Rehearsal Dinner

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Kara's pov

"Hey" I say cheerfully as I make my way into Mon-els dorm room.

"Hi" Mon-el replies, as he turns his attention from his gray travel bag to me. Barry and Iris are getting married tomorrow so we're heading to their earth today so we could attend their rehearsal dinner.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe of his room.

"Yep!" Mon-el exclaims, as he zips up his bag and heads to where I'm currently standing.

"Than I guess we've got a wedding to crash" I remark sarcastically with a smile on my face, as I grab the travel beacon from the front pocket of my jacket, so that we could go to earth-1.

"I guess so" Mon-el says with a small grin plastered across his face.


"Hey! You guys made it!" Barry exclaims, as he walks up to us as we enter the lobby of the hotel that we're staying in for the next two days.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" I reply, as I drop my bag on a nearby chair to give him a quick hug.

"Especially if there's cake involved" Mon-el says jokingly. He's so gonna pay for that later.

"Mon-el! Its great to see you again, and you're totally right, she definitely has a sweet tooth for anything with frosting on it" Barry exclaims chuckling, as he also moves to give Mon-el a hug.

"I'd say it be great to see you again too, if I wasn't for the fact that I don't really remember meeting you the first time" Mon-el says, causing Barry to look down at me with an confused expression on his face.

"I'll explain later" I say, already dreading the idea of telling him that my boyfriend...('s complicated) crashed landed here in a cruiser from the 31st century, with no memories of his time spent in the 21st century.

"Uh okay, well uh here are your key cards" Barry says while handling each of us a card made of very flexible plastic. "You guys are on the fifth floor, room 322, and I'm right across the hall if you guys need anything"

"Thanks" Mon-el and I say in unison, as we make our way to the elevator.

"After you" Mon-el says, as the elevator door opens.

"Thanks" I reply, as I make my way into the elevator, after a few seconds the elevator finally dings when we make it to the fifth floor, 'thank god' I think to myself as we finally make it out of that very cramped elevator, and out into the hall. "Here it is" I say, as I stop at the door 322.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Mon-el ask playfully, as he nods his head towards the card reader on the door.

"Of course" I reply, as I move to swipe my key card across the card reader, which flashes a green color, indicating that the door is open. "After you" I say, repeating Mon-els words from earlier.

"Why thank you" he says before letting out a playful yet genuine smile, before making his way in.

"Wow" I whisper softly as I make my way into the hotel room, which has nothing but a white and gold color scheme. "I think I might need real glasses if I'm gonna be staying in here for the next two days" I say, causing Mon-el to chuckle.

"Well on the bright side there's a mini fridge filled with snacks" Mon-el says enthusiastically.

"Yes!" I say, matching his tone.

"Here" Mon-el says softly, as he hands me a bag of gummy worms, as he makes his way over to the bed where I'm currently sitting.

"Thank you" I say not being able to contain a smile as I pop one in my mouth. "What?" I ask giggling––yep that's right giggling––as I notice that Mon-el has been staring at me for the better half of a minute.

"You're adorable" Mon-el says, with a small smile lying loosely on his lips.

Rao, I can already feel my face heating up.

"Uh there only seems to be one bed" Mon-el says, breaking the comfortable silence that fell between us. "So I'll just take the couch" Mon-el says softly, as he moves to get up from the bed, but I quickly stop him, by gently grasping his wrist.

"Don't be ridiculous, I've slept with you plenty of times" as soon as the words leave my mouth, I immediately wish I had a shovel, so I could dig my grave, being for the fact that I just died from embarrassment. "oh my god, I-I didn't-mean-" I ramble on, trying my hardest to hide the blush that is probably oh so noticeable by now.

"Yep, absolutely adorable" Mon-el says, trying his hardest to stifle a laugh.


"Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" I ask Mon-el, as we make our way into the elevator yet again. Iris has invited all the girls to a spa so that we could all treat ourselves before her big day, and Barry is inviting all the guys to have a get together of their own.

"Kara, I think I can handle hanging out with a couple of grown men without causing any trouble" Mon-el remarks chuckling.

"I know that, it's just...just be careful" I say to Mon-el, as I use the handrail of the elevator to steady myself as we move down to the first floor.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just really hate being in tight spaces" I reply in my best reassuring voice.

"You're claustrophobic?" Mon-el remarks questionably.

"So I've been told" I say remember all the times I've felt inclosed and suffocated in small spaces.

"Kara you should have told me...from now on we're taking the stairs" Mon-el says softly as he moves to grab my hand in his.

"Okay" I say sighing in relief as the door of the elevator finally opens.

"Okay, now go have fun" Mon-el says with a soft, sincere smile on his face.

"You too" I reply mimicking his smile, before slowly letting go of his hand and moving towards the group of girls at the front of the lobby.


"That's a nice color" Caitlin says, as she intently studies a light pink shade of nail polish.

"Yeah it is" Felicity replies, as she moves to grab he champagne bottle with her free hand.

"Enough about nail polish, how's everyone doing?" Iris ask cheerfully.

"Being away from the lab has been really relaxing" Caitlin replies while taking a sip of her own champagne.

"Same here, sitting in a cave all day gets kind of boring" Felicity remarks causing us all to let of a laugh.

"What about you Kara?" Iris ask as the laughter finally dies down.

"Uh I've been good" I reply with a small smile.

"That's great! How's Mon-el?" Iris ask with a radiant smile on her face.

"He's good" I reply back.

"Who's Mon-el?" Felicity ask.

"Kara's very handsome alien boyfriend" Iris replies back.

"Uh, we're not actually dating...anymore" I whisper softly, as I move my eyes down to avoid every ones gaze.

"Oh no what happened?!" Iris and Caitlin say siamotainously, in confused tones.

"Well to put it short, I had to send him away to save his life, and than he came back seven months later...with little to no memories of me or the 21st century whatsoever"

"...oh my god Kara that's horrible" Caitlin says softly, as she gently places her hand on my shoulder.

"Thats just like that time with you and Barry" Felicity says directing her gaze to Iris.

"Yeah-yeah it is" Iris replies distantly, as if her mind is trapped somewhere far away.

"Was this caused by some type of accident or did someone do this to him?" Caitlin ask.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing by his line of work in the 31st century, that he was probably a target" I reply back.

"Of course he ended up in the future! Almost everyone we know has time traveled!" Felicity implies with a hint of jealously in her voice.

"Huh" Caitlins says quietly as she thinks to herself.

"What?" Iris ask as she finally snaps out of her trance.

"Nothing I was just thinking" Caitlin says reassuringly, although a hint of something I can't really put my finger on, is present in her voice, but I decide to ignore it.

"I hope you guys figure everything out soon" Felicity says softly.

"Thanks, I hope so too" I reply back, before downing the rest of my champagne.

Mon-els pov

"So you really can't remember me?" Barry ask as he hands me a beer.

"Nope, but I wish I did because you seem like a great guy" I reply back, as I gladly accept the beer.

"Well speaking of great guys, I'd like to introduce you to Oliver Queen and Cisco Ramon" Barry says, as he leads me to a table at the corner of the bar.

"Hey guys! This is Mon-el, Mon-el this is Oliver and Cisco" Barry says as he introduces me to two men, one of them wearing a green shirt with the words T.rex on it, and another wearing a simple dark button down shirt.

"What do you mean 'and Cisco'? We've already met" Cisco says in a confused tone.

"Well Cisco, Mon-el doesn't actually remember meeting us the first time" Barry states as he moves inside the booth with me following behind him.

"Wow, that's-that's crazy...well in that case I guess I have to reintroduce myself I'm Cisco Ramon" Cisco says, as he stretches his hand towards mine.

"It's nice to meet you...again" I reply back, as I shake his hand.

"Well unlike Cisco and Barry, this is the first time we've met, I'm Oliver, Oliver Queen" says Oliver as he also extends his hand over the table.

"Nice to met you" I reply, before moving my hand over the table to shake his.

"So you're Kara's boyfriend?" Oliver ask as he takes a swing of his beer.

"Uh former boyfriend, we're currently just...good friends" I say as I take a bite of the fries sitting in front of me.

"Good friends?" Barry ask questionably, as he turns his gaze towards me.


"What happened to you guys?" Cisco ask with a hint of concern present in his voice.

"Uh, she had to send me away for reasons I don't know yet, and I ended in the 31st century where I spent 5 of 7 years assembling an elite group of superheroes called 'The Legion of Superheroes" I say only stoping to take in everyone's reaction, and they all seem to be intrigued, especially Cisco.

"And uh about a month ago I landed back on earth in the 21st century with no memory of how I got there, why I came, or anyone I previously met there"'I say finishing up.

"Not even Kara?" Oliver ask.

"Not even Kara" I confirm.

"Huh" Cisco says to himself.

"What?" Barry ask.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something..." Cisco replies hastily.

"Well I hope everything works out between the two of you" Oliver says.

"Thanks, me too" I say before taking a final swing of my beer.


"So that ring you're wearing allows you to fly?!" Cisco ask in awe, as we head back into the hotel lobby.

"Yep" I reply before handing him the ring. "Maybe I could teach you how to use it" I say causing his eyes to light up excitedly, 'him and Winn would make the best of friends' I think to myself.

"I don't think that's a great idea" Barry pitches in chuckling a-bit.

"You're just mad because he didn't offer to teach you" Cisco replies mockingly.

"Well if thats the case, I'd be glad to teach you how to use it too Barry " I say grinning at Oliver as he rolls his eyes at the two.

"...Really?" Barry ask bashfully.

"Yeah, we could met up tomorrow after you're wedding ceremony" I reply chuckling, as Barry's face automatically lights up, as if he's a ten year old boy waking up on Christmas Day.

"Well in that case, I call dibs on going first!" Barry says excitedly.

"Uh, you can't get married and learn how to fly before me, all in one day" Cisco says in complaint.

"And why is that?" Barry fires back.

"You guys are so irritating" Oliver says sighing, obviously feeling annoyed. "It was nice meeting you Mon-el, i'll see you later at the rehearsal" Oliver says as he slowly pats his hand on my shoulder, before making his way to the elevator.

"Huh, he actually likes you" Barry says smiling softly "he never warms up to people that fast" Barry adds chuckling a little.

"Well...I feel honored" I say, joining in with Barry's chuckles.

"Well I guess I should get going too, these curls ain't gonna curl themselves" Cisco says, dramatically as he flips his black locks, before leaving, causing both me and Barry to laugh.

"I still can't believe you can't remember anything about the 21st century" Barry says as our laughter slowly dies down.

"Well uh, I've been able to remember three very minor details about Kara"

"That's great!" Barry exclaims, as his eyebrows shoot up excitedly.

"Yeah but, ever since I told her about them, the flashes and dreams I'd get, just completely disappeared" I say causing Barry's excitement to die down.

"Well looks like the girls are here" Barry says, causing me to turn from him, and look for Kara, who seems to be laughing with Olivers girlfriend, Felicity.

'Her smile could shame the sun' I think to myself, before I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Barry elbow me in my ribs.

"You're smiling like a dork" Barry teases.

"I always seem to when she's around" I say, not really caring if I sound cheesy, because it's the truth, but Barry doesn't judge instead he just nods in understanding as he watches Iris walk through the hotel.

"You love her" Barry says more as a statement, than a question.

"I-"I start, but quickly stop when I noticed that the girls have finally reached us.

"Hey guys!" Iris says enthusiastically as she makes her way towards Barry to give him a quick peck on the cheek, and than she makes her way towards me to give me a quick hug.

"Hi! You must be Iris" I say as she pulls away.

"Yep that's me" she replies back with a smile on her face.

"And you're Caitlin" I say as I reach my hand out to her.

She replies with a simple nod, as she shakes my hand, with a small smile on her face.

"And you're Felicity" I say, as I also reach my hand out to shake hers.

"Uh huh, that's-thats me" she says as she not so subtly shakes my hand. "You said he was handsome, not hot" Felicity whispers softly to Iris as she finally let's go of my hand.

"Well I guess we'll be seeing you guys later tonight" Iris says trying her best to stifle a laugh.

"Yep, see you later guys" Kara says softly as she makes her way towards me.

"Hi" I say, as I feel a dopey grin begin to grow on my face once again.

"Hi" Kara replies softly as a grin of her own begins to invade her glorious face.

"We've got got a rehearsal dinner to prepare for" I say softly, as I reach for her hand.

"Yes we do" Kara replies back, as she intertwines our fingers, and leads me to the stairs.


"Kara?" I ask, as I stand outside the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" Kara ask from inside.

"Could you help me with my tie please?" I ask, as I yet again attempt to straighten up my tie, but it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

"Sure, just give me a sec" Kara says.

"Okay, thanks" I say, as I make my way to the couch near the edge of the bed.

After about a few minutes the bathroom door finally opens, reveling Kara in a very beautiful blue lace dress.

"Wow" I say more breathlessly than I intended to.

"Wow yourself" Kara says chuckling at my dumbstruck expression.

"I already knew you'd be the prettiest person at the party," I say, causing a blush to creep upon her cheeks. That dress really brings out her comet like eyes.

"I came here to fix your tie" Kara says as she reaches her hands up to my neck to grab my black tie, "not to be showered by compliments"

"Well if I'm not showering you with compliments than that means our conversations would be cut by 99.9%" I say, with a playful grin implanted on my face.

"You have a point" Kara says chuckling a-bit as she starts to fix my tie. "You'd think after all these years you'd know how to tie a tie" Kara mocks playfully.

"Well in my defense the only suit I ever had to wear was red, tight, and had a really heavy cape" I reply defensively.

"...well that's what you wanted, a heavy cape" Kara says, a smile still radiantly shining on her face, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to resist the sudden urge to wrap my arms around her.

"I wish I could've been there" Kara says looking away from my eyes and to the knot she was currently tying "I wish I could've witnessed you become the man I knew you could be...the hero I knew you could be..." Kara says, as the tightens the knot before dropping her hands back to her sides.

"So you could tell me what I was doing wrong?" I say jokingly, trying to light up the mood, and it seems to work because I manage to withdraw a small chuckle from her.

"No, so I could've helped you, encouraged could've had a reason to spend more time with you" Kara says softly, still not making eye contact.

"Aww, I didn't think you liked me that much" I say teasingly, only to receive a punch in the shoulder.

"I did...I do" Kara says timidly, as her gaze finally meets mine.

"...well we've got plenty of time to spend together" I say softly as I dexterously guide my hand to hers and interlock our fingers, causing Kara to release a small smile, that makes my heart skip a beat "Well that is until you get tired of me"

"I don't think I ever will...well not anymore at least" Kara adds with a mischievous grin on her face.

"I don't know how to respond to that" I say letting out a small laugh.

"Exactly" Kara says, as she joins in on the laughter.


Kara's pov

"Uh okay, who's that?" Mon-el ask as he nods his head towards Joe. We've arrived at the rehearsal about fifteen minutes ago and I'm giving him brief summary's about all the people that he's already met, that last time we were on earth-1.

"That's Joe, Barry and Iris's father" I answer.

"Wait, father?!" Mon-el ask puzzled.

"No, no it's not like that" I say laughing at the shocked look on his face, "He's Iris's biological father, and Barry's adoptive father"

"Oh okay, that makes much more sense" Mon-el replies, as his shocked expression turns into a calm one.

"Barry, Cisco, Iris, Caitlin, Joe, Wally and HR, that's everyone I met here last time?" Mon-el ask.

"Yep, that's everyone" I reply, as I place my empty glass of red one wine of the table near by.

"I'll go get you a refill" Mon-el says, as as he reaches for the glass I just set on the table.

"Thank you" I mutter softly, as I watch him make his way to the bar.

"Hey there you are!" A voice for behind me says causing me to turn around.

"Hey!" I reply back enthusiastically, as I reach to give Barry a hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to get in touch with you sooner. I swear there are more people here than invited" Barry says jokingly.

"You have nothing to apologize for" I respond reassuringly.

"So, do you have a minute to talk?" Barry ask, as he sets his champagne on the table.

Before answering I quickly turn my head to the direction of which Mon-el went, to see him chatting with Oliver at the bar. "Yeah, I've got a minute" I say, as I direct my gaze back to Barry.

"How how are you handling...the whole–" Barry starts hesitantly.

"–My boyfriend can't seem to remember little to anything about his time here in the 21st century, or better yet can't seem to remember little to nothing about me?" I finish for him.

"Yeah that" Barry says as he moves his hand to scratch the back of his neck.

I take a deep, shaky breath before answering, "it's-it's been hard...after months of hoping, wishing, praying, I finally accepted the fact that I was never gonna see him again" I start, "but know he's here, he's alive, he's healthy, but he's-..."

"He's different" Barry finishes.

"Yeah...and not in a bad way. This is the man I wanted him to be...the man I knew he could be...but he's not the same man that I grew to love...and I'd be lying if I said that I still don't have feelings for him because I do...." I say hoping that my voice doesn't sound as broken as I think it does "but it just seems like he doesn't even know who he is's like he's trying to open a door that contain his memories and moments that made him who he is, but he just doesn't have a key, and it's hard seeing him like's like his life doesn't belong to him's like he's become a stranger to himself... and I don't know what to do...I don't-I don't know how to help him..." I say trying my hardest to contain the tears that are hanging on the corners of my eyes.

"The only way you can help him is by being there for him..." Barry says as he gives me a small reassuring smile.

"Iris told me you lost your memories not so long ago, how'd you get them back?"

"After coming back from the speed force, I lost all my memories, and apparently I went crazy, so they locked me in one of the cells in Star labs, and during my time there, Iris got kidnapped, so Joe came rushing to my cell in an attempt to get me to save her, and I guess it worked because once he mentioned that Iris was in danger, I finally snapped back into my senses and got my memories back" Barry explains nonchalantly.

"So you got your memories back, by an emotional shock?" I ask Barry to which he just nods.
"I don't think a emotional shock is gonna bring Mon-els memories back"

"How come?" Barry ask.

"Because he kissed me...and if that wasn't an  emotional shock than I don't know what is" I say, sighing sadly at the memory of the event that happened after game night.

"Well I promise that I'll do everything in my power to try and help you guys in the next few days we have
to spend together" Barry says softly.

"Thanks Barry, that means a-lot" I say feeling very thankful to have a friend like him.

"Oh I almost forgot" Barry exclaims excitedly.

"What?" I ask, as I question his sudden change in mood.

"The last time you were here I learned that you have knack for singing" Barry says smiling from ear to ear.

"Uh huh" I say nodding, with a smile of my own growing on my face.

"And I was wondering if you'd be interested in busting out your pipes tomorrow"

"Anything for a friend" I say now smiling ear to ear.

Thanks Kara, I'll go over the song with you tomorrow before the ceremony" Barry says smiling softly, "and before I go I need to give you these" Barry says as he hands me two droppers.

"Are-are these droppers?" I ask confused as to why he gave them to me.

"Yep, and they each contain a highly fermented potent drink, that allows us to get drunk, curtsey of Dr.Caitlin Snow" Barry says excitedly.

"Thanks Barry, but I'm not very fond of drinking" I say, as I recall the last time I got drunk...wasn't one of by best moments.

"Come on live a little" Barry says chuckling softly, "all you have to do is put a few drops into your drink"

"I'll think about it, thanks Barry"

"You're very welcome" Barry says with a small smile on his face.

"Hey guys!" Cisco says as he makes his way towards us.

"Hey!" I reply back, as I go in for a quick hug.

"Can I steal him from you for a sec, Professor Stein wants to say a quick hello" Cisco says as he points his finger towards Barry.

"Of course, we were just finishing up anyways" I reply back.

"See you later Kara" Barry says as he grabs his drink from the table.

"See ya" I say as I watch them head back into the crowd.

"Sorry for the wait, for someone so serious, Oliver Queen has a great sense of humor" Mon-els voice rings from behind me, a couple seconds after Barry and Cisco head off.

"I never thought I'd hear the words Oliver and humor used in the same sentence"  I say chuckling as I turn my gaze towards him.

"Here you go" Mon-el says as he hands me a drink.
"Why do you have droppers in your hand?" Mon-el ask, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"Funny you asked" I say as I grab the drink in his hand and put of few drops of the fermented potent in it. "Here, drink it" I say as I hand him back his drink.

"This isn't gonna give me wings, is it?" Mon-el ask, as he slowly raises the drink to his face.

"I guess you're gonna have to drink it to find out" I remark, chuckling softly.

After sending a quick prayer to Rao, Mon-el finally takes a sip. "Wow" Mon-el says as he scrunches his face up, "that really packs a punch"

"Curtesy of Dr.Caitlin Snow" I say, repeating Barrys words from earlier.

"Well I guess I'll have to go thank her later" Mon-el says as he takes another sip. "You're not much of a drinker are you?" Mon-el says as he notes that I didn't put any drops in my drink.

"No, and I blame you for that" I say teasingly.

"I got you drunk, didn't I?" Mon-el says not being able to contain his smile.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I say hastily. "I'm honestly surprised that I didn't get fired from the DEO that day" I say, recalling a distant memory of me doing cartwheels in the middle of the DEO,  I'm pretty sure I threw up after that.

"That bad huh?" Mon-el ask chuckling a-bit.

"You don't know the half of it" I reply also chuckling softly.

"Well how could I make it up to you?" Mon-el ask as he puts a small yet sincere smile on his face.

"You have to make me breakfast for the next month" I say smiling from ear to ear, not wanting mention the fact, that he's already made it up to me.

"You've got yourself a deal" Mon-el says, "although I'd be glad to make you breakfast everyday, if it meant that I'd be able to see your amazing smile first thing in the morning" Mon-el adds, with nothing but a serious expression on his face, his gaze is so intense, that I have to force myself to look down at the floor, but after a few seconds I manage to look back up at him with a shy smile plastered across my face.  " you wanna dance?" Mon-el ask after what seems to be one of the intense staring contest I've ever had.

"Sure" I say as I release by bottom lip from the hold of my tooth, and place my glass back on the table.

Mon-el than leads me to the dance floor, where the orchestra is playing a slow, melodic tune.

As we finally find a fitting place to dance, Mon-el hesitantly places his hands on my waist, and I loosely drape my arms around his neck.

"Do you ever miss Krypton?" Mon-el ask after a couple of minutes of swaying side to side simultaneously.

"Yeah, yeah I do" I answer.

"What do you miss the most?" Mon-el ask softly.

"My parents" I respond in a whisper. "The evenings I spent with my dad in his lab, the mornings i'd help my mom prepare breakfast before she went to work, the stories my parents read to me every night, my friends...I miss––..."

"The feeling of home?" Mon-el suggest.

"I never lost it" I remark softly, "during my time on earth i've learned that home isn't a place, it's a feeling...a feeling I get whenever I'm around my friends, my as long as I've got that, i'll always feel at home" I say finishing up with a small smile plastered across my face, which Mon-el gladly mimics.


After hours of chatting, laughing, and eating an insane amount of crab cakes, Mon-el and I finally head back to our hotel room.

"Are you sure your okay with me sleeping in the same bed as you, because I can just take––"

"–Mon-el" I say, causing Mon-el to look look up at me, "I'm positive" I say softly, as I pat the empty side of the bed, after glancing at the couch one last time Mon-el finally makes his way to the bed, and under the covers. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" I remark teasingly, causing Mon-el to chuckle lightheartedly.

"I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't intruding on any of your personal boundaries" Mon-el says, as he turns to face me, "like I did last week...I'm sorry for kissing you, it was wrong of me to put you in an uncomfortable position" Mon-el whispers, as he moves his eyes down to avoid my gaze.

"You have nothing to be sorry about"

"Kara–" Mon-el starts in protest.

"I've been dying to kiss you for months" I whisper cutting him off, "but I only pulled away, because I knew you were only kissing me to attempt to fill the void in your memories" I say causing Mon-el to look up at me with a bewildered look in his eyes.

"I kissed you because I have feelings for you" Mon-el says softly, with a hint of hurt present in his voice.

"Mon-el..." I start, hating the fact that there's already a lump in my throat, "the Mon-el that I knew...loved me, can honestly you look me in the eye right now, and tell me that you still do?" I ask, as I begin to feel tears spring into the corners of my eyes.

"...I don't know what it feels like to be in love with someone, but whatever I feel for you is strong...every time you look at me my heart starts pounding against my ribs, whenever you smile my heart skips a beat, and your laugh makes me feel all giddy inside, and when I wake up you're my first thought, and when fall asleep you're my last...and I might not know if what I'm feeling is love, but if you give me a chance, I'll find out..." Mon-el says as tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

"come here" I say softly, as I gently pull Mon-el closer to me, so that I can tuck my head into the warmth of his neck. "I'll give you all the time you need"

After a couple of minutes, Mon-els breathing has leveled out, causing his chest to rise and fall at a steady pace, as he finally falls asleep, but unlike him sleep doesn't seem to wanna come to me, so as seconds slip into minutes, and minutes slip into hours, I find myself listening to the steady rhythm of Mon-els heartbeat.

He's here, he's finally here, but it's as if half of him is...gone...missing, the half of him that I feel in love with....our memories, the bond we shared...everything is just gone... and one part of me can't help but think 'what if he doesn't get his memories back?!' Am I just supposed to carry on with my life? All he can remember is three minor details! Three! I told him to be hopeful about being able to remember anything at all but...ever since than he's remembered nothing else!...and I don't know how I can possibly be in a relationship with him again...if I can't have all of him.

And there's another part of me that wonders 'would it be so bad if we got back together' because we could always make new memories together...but it won't be that easy ––nothing in my life ever is–– and after what Mon-el just confessed, how can I just sit idly by and pretend like nothings changed?! Because as much as I hate to admit it everything's changed...and I've never been known to adapt to change, but I have to, because whether I like it or not, Mon-el doesn't remember me, and there's a huge chance that he might never remember me ever again, and the possibility of that hurts more than words could ever explain, but I promised him 'that he'd never know what it feel like to be alone' so I'm gonna be here for him every step of the way, even if it kills me inside, but that just a risk I'm willing to take if it means that he can get his memories back...if it means I can my Mon-el back.

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