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                                     Kara's pov

"I told you drooled" I say plastering a cheeky smile on my face.

Ever since I came clean to Mon-el the other day, I've been spending everyday with him in the training room, telling him about everything we went through together, and todays topic was our first kiss.

"No way!" Mon-el reply's, while letting a small fit of laughter. "I have never drooled a single day in my life!" Mon-el remarks in a defensive, yet playful tone.

"Sure you have!" I say letting out a laugh of my own. "Don't you remember tha-"I quickly cut myself off remembering the fact that he can't seem to remember anything that happened during his time here. "Never mind.." I say as I quickly try to disregard the memory that involved Mon-el, drool, and Eliza's glazed carrots.

"...I'm sorry..." Mon-el says, in a hush sincere tone.

"For what?" I ask

"...For not remembering someone as important as you" Mon-el says, causing me a blush to creep on my cheeks "...for not remembering us..." Mon-el adds softly, as disappointment begins to cloud his eyes.

"Hey..." I say, causing him to look me in the eye. "None of this is your've always been so hard on yourself about things that you're not in control of...but sometimes we've just got to accept the fact that we can't control everything, no matter how much we might want to." I finish up hoping that my words made him feel a little less disappointed in himself.

"...I know that, but I just...I hate feeling so...useless..." Mon-el says in a small, pained voice.

"You were never useless" I say trying to reason with him, but he doesn't seem to want to comply.

"Tell that to my parents...or even my planet...everyone secretly resented me anyways..." Mon-el say, as he moves his gaze to the ground.

"Mon-" I start.

"Even I resented me..." Mon-el says quietly, as a tear begins to slide down his cheek.

"Mon-el..." I start again, wanting him to look up at me, but he doesn't, so I move from my spot from on the bench, and move to the floor so I can crouch down in front of his legs, but even than he still manages to avoid my gaze. " were born and raised on a  toxic and cruel plant that knew nothing about freedom, nothing about hope, and nothing about love...and I'm not gonna lie, when I first got to know you I thought you were thoughtless, and selfish...but you kept proving me wrong..." I say before pausing to  take in his reaction, which seems to be unreadable at the moment since he still isn't making eye contact. "Because even though you were born and raised somewhere as vile as Daxam, you still managed to become someone so selfless and became the man I hoped and knew you could became the man that I admire so much..." I say softly, trying once again to capture his reaction, and this time I got lucky, because he finally looked up at me for a brief second with an sincere look in his eye. "You've changed've grown." I say, as I move my right hand up to to his forearm to give it a light squeeze, acts like these made him feel grounded in stressful situations.

"...I guess I owe that all to you...after all you are the one that changed me." Mon-el says in husky, tear stained voice.

"I didn't change you Mon-el...sure I might have inspired you, but you're the one that made the decision to change." I remark softly.

"Thank you" Mon-el says, fixing his gaze onto mine.

"For?..."I ask.

"Everything" Mon-el says softly.

"Anytime" I reply back with the same tone. "...have I told you about the time we were rudely interrupted by a super annoying 5th dimensional imp?" I say, as a small smile begins to grow on my face.

"No you have not" Mon-el says while returning the smile.

"His name was Mxyzptlk"

"Well that doesn't sound complicated at all" Mon-el comments with a small grin growing on his face.

"Yeah, we called him Mxy for short" I say chuckling a bit.

"Okay" Mon-el says. "What did this Mxy fellow want to do with us?" Mon-el says questionably.

"Not" I say, bluntly. "He wanted to marry me"

"Well I guess that didn't work out well" Mon-el remarks, chuckling a bit.

"No it didn't" I replay. "The first time we met he basically barged into my apartment declaring his love for me...right as I was coming to terms with the fact that I wanted there to be" I say finishing with a bit of anxiousness present in my voice. "...but um it's kind of hard to be in a relationship, when there's a dangerous being involved" I say chuckling a bit.

"What kind of trouble did he stir up?" Mon-el ask.

"Well, he conjured a extremely hideous monster, which we called parasite,  and he even attempted to gun down three robbers" I say recalling the unpleasant events that happened in a span of a couple of days.

"'d we put an end to his rain of terror?"

"Well it was actually pretty tricky...I had to convince him that I was gonna marry him."

"How'd you do that?" Mon-el ask.

"Well...first I had to make sure you were out of harms way" I say chuckling a bit. "...but in order to do that...I had to convince you that...I was no longer interested in there being an us." I say, causing Mon-el to look at me with hint of confusion in his eyes. "But I-I didn't mean it, I just said it so that you'd let me go handle Mxy alone ." I add quickly, causing Mon-el to give me a small understanding smile. " get to the interesting part, I told Mxy to meet me at the fortress of solitude, it's a place my cousin built, it holds several artifacts that were the remains of any form of life on krypton...maybe I could take you there sometime" I suggest.

"I'd love that" Mon-el says while giving me a wholeheartedly smile, which I can't help but return.

After what seemed liked hours, I was able to snap myself away from my trance and back into reality. "Uh...wha-what were we talking about?" I ask, as a blush slowly begins to creep on my face.

"Ugh...we were talking about you getting rid of Mxy" Mon-el says, while taking a moment to snap himself back into reality too.

" I ugh got the idea from J'onn actually, the day Mxy appeared J'onn mentioned writing a valentine to one of his 'good friends' on Mars" I say air quoting the words 'good friend' causing Mon-el to chuckle a bit. "And since she was on mars he had to write her a letter...because he thought that 'to write something down-"

"Is to truly say it..." Mon-el finishes.

"Yeah..." I reply taken back by the fact that he remembered that quote..."maybe if he can remember that, he can eventually remember everything else too!" I think to myself. " when Mxy arrived at the fortress, I locked the place down and told him that I was gonna blow the both of us up..." I nonchalantly.

"Wow...that's-that'" Mon-el says taken back a bit.

"If you think that's wow, you should see me at the rib contest at the alien bar five blocks from here" I say proud of the fact that I've been crowned winner five years in a row.

"Count me in" Mon-el say wearing a sly smirk on his face, which I gladly return.

"Okay now back to the story" I say, as I start to finish up. "At first Mxy thought I was bluffing, but when huge chunks of ice started falling all around us, he suddenly became very anxious, and started trying to convince me to shut down the system that would soon 'kill us both', but I told him 'I'd rather die than be with him' and I guess that was all it took to get him to finally surrender, because shortly after that I convinced him that he was shutting down the system, when he was actually just punching in the letters of his name, causing him to soon deteriorate back to his own dimension" I say finally finishing up.

"'re truly amazing" Mon-el says, as I wrap up my story.

"I have my moments" I reply, with a small smile growing on my face.

"I bet you do" Mon-el says softly, while returning my smile. "So uh...what happened after that...I mean after you got rid of Mxy?" Mon-el ask.

"You came over to my place to congratulate me on my big win" I say smiling a bit. "And I told told you why I blew you off after telling you that...I had feelings for you."

"Was I upset?"

"No, you're were actually really understanding" I reply.

"Really?" Mon-el ask.

"Really" I say.

"So uh...what happened after that?..." Mon-el ask again.

"Uhhh...nothing really" I say, as I feel a blush creep onto my face.

"You're blushing" Mon-el says, as a smirk grows on his face.

"I am not!" I retort defensively.

"Crinkle" Mon-el taunts playfully, as he moves his index finger to my forehead teasingly.

"Damn it"

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