole, that lead him to the 31st century, where he spent seven years, and in that time he established an elite group of heroes, called the "Legion of Superhero's?" I say, basically summing up all Alex learned with her debriefing with Mon-el.

"Yup, that pretty much sums it up" Alex responds, while taking at set next to me on the training room bench.

"Wow...that's-that's a lot to take in" I mumble softly while grabbing the ends of my skirt. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that the man I love and  sent away in a pod, is back...he's actually back, but he doesn't remember me...he doesn't remember anything.

"You know you should really go talk to him" Alex suggest softly.

"And say what exactly?! Alex he thinks I'm a complete stranger! He...he didn't even know my name!" I say on the brink of tears.

"May-maybe this is temporary...maybe something happened to him on his way here..." Alex says giving me words of reassurance, although they aren't really helping in the slightest bit. "You should really go talk to him" Alex suggest again.

"I-I can't..." I say as my voice begins to tremble.

"And what makes you think that?" Alex says questionably.

"Because every time I look at him, he looks back at me...like...like I'm an complete stranger...he knew me better than anyone ever could and now he doesn't know me at all" I pause taking in the fact that this situation might become the new normal."...and that hurts Alex...it hurts a lot" I say finally letting the tears fall.

"I know...but you can't just sit here and ignore him, you're gonna have to talk to him sooner or later...so why wait?" Alex says while slightly turning to meet my gaze.

As much as I hate to admit it, Alex is right, the longer I wait the harder it'll get, and as hard as this situation might be for me, it's way harder for him...but it'll be easier for him knowing that someone's gonna be there to help him get through it, and that's someone's just gonna have to be me, and not because of the fact that we had history, but because of the fact that I know him better than anyone else...or at least I knew him better than anyone else...he's changed a-lot so now he's just as much of a stranger to me, as I am to him, but that just means we'll have to get reintroduced to each other, and what better way to do that than to actually start talking to him.

"Okay...I'll-I'll go talk to him" I say, finally making up my mind.

"Okay Great!" Alex says enthusiastically. "According to Winn he finished giving Mon-el the grand tour of the DEO about fifteen minutes ago so he should be in his dorm room" Alex implies before getting up from the bench and making her way to the door. "You coming?" Alex's says turning around to face me when she notices that I haven't moved a mere inch.

"Yeah-yeah...I'm coming" I say, as I move to get up from the bench, and out of the training room door.


Well I guess its now or never, I think to myself before moving my shaky right fist up to the his dorm room door, before I can manage to talk myself out of this, I knock on the door twice.

It's now or never.

"Hey!" Mon-el says enthusiastically as he opens the door, with a small but vibrant smile on his face.

"Hi" I reply nervously, but I can't help returning his contagious smile. "Can I...ugh...come in?" I say hesitantly, already regretting my decision to do this.

"Of course!" Mon-els says while moving to the side to let me enter.

"Thanks" I say while making my way into his room, which seemed oh so familiar, the bed still lays in the corner of the room near the metal barricades, and the sheets are still the same shade of  dark gray, and even his untouched pillow remains in the same spot. "So ugh...how are you settling in?" I say turning around to face him just as he shuts the door.

"Um, pretty good for the most part, I just kinda wished I'd brought more clothes with me" he says while turning his attention to the small stack of clothes lying on top of his old wooden mahogany drawer.

"If you'd like I could ugh...I could bring you back some of your old things" I suggest quietly.

"It's fine, I wouldn't wanna cause you any trouble" Mon-el remarks shyly.

"It wouldn't be a bother at all, I could just drop by tomorrow morning" I reply back quickly.

"Okay than, i'd be glad to accept your offer" Mon-el says with a soft, genuine smile on his face.
"but I'm guessing you didn't just come here to offer me my old belongings" says Mon-el in a questioning tone.

"No actually I-uh-I-I came to... reintroduced myself and get to know you" I say quietly before training my eyes to the floor.

"Well in that case your welcome to stay as long as you want" Mon-el says still wearing that adorable smile on his face.

"Thanks" I remark quietly, hating the fact that I'm already blushing furiously.

"You can sit here if you want" Mon-el says while patting his bed gently, which reminds me of the time where I first sat there while discussing certain jobs that might interest him...that seemed to have happened years ago.

"Uh-yeah sure" I mumble as I move to sit next to Mon-el on the bed.

"So what do you wanna know?" Mon-el ask now facing me.

"Um...Alex tells me your from the future...so I guess that's a good conversation starter" I say giving him a small smile.

"That is true" Mon-el says chuckling at my remark, before starting his story. "I remember waking up in the hospital, because apparently I was in a coma after crash landing into earth in a tiny pod...uh I can't remember how I got in there, but the only reasonable explanation on how I got to the future was that I want through some type of wormhole so yeah that's, that" Mon-el says while giving me a small grin.

I'm aching to tell him that I'm the one who sent him away, that I'm the one who put I'm in the pod, but I just can't bring myself to do that, so I just sit there quietly waiting for him to go on.

"And uh I spent the first couple of years as an Kip-"

"A what?" I ask with confusion basically pouring out my mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure the 21st century used the term...cop?, is that what you guys call them nowadays?" Mon-el ask.

"Yeah-yeah that's what we call them...nowadays"

"Okay thanks I'll-i'll try to remember that" Mon-el says while giving out a small chuckle which I can't help but return.

"To pick of where we left off, I spent my first couple of years in the future as a cop, that was until I had the urge to do something more...be something more" I can't help but smile as he says this, I might not know this new Mon-el just yet...but I can tell he'll be just as amazing as the old maybe even better (if that's even possible). "I don't remember who or what my motive was, but whatever and whoever it was inspired me to be the hero the world desperately needed, but what's better than one hero?" Mon-el stops to ask me.

"A kickass team of heroes" I answer very positively sure with my answer.

"Exactly!" Mon-el says enthusiastically. "So I traveled to several plants in search of people who I felt would make great additions to my team, and eventually we were known across the galaxy as "The Legion of Superhero's!"!Mon-el says finishing up his story seeming very proud of himself, and he should be feeling proud, because what he did is utterly amazing! Rao I feel like I'm falling in love with him all over again!

"Wow" is all I can manage to say before moving my head to look him in the eyes, which were shining with pride.

"Here" he says handing me a golden ring with an "L" embedded in it. "My friend Brainy designed it"

"He did a really great job" I say smiling softly as I examine the ring more closely the see that the exterior of the ring has two black lines surrounding a think golden line, that meets in the center, which lays a golden "L" and...a comet...before I even know it, I'm running the top of my finger across it.

"That's my favorite part of the ring, if you press it, it'll alert the legion by sending a distress call" Mon-el says "They're quite the view out in space, they makes the stars seem like they aren't shining...they kind of remind me of your eyes" he says while giving me a small smile.

It's funny because even with no recollection of me or this time some of the things he's saying is so similar.

After about a couple of seconds of never ending eye contact Mon-el mumbles something so softly that even my super-hearing couldn't make it out.

"I'm sorry what?" I say snapping out of a trance that only he can put me in.

"Enough about me, let's talk about you" Mon-el insist.

"Um okay I'm from Krypton a sister planet of Daxam" I say starting off. "Do you-do you even remember Daxam?" I can't help but ask.

"Yeah-yeah I do" Mon-el remarks sadly, I guess he wished there were something's he'd actually like to forget. I'd suddenly feel the sudden urge to rest my hand on top of his, but I don't feel that we've gotten to that level yet, so I just keep telling my story.

"But-uh Krypton was on the brink of destruction, so one day as my planet was literally falling apart, my parents they-ugh they sent me away to Earth, and I made it out just in the nick of time because as soon as I left the atmosphere Kryp-...." I've told this story about a million times, and it never gets any easier.

I'm brought back from my weary thoughts when I feel his hand wrap around my own.

Well I guessed we just got to that level.

I've longed for his touch for what seemed to be centuries, and now that I've got it back...I-I don't know what to do with myself.

"It's okay, I understand" Mon-el says softly, causing me to look up form our entangled hands and into his eyes, that were now filled with understanding and sorrow.

"...and I um-..." I say with a trembling voice.

"It's okay, take your time" Mon-el says giving my hand a soft reassuring squeeze, that tells me no matter how long I take to recompose myself, he'd always be ready to listen.

After about five minutes of wiping away at stray tears I manage to pull myself together. "After several years of floating around in space in place where time doesn't pass...I finally reached earth, where I was introduced to my new family the Danvers" I say with a small smile on my face. "It took several very stressful years to get used to my powers the we both get from earths yellow sun, but I was never really allowed to use them...well they did come in pretty handy when unscrewing a couple of bottle cap here in there" I say, to with I receive a small chuckle. "But one day Alex, the women that managed your debriefing with J'onn, the flight she was on a couple years ago was plummeting down at a very fast pace, and I-I couldn't just sit there and let her die she was after all, so I rushed to the scene and stopped the plane from crashing, and in doing so I reviled myself to the world as Supergirl" I say using my free hand to point at the glyph on my chest.

"The world is very lucky to have a hero like you...Supergirl" Mon-el says giving me an sincere, toothy smile.

"Thanks" I say while giving him a that matches his.

"There's still one question that's yet to be answered" Mon-el says with his smile now turning into a cheeky grin.

"And what it that exactly?" I ask mirroring his adorable expression.

"How do we know each other?" He ask in a serious tone but still manages to keep the smile on his face, unlike mine which has completely disappeared.
"You-you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."Mon-el quickly implies, when he notices my change in facial expressions.

"No-no it's okay...it's okay, I just wasn't expecting you to ask that yet..." I say, but the truth is, I was expecting him to ask...I just wasn't ready to answer.

"I'm sorry...you don't-"

"Mon-el" I say making him look up at me. "It's okay" I say reassuringly.

"Okay..." he says but he still doesn't seem convinced.

"Believe it or not you crashed landed here in the 21st century too" I say gently before pausing to see if Mon-el wanted to make a comment but he remained silent, so I took it as a sign to continue. "When I found you, me and J'onn rushed you straight to the DEO, where you laid comatose for days...and one day I decided to pay you a visit, and although I knew you couldn't hear me, I told you that I'd do anything in my power...to make sure that you never felt alone" I say shyly, while looking at our still entangled hands, and although I'm not looking at him I can feel his eyes trained on me.

"But to my surprises as I finished up, you woke up in confused and horrified manner....you even through me across the room" I say chuckling a bit at the memory, but Mon-el does not seem to find it funny in the slightest bit.

"Oh my god! Kara I'm-I'm so sorry!" Mon-el says in an hurried, and upset tone.

"It's fine you already apologized for that several times" I say remembering all the times Mon-el apologized to me about this. "And besides I got even" I say, while turning to give him a teasing grin, which seems to relax him a little bit. "Anyways after a couple of hours of trying to track you down after you escaped, Winn managed to find you, and I brought you back into custody in one of the DEO holding cells, where we first got introduced to each other" I say giving him a small smile. "But after a while you were released from the cell, and placed into this very room" I say while moving my focus back to his eyes so I could get a sense of what he was feeling, and he seemed to be putting together the pieces of what I was telling him, so I continued.

"But eventually you got board of sitting around the DEO all day, so I decided to take you into my custody, so I could get you a job...and let's just say that did end up working to well" I say while chuckling a bit at the memories of Mon-els hectic work adventures.

"And then I tried to teach you how to be a hero..." I pause before moving my gaze back towards him again.

"That didn't work out either did it?" Mon-el ask, although I think he already knows the answer.

"Not at first no"

"I kinda figured" Mon-el says disappointedly looking down at our hands.

"Hey..." I say causing him to look up at me. "Just look at the man you've become, you created the 'Legion of Superhero's' for Rao's sake! That's-that's truly incredible!...In fact I think it's the most incredible thing I've ever heard someone do!...You shouldn't be disappointed of your past Mon-el, because it's the future that counts" I say while gently moving my free hand and resting it on the side of his face.

"Thanks Kara" he says while putting that adorable small smile back on his face, even through his beard I can still see his deep dimples.

I reply by giving him a small smile and than I remove my hand from his face even though every inch of me is begged me not to but if I didn't do it now, it would have been impossible for me to do it later.

"And although you didn't start of an ideal hero, you progressed into one " I say continuing the story.

"Only because I had a really great teacher" Mon-el says smiling gently.

"Yeah, she didn't do a bad job" I say to which both me and Mon-el chuckle to.

"Can I ask you something?" Mon-el says with a shy smile on his face.

"Yeah of course!"

"Did we get along at first?" Mon-el ask timidity, I think he wanted to ask something else, but I quickly blow off the thought by answering his question.

"No, not at all" I say letting out an actual laugh.

"What? Really?! Well we seem to be getting along just great now!" Mon-el we says returning the laugh.

"Yeah, but it wasn't always like that" I say still chuckling a bit.

"Well what happened?" Mon-el ask with a small goofy smile on his face.

I feel in love with you, and you feel in love with me, is what was supposed to come out my mouth, but instead came.

"We became friends...really good friends..."

"I'm glad that happened" Mon-el says sounding a bit disappointed.

"Me too..." I say while mentally cursing myself out.

I can't believe I just told the man that was about to propose to me several months ago, that we were nothing more than very good friends! Why would I do that?!

"Kara" Mon-el says breaking my train of infuriating thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say hating the fact that me voice jumped about three octaves higher.

"I know I'm starting to get on your nerves with all these questions but...do you know who gave this to me?" Mon-el ask while moving his free hand up to his neck so he can pull out my necklace.

My necklace.

It looks completely untouched and it still shines as if it were only made a mere second ago.

"Yeah-yeah I-I know who gave to you..." I say trying to push back the tears threatening to fall out of my eyes.

Mon-el just sits there waiting patiently for me to tell him who gave him the necklace and I owe it to him to tell him the truth.

"It was...it was the women you loved"

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