Game night

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Kara's pov

"So you're telling me that, you got trapped inside a musical with your good friend Barry, because a man who goes by 'music meister', put you guys in there to repair your broken hearts?" Mon-el says, summing up yet another one of the crazy adventures I just recently told him about.

I nod, "Yep, that about sums it up" I say nonchalantly.

"Your life seems to be nothing but eventful"

"That it is" I reply, as I begin to think of all the very unreal and eventful situation I've been in, even before I put my cape on. "Speaking of eventful, I'm hosting the weekly 'Superfriends Game Night' tonight, and all are invited" I say, excitedly as I await Mon-els answer.

"The 'Superfriends' huh?, that's one heck of a name" Mon-el says, grinning from ear to ear. "And I'd be happy to attend" Mon-el says, turning his grin into an authentic warm, radiant smile, that would make the sun seem powerless in comparison.

"Great" I say, say trying my hardest to seem calm, but I swear that my eyes are speaking to him like two vibrant blue orbs inviting him to get lost in them. "It's starts at eight, I'll ask Winn to bring you by with him" I say, finally cracking by letting myself get lost in his eyes.

"Sounds great" Mon-el says softly, as he returns my longing gaze, with another look that I can't quite recognize.

"See you at eight?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence that fell between us, as I began to move to the door of the training room.

"See you at eight" Mon-el confirms, with a small small smile.


"Could you hand me that?" I ask, Alex as we set up the last bit of the snacks for game night. Alex and Maggie arrived first followed, by J'onn, and James, Mon-el and Winn are the only ones who haven't arrived yet, but that's fine given the fact that it's only 7:55pm.

"Yeah sure" Alex reply's, as she moves to hand me a bag of pretzels. "I can't believe this is the first game night sinc-" Alex abruptly stops herself from continuing, as if the words she was about could start a war.

"Since Mon-el left" I say softly, to which Alex just affirms with a nod. "Well, he's back now so there's no reason to wallow in sorrow and misery, anymore"  I say to Alex, which seems to ease the tension in her shoulders.

"Yeah, you're right" Alex says smiling a-bit.

"Aren't I always" I reply mocking, as I recall Alex telling me the same thing about a week ago.

"Ha Ha" Alex remarks with a sheer amount of sarcasm present in her voice, causing me to burst into a fit of laughter, which Alex quickly joins into. We only stop when we hear three persistent knocks at the door. "Well I guess Romeo and his escort are here" Alex says, as a sly snark begins to grow on her face.

"Shut up" I retort wittily, as I make my way to the door, where I'm first met by Winn holding what seems to be a bottle of red wine.

"Hey!" Winn says enthusiastically.

"Hi!" I reply back in the same tone, as I go in for a hug which he gladly accepts, we haven't really talked since that night on the balcony, but having him here is really refreshing.

"For you" Winn says as he hands me the bottle of wine in his hand.

"Thank you" I say as I gladly accept the bottle.

"Mhm" Winn replies before moving inside my apartment, leaving me alone with Mon-el.

"Hi" Mon-el says softly, as he rocks back in forth with his hands in his pants pocket.

"Hi" I reply, plastering a dopey grin on my face. "Uh come in" I say before moving to the side to let him in.

"Thanks" Mon-el replies before moving inside. "You have a really lovely apartment" Mon-el says as he makes his way inside.

"Thank you" I say quietly, as I try to mask the pain in my voice. I was hoping that he'd be able to remember this place being for the fact that he lived here with me for several months, but apparently that's not the case. "I think it's time to reintroduce you to some people" I say as I try to shift my mood to a happier one.

"Okay" Mon-el says with of hint of anxiousness present in his voice.

"You're nervous" I say more as a statement than a question.

"No, I'm completely fine, I'm just a little tired" Mon-el says trying to persuade me into believing that nothings wrong, but eventually gives up when he notes that I'm still unconvinced. "What gave it away?"

"You haven't taken your hands out of your pockets yet, and you only put them in there when you're nervous" I say, as I reassuringly move my hands onto Mon-els shoulders to relax the tension resting in them.

Sighing Mon-el replies "Okay fine, I guess I'm a little nervous"

"Oh really...I couldn't tell" I remark sarcastically causing Mon-el to let out a small laugh. "Trust me, there are just as much your friends as they are mine" I say as I gently move my hands from his shoulders and to his forearms to move his hands from out of his pockets, so I could hold on to both of them. "Just be yourself, they loved you before, so I'm sure they'll love you now" I say smiling softly, as I squeeze both of his hands gently. "And I'll be right next to you the entire time...I promise"

Mon-el takes a deep before saying "Okay, I'm ready"

"Great, because I'm really looking forward to beating you at Citadels" I say while wearing a sly grin on my face.

"Oh you are so on, Kara Zor-el" Mon-el replies, with a mischievous grin on his face.

Mon-els pov

Well I lost.

"Who knew the Danvers Sister could be do competitive?" I think to myself.

"Okay, who wants to go again?" Ask Kara with an adorable smile smeared across her face.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting kind of tired of losing" replies Maggie as she takes another swing of her beer, I think it might be her sixth bottle.

"Could we please play something else, something that's not competitive" says Winn as he lifts his head up from the couch cushion.

"Fine since you guys are a bunch of sore losers, we can play something else" remarks Alex as she moves to pick up the scattered Citadel pieces. "Any suggestions?" Alex ask.

"Oh, what about truth or dare?!" Winn says enthusiastically.

"We're not in middle school anymore Winn" James says chuckling a-bit.

"Aww, come on guys, just a couple of rounds, please" Winn says practically begging at this point.

"Okay fine, don't get your panties in a twist, we can play truth or dare" Alex say obviously annoyed by Winn. Kara did say they had what seemed to be an annoying brother and sister relationship, but I honestly just find it amusing.

"In that case count me out" Says J'onn as reclines back in his chair.

"Party-pooper" Winn mumbles under his breath, but loud enough for J'onn to hear.

"I heard that" J'onn says in a tired yet threatening tone, that causes Winn to slide closer to Alex on the floor.

"Okay everybody pick a number from one through ten" Alex instructs.

"7" is James number.
"2" is Kara's.
"5" is mine.
"6" is Winn's
And "8" is Maggie's.

"You're up first Mon-el, truth or dare?" Says Alex, with a mischievous smile on her face (for someone who didn't wanna play, she seems awfully exited).

"Uh, dare" I say a bit nervously.

"Um okay, howl like a wolf for ten full seconds" Alex says as her smile grows bigger.

"You're kidding me right?" I reply, with a nervous smile spreading across my face.

"Nope, I'm dead serious" Alex remarks as she holds up all ten of her fingers.

"I'm so getting you back for this" I retort, as I begin to howl, I don't think of ever been this embarrassed in my life, but I seemed to have done a great job, because as I finished I'm met by several fits of laughter (Kara's being the most noticeable) I even managed to get a few chuckles out of J'onn.

"Wow, that was something, wasn't it" Alex says trying her hardest not to burst into another fit of laughter. "Okay you get to choose who goes next, but you're definitely gonna pick me, so I'll go with...dare" Alex says still wearing that smirk on her face.

"Um okay, dance without music for twenty seconds" I say wearing the same grin on my face.

"Alex Danvers does not dance" says Alex as all the playfulness disappears from her face.

"She does today" James chips in, with a grin of his own.

"Wait before you start" Winn says before he digs into his pants pocket to grab his phone.

"Winn" says Alex in an intimidating tone, that cause him to slowly place his phone on the table to show the he's not recording, but little does he know that Maggie also pulled out her phone to record this iconic moment.

"You ready?" I ask Alex in a mocking tone.

"Shut up" she replies in a rather harsh tone causing all of us to burst out laughing, by the time we've all settled down Alex finally mustered up the courage to start, and I honestly don't see why see was so embarrassed afterwards, because she was amazing! That was hands down one of the best things I've ever seen!

"That was-" Winn starts but quickly stops as Alex shoots one of her deadly glares at him.

"Okay who's next?" Ask James as he rubs his hands together in anticipation.

"I'll go" says Winn.

"Truth or dare?" Alex ask, with a bit of harshness still present in her voice.

"I think I'll continue the dare cycle" says Winn with a  smile growing on his face.

"I dare you to put 4 ice cubes in you mouth and you have to let them melt" Alex says as the mischievous grin grows back on her face.

"Alex" Winn says in complaint. "You know I have sensitive teeth"

"Yeah, that's kind of the whole point" Alex remarks.

"I'll go get the ice cubes" Kara says smiling a-bit, as she moves from her spot next to me, and into the kitchen. "Here you go" she says as she hands a cup containing four ice cubes, and makes her way back on the couch between Alex and I.

"Guys..." Winn says as an attempt to ask for help.

"You should have chosen truth" J'onn says, causing all of us to mumble in agreement.

"You guys are the worst" Winn says as he stuffs all four ice cubes in him mouth.

"You know you love us" Alex replies teasingly.

It's been thirty seconds and Winn has already broken down into tears, and it doesn't help seeing that all of us are laughing our asses off, and at some point he even chucked on a couple of them causing Kara to have to give him the Heimlich.

"Guys it's not funny!" Winn says obviously upset that we found the entire situation hilarious.

"You act like its the first time your life flashed in-front of your eyes" Alex says as she tries her best to stifle her laugh.

"Yeah, but the cause of my death this time could have been choking on some god-damn ice cubes!" Winn says still furious.

"Okay-okay who's next?" Alex says calming down a bit.

"I might as well get this over with" mumbles Kara.

"Okay truth or dare" mumbles Winn.

"Uh truth, and before you ask me to do something really embarrassing, just remembering I'm the one who just saved your life" Kara says with a soft smile on her face.

"Okay fine, what's a hidden talent that most of us don't know about?" Winn ask.

"Um...I can tap dance" Kara says quietly.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah" Kara replies shyly.

"What a coincidence, I can too!" I say enthusiastically.

"Wait really?!" Winn ask baffled, "Is there some type of secret right of passage that your planets have or?..." Winn ask.

"No, being the prince meant I had to learn every dance there was to know, for special events and things of that sort" I reply bashfully.

"What about you?" Winn ask Kara.

"...I was just really obsessed with happy feet" Kara answers, causing Alex, Winn, James and J'onn to burst into another fit laughter.

"She begged Mom for days to let you take tap classes so she could 'be as good as mumble' " Alex says laughing hysterically with Winn, which causes Kara dig her head into my shoulder to hide the sheer amount of embarrassment she felt, but I honestly found it kind of cute, that she was so inspired by a tap dancing penguin (even in the 31st century that movie is still legendary).

"Okay, now I wanna see a tap dance routine between the two of you" James says chuckling slightly.

"In your dreams James" Kara replies with her head still dig into my shoulder.

"Actually" Winn says smirking a-bit, "James doesn't have to dream because, I dare you guys to do a tap dance routine together!" Winn says causing Alex's eyes to light up with excitement.

"What?!" Kara says as she abruptly removes her head from my shoulder, and as she did all the warmth and comfort I felt suddenly disappeared. "You can't do that!" Kara says in an upset manner.

"I just did" Winn retorts.

"But, James hasn't even gone yet!" Kara remarks.

"Well I officially resign from going next" James says with a grin spreading across his face.

"You can't do that!" Kara says again.

"I just did" James replies using the same words Winn used just now.

"Well, what about Mag-" Kara stops mid-sentence
when she notices that Maggie has fallen asleep,

"Screw all of you" Kara says, trying to sound angry, but ends up sounding adorable.

"What do you say Kara Zor-el" I say as I get up to stand. "Will you be the Ariel to my Ren?" I say as I stretch out my hand to help her up.

"Ugh, Fine, but we're only doing that last scene from footloose!" she says as she takes my hand to lift her self up.

"You ready?"I ask

"As ready as I'll ever be" Kara replies as she starts to stretch her heels.

"Can I please record this?!" Winn say with pleading eyes, but Kara only replies by making her eyes glow orange. "Never mind!" Winn replies quickly,
"Wait, you guys don't have tap shoes!" Winn says abruptly, causing Kara and I took look at one another.

"I'll be right back" Kara says sighing before rushing out the door at lighting speed, only to return five seconds later, with two shoe boxes in her hands. "Here you go" Kara says as she hands me a pair of black tap shoes.

"Thanks" I reply with a warm smile that seems to brighten her mood a-bit.

"Okay, I guess I'm ready now" Kara remarks, causing everyone (but Maggie) to sit up with anticipation.

Right as I finish the eighth count, Kara and I go into a perfect syncopated rhythm, which kind of takes me by surprise because this usually takes a lot of training but despite that, our tempos stayed synchronized, our taps didn't overlap each other's, and our rhythm is constant...I guess we just...clicked. When we finish up both Kara and I are wearing shocked expression on our faces.

"You were amazing!" Kara remarks, sounding utterly amazed.

"So were you!" I reply with the same excitement present in my voice, as I move to wrap my arms around her lower back to give her a hug which she gladly accepts, as we pull away I'm completely mesmerized by the way her eyes were shining with complete happiness, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on, I don't know how long we were staring at each other, but after what seems like an eternity, we look away when Winn says.

"Wow! you guys would be amazing classical tap dancers"

"I don't think I'm ready to hang up my cape just yet, Winn" Kara remarks with a small smile plastered across her face.

"You guys were amazing!" Alex retorts, sharing the same star-struck look as Winn.

"Thanks, Alex" I reply.

"Well I don't know how anyone's gonna too that, so I guess we should just call it a night" James says before he moves to get up from his seat.

"Yeah, I should get going, I've got to train some new recruits tomorrow" Alex says as she also moves to get up from her seat. "J'onn could you?..." Alex starts as she slowly points her index finger at Maggie.

"Sure" J'onn says.

"Thank you" Alex replies, as she hands J'onn her car keys.

"Mhm" is the only reply J'onn gives before moving towards Maggie, picking her up bridal style and carrying her down the hall.

"Winn do you need a ride?" Ask James as he makes his way to the door.

"Yeah sure" replies Winn.

"How about you Mon-el?" James ask.

"No thanks, I'll be fine" I reply back.

"Okay well, goodnight guys" says James as he makes his way out the door with Winn, who stops to wave goodbye before closing the front door.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow" Alex says before she moves to give Kara and I quick hugs, before also walking out the door, leaving me alone with Kara.

Kara's pov

"Here I'll help you clean up" Mon-el says as he starts picking up several empty beer bottles"

" No it's fine, I've got it-" I start.

"I insist" Mon-el says as he makes his way to the kitchen to throw the bottles away, at this point there's no point in trying to talk him out of it, because he's just as stubborn as I am, and I'm honestly to tired to complain so I just start cleaning up as well.

"Thanks for the help Mon-el" I say as I throw away the last remnants of trash.

"Anytime" Mon-el says as he plasters a dimple showing smile on his face.

"Uh, do you wanna watch a movie or something" I say as I begin to nervously fidget with the ends of my sleeve.

"If that means I get to spend more time with you, than of course" Mon-el says as his small smile turns into a cheeky one.

"I almost forgot how cheesy you were" I say making my way over to the couch, as I blush begins to creep upon my face.

"So what are we watching?" Mon-el ask he makes his way to the back end of the couch.

"I was thinking, Funny Face, it's one of my favorite musicals" I say enthusiastically.

"Huh" Mon-el says as his eyebrows start to bunch together as if he's trying to think of a distant memory.

"What?" I ask, a-bit surprised by his change of expressions.

"It's-its nothing" Mon-el says. "It sounds like a great movie" he adds quickly. He seems a bit thrown off, but I decide not to push him, so instead I just start the movie.


Even though I have my eyes focused on the screen, I can feel his eyes trained on me the entire time.

"You know the whole point of watching a movie, is actually watching the movie" I say teasingly, as I turn to face him.

"I'm sorry, I was just...thinking" Mon-el says apologetically.

"Well that much is obvious" I say with a small smile  on my face. "Whats on your mind?" I ask softly. Instead of answering Mon-el hesitantly reaches to grab my hand that was formally sitting on top of my thigh.

"You" Mon-el says in a low serious tone, that causes butterflies to erupt from my stomach.

"Mon-" I start, but quickly stop as Mon-el brings his lips up to mine. There just as soft as I remembered, his lips are warm as if he's got a slight fever, and I can't help but get lost in the kiss, because every time his lips move against mine the entire world just seems fades away, but that feeling also comes with its disadvantages, such as right now...Mon-el is only kissing me to try and fill the vague, empty space in his corrupted mind, so he can feel whole in someway, but in the end, he'd still be left feeling incomplete, so I do what best for the both of us, and pull away slowly to break off the kiss. 

"Mon-el..." I start again breathlessly, "You''re not the same person I-" I stop as I begin to feel tears stream down my face . "You're...different" I say hoping that my voice doesn't sound as shaky as I think it does.

"Kara...I'm still the same person I was back than" Mon-el says in protest.

"No you're not" I say softly, as I move my hand from out of his hand and onto to his cheek. "Our memories and experiences make us who we are...and you can't seem to remember anything" I say as my voice begins to crack.

"Well that's where you wrong Kara..." Mon-el says, as he moves his eyes towards my own. "I-I get these flashes...and dreams, but I haven't told you about them because I can't tell if they're real or not"

"Than ask..." I say softly.

"....did you have a Cat named streaky?" Mon-el ask, as tears of his own begin to fall down his face.

"Yeah I-I did..." I say surprised that out of all the things he could have remembered he remembered that.

"You prefer sleeping on the right side of the bed?"

"Yeah, I do" I remark, as I feel another smile begin to grow on my face.

"You have an unhealthy obsession with potstickers?"

"...I wouldn't say it's an  'unhealthy' obsession" I retort, causing us both to let out small teary laughs. "...What else do you remember?" I ask curiously.

"That's pretty much it" Mon-el says disappointedly as he once again downcast his eyes.

"Hey" I say as I cup both of my hands on his face, causing him him to look at me again. "The fact that you managed to remember anything at all is amazing" I remark excitedly. "And if you can remember those minor details than I'm sure that you'll be able to remember everything else!"

"I guess you're right" Mon-el replies with a small smile.


I slowly wake up, with the warmth of the yellow sun shining through the windows of the living room, it's so bright that I have have to take a minute to adjust my eyes to the lighting.

"Well look who's finally up" Mon-el whispers softly.

"You stayed" I say quietly, as I move my head up to look at the smiling daxamite.

"I did" he replies, "how'd you sleep?" he ask as he moves his hand up to the side of my face so he could move a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Great" I reply, this was honestly the best sleep I had in months.

"Do you want something to eat? I could make breakfast if you'd like" Mon-el asks.

"That sounds perfect" I reply, as the small smile on my face turns into a large grin.

"Than I guess I have something cooking to do" Mon-el remarks as he moves to get off from the couch, with me trailing not that far behind him.


As I make my way back into the living room, after getting ready for the day, I'm met by the sweet aroma of all my favorite breakfast foods.

"Mon-el, I would've been just fine with pancakes" I say chuckling as I make my way to the kitchen.

"Well this is the least I could do, I did kind of overstay my visit" Mon-el replies bashfully, as he hands me a plate.

"No you didn't, you can feel free to stay as long as you want, anytime, any day" I say as I move to put a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"Are you saying that because you enjoy my company, or because you enjoy my food?" Mon-el ask with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"pfft, totally because I enjoy your food" I say grinning ear to ear.

"Wow, that hurt" Mon-el says as he moves his hand over his heart as if he's been shot.

"Well the truth often hurts sometimes" I reply unable to stifle a laugh.

"You don't say" Mon-el says letting out a laugh of his own. "Oh, here's your mail I moved it off the table so I could set up your breakfast" Mon-el says as he hands me several envelopes.

"Thanks, I completely forgot to go through it yesterday" I say as I move to open the envelopes, most of them were bills and some of them were advertisements, but one envelope in particular caught my eye.

"What are you smiling about" Mon-el ask as he hands me a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"My friend Barry's getting married next week!" I say enthusiastically.

"And we're invited"


Took a bit of inspiration for The Hunger Games. ♥️

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