I wasn't completely honest

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Kara's pov

"It was...it was the women you loved"

"Oh shit I screwed up didn't I?!" I ask myself internalally, although I'm most certain that the answer is yes.

"...the-the women...I loved?..." Mon-el crocks out with tears barely clinging to the corner of his eyes.

"...yeah..." God, I feel horrible!....Although what I wasn't a technical lie...I am the one who gave him the necklace...and he has told me loved me on several occasions (by several occasions I mean mostly when he thought I wasn't listening, but little did he know...I was).

After a few moments of sitting in an unbearable silence, I decide it's probably best if I leave before I make things even worse than they already are, but as soon as get up to make me way out the door, Mon-els grip on my left hand tightens, causing me to turn my head back to face him, and when I do, I'm met with pleading and teary gray eyes.

"Stay...please" says Mon-el in a voice that tears my heart at the seams. I-I think I broke him.

"S-ure" I say stammering a bit as I make my way back on the bed.

"...wha-what was she like?..." Mon-el ask while moving his free hand up to face to wipe the tears that were now falling down his face.

I can't do this...I can't just sit here and lie to him anymore. "I've-I've gotta go" I say abruptly as I quickly stand up from the bed again.

"Wha-" Mon-el starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"I'm sorry, I-I can't do this" I say as I gently remove my hand from his grip, and as I do the warmth and comfort I felt while holding his hand, immediately went away.

"Kara?" Mon-el says, with noticeable confusion and hurt lingering in his voice.

"I'm-I'm so sorry" Is the last thing I manage say before I hurriedly, rushing out of his room and into the busy DEO hallway.


My eyes are so blurred with tears that I can't even see two feet in front of me, but that doesn't stop me from rushing away from Mon-els dorm room.

I'm in so serious need of fresh air right now, so I make my way to the DEO balcony. Usually this place clams me down, but it doesn't seem to be working any of its magic today.

I don't know how long I've been standing here but I'm brought back from my frantic thoughts when I feel a light tap on my shoulder, which instantly causes me to tense up.

"Hey...you've been up here for thirty minutes...I was starting to get worried about you" and to my surprise the voice doesn't belong to Mon-el, it belongs to Winn.

"Oh thank god" I say to myself before turning around to face him.

"I'm-I'm fine" I say trying to give him a reassuring smile, but like most of my close friends he manages to see right through me.

"You do know you're talking to me right?" Winn says while giving me a cheeky smile and moving to my side. "Come on...talk to me" Winn says nudging me to speak.

After considering my options (one of them being, get out of here as fast as possible) I take a shaky breath and start to tell him about what went down in the dorm room. "I screwed up, Winn...I screwed up really bad" I admit quietly, as I already began to feel tears rebuild in my eyes.

Winn just stands there silently waiting for me to continue so I do.

"I-I told him we were nothing more than 'very good friends' " I say while moving my hand up to pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Oh Kara" Winn says softly.

"And that's not even the worst part!" I say as fresh hot tears start to roll down my cheeks. "I-I convinced him that...he was in love with someone else..." I say urging myself not to break in to a sob. "Winn...what did I do?" I ask, while trying my hardest to swallow the forming lump in my throat.

Instead of answering Winn moves up to give me a hug that I desperately wish I could feel.

"He-he was gonna ask me to marry him" I say quietly in the crook of Winn's neck.

"What?!" Say a very surprised Winn as he pulls away abruptly.

"Yeah...I found a black engagement ring box in a secret compartment in his drawer after he left..." I say taken back a bit by Winn's sudden outbreak.

"You....you weren't supposed to find out this way!" Winn's says as he anxiously runs his hand through his hair.

"What do you mean I wasn't supp-" I pause as I finally put together the pieces. "You knew..." I say, more as a statement than a question.

"I-....he asked me to help him find 'the best ring designer in the world'..." Winn quietly says, as he try's to mask the pain in his voice.

I can't bring myself to say anything, so I just engulf Winn into another hug...but only this time both of us are letting the tears fall.


"I basically told the man I love, that we were nothing more than good friends, and that the person that gave him the necklace...is the woman he loved..." I say reminiscing to Alex, about the daunting lies I told Mon-el the day before. "I'm-im the one who gave him the necklace Alex...." I say tearing up as I start to think of the memory, of handing him my mother's necklace in the field where we were forced to say goodbye.

"I know" Alex says, while moving to grab me a tissue from the coffee table.

".... but he doesn't..." I say as grab the tissue Alex offered, to wipe the never ending tears off my face.

"He could...if you tell him..."Alex says suggestively.

"And how do I know that I won't say something I'll regret?!..." I say already picturing how I could make the situation even worse.

"There's no way to answer that question unless you try talking to him again..."Alex says while giving me a small smile.

"....I guess you're right" I say sighing in defeat.

"Aren't I always" Alex says teasingly. Making me smile for the first time in over a day.


I'm nervously swaying back and forth as I wait by his door holding a box that held most of his old belongings in my hands.

This is it, this is my chance to make things right once and for all.

The door opened to reveal a tired, yet adorable daxamite.

"Hi" says Mon-els with a surprised look in his eyes, but a small smile in his face.

"Hi" I replay, returning his small smile.

"Uh come in" Mon-els say as he steps to the side to let me in.

"Thanks" I say as I make my way into his room. "I-ugh brought some of your old things for you" I say softly while settling the box on top of his drawer.

"Thank you" Mon-el says giving me a soft meaningful smile that awakens the butterflies in my stomach.

"You're welcome..." I say giving him a small smile of my own. "Okay..nows your chance to make things right" I say to myself, before mustering the courage to actually speak."I'm sorry...about the other day.." I whisper quietly, breaking the awkward silence that fell upon us.

"...if anything I'm the one that should be sorry" Mon-el says surprising me a bit. "I shouldn't have asked you stay...I could sense that you were a bit unsettled about something that I said...but I asked you to stay anyways..." Mon-el says as in a hushed yet apologetic tone.

"...you didn't say or do anything that made me uncomfortable...if anything I'm the one that ruined things..."I say, causing Mon-el to look up at me with a hint of confusion in his eyes. "Can-can we sit" I say nervously as I point my index finger at his bed.

"Yeah, of course" says Mon-el while making his way to his bed with me trailing right behind him.

"I wasn't completely honest...about somethings I said the other day..." I say as we get settled in the same spots we were in last time, him one the left and me on the right. "That's why I rushed out...because I didn't wanna make things worse..." I say, choosing to focus my eyes on my hands that were sitting on my lap, rather than the confused, and bewildered look Mon-el was probably giving me.

".....what-what weren't you completely honest about?..." says Mon-el in a questioning tone.

"about us..." I say finally caving in and looking at him. "...about that..." I say as I move my right hand to grab the necklace that was tucked in his dark gray t-shirt. "...I'm the one that gave this to you" I say as I move my gaze from the necklace and to his eyes, which were still filled with confusion, and bewilderment. "...I'm the one who put you in that pod..." I say as my eyes began to fill with tears. "...and I'm the one that sent you away..." I say, as I try my hardest to swallow a lump down my throat. "...I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner...and I get if you're mad at me-"

"Not at all" says Mon-el, as he moves his left hand to my cheek to wipe a tear that had fallen off my face.

"....but it was selfish of me, because I didn't tell you sooner..." I say, before closing my eyes at the sensation of feeling the warmth of his hand on my cheek.

"Hey" Mon-el says softly in an attempt to prompt my eyes open, to which I comply to. "This obviously wasn't easy for you to talk to you about, so I get it if you didn't wanna tell me..." Mon-els says while plastering a small yet understanding smile on his face. "And if I'm being completely honest...you're not really the best liar" says Mon-el as his small smile turns into a toothy grin.

"It was the crinkle wasn't it?" I say, letting a small smile rest on my face.

"Yeah" Mon-el says, as he lets out an contagious laugh.

"...but there was something else I wasn't completely honest about..." I say, as we both settle down from our state of laughter and back into calm one. "...we-....we weren't just good friends..." I say in a hushed tone, while moving my gaze back to him.

"...you were the women I loved..." Mon-el says matching my hushed tone, as he moves his eyes from his hands to me.

I can't bring myself to say anything so I just give him a small nod as an answer.

"...well I can't say I'm that surprised" Mon-el say after a brief moment of silence. "How could I not fall for someone as amazing as you" Mon-el says smiling a bit as he moves his eyes to look into mine.

"...thanks" I say, with a slight blush falling upon my face.

After a while we fall back into an complete silence but only this time it was...comfortable.

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