There's hope

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Kara's pov

"Are you ready to go?" I ask Mon-el, to which he just nods in response.

We're heading back to Earth-38 today, but before we leave we're gonna head down to the lobby to say a quick goodbye to everyone.

Once we make our way down the stairs, we're met by Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, Oliver, and Felicity, wearing bright smiles on their faces ––well Oliver's more grinning than smiling–– .

"Well this isn't creepy in the slightest bit" Mon-el whispers, as we slowly ––and cautiously––make our way towards them.

"....uh...what's with the weird smiles?" I ask, eyeing each of them which a questioning look.

"You wanna tell em?" Cisco ask Barry.

"No it's fine you can tell them" Barry states back at Cisco as his smile grows a little more.

"Aww, but I wanted to tell them" Felicity adds pouting.

"Why would you be the one to tell them? I've known them longer" Cisco complains.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean anything, I haven't even know them for that long, but I've grown very found of them! In fact I've officially decided that I want Kara to sing at my wedding too!" Felicitys argues back.

"Wedding?" Oliver ask as he turns his gaze to Felicity.

"Guys!" I start, trying to catch everyone's attention, and it seems to work because everyone ––expect Oliver, who is currently staring at Felicity, with eyes the size of saucers–– "Tell is what?!" I ask.

"Well...remember yesterday when I told you that I stayed up all night because of pre-wedding jitters?" Barry ask.

"Yeah-yeah...I remember that" I confirm, with a hint of confusion in my voice. 'What does that have to do with anything?' I ask myself internally.

"Well uh...that was a lie" Barry states, as he moves his hand to scratch the back of his head. "I was–we were actually up all night...working on this" Barry says as he digs his free hand into his pocket, pulling out a small glass jar with a black lid, which contained a bright yellow liquid.

"And, uh what is that exactly?" Mon-el ask eyeing the jar in Barry's hand with a questionable look.

"This my friend" Cisco starts as he grabs the jar from Barry and makes his way over to Mon-el, bringing his hands onto Mon-els shoulders. "Is something that will bring your memories back...hopefully" Cisco adds with a vibrant smile on his face.

As soon as those words left Cisco's mouth, I was immediately filled with the feeling of immense  astonishment...'wha-how could have possibly done that?!'

"...wha...are-are you serious?" Mon-el questions, unable to hide the tremblingly of his voice.

"Yeah, we are" Barry confirms smiling softly. At this response Mon-el turns his shocked gaze towards me revealing the tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god" Is the only thing I can muster saying, before I feel Mon-els arms slowly wrap around me, in a comforting, warm embrace, and for the first time in over 24 hours I give in...I let my arms wrap around him, I let my head burry itself into his shoulder...and I let the tears fall, because now there's a chance that Mon-el can get all of his memories there's an actual chance that I can get my Mon-el back...there's hope.


"How-how did you guys manage to pull this off?!" I ask Barry.

"We actually had help!" Barry remarks bubbly, "do you remember how Cisco came up to us at the  rehearsal dinner?" Barry question.

"Yeah, I remember that" I reply, confused as to why he's bringing this up.

"Well the guy Cisco pulled me off to talk to was Professor Stein" Barry starts, "apparently Caitlin and Cisco asked him to help figure out a way to get Mon-else memories back...but if were being honest here he didn't just help...he literally carried all the work on his back" Barry says chuckling softly.

"Is he still here?! I have to say thank you!" I tell Barry basically pleading.

"You just missed him, he headed back onto the Waverider with the Legends" Barry says, causing me to sigh softly in disappointment, "But hey! You'll be seeing him again at Oliver and Felicitys wedding!" Barry exclaims, laughing softly.

"Well I guess I'll thank him than" I remark letting out a smile of my own.

"...uh I know this won't sound right coming from me...but you have to consider the fact that this might not actually work..." Barry remarks gently.

"...I know, but at least now we have a chance..." I state matching his tone, "and if you don't mind me asking, how did you guys come up with that formula anyways?"

"The fermented potent formula that Caitlin made, had tract tracing technology, so we were easily able to track Mon-els brain cells, and unlike symptoms with Alzheimers his brain cells were wiped, but not destroyed, so we spent the last two nights trying to come up with a solution that would likely help restore the cells in his hippocampus" Barry says gushing excitedly.

" guys spent two nights working on something that couldn't even work?" I ask, confused as to why they'd do something like that.

"Of course...we're your Super friends!" Barry exclaims cheerfully.

"Aww, come here" I remark as I playfully extended my arms towards him allowing him to come in for a hug, and he gladly complies.


"Now just remember, if this actually works your memories could come back to you one of two being that your memories will come back back to you in flashes either in your dreams or vice versa" Cisco states to Mon-el, "and two being that all your memories come back to you at full force" Cisco adds, "...just take it when you're ready" Cisco concludes with a soft smile, as he hands the bottle over to Mon-el.

"...I don't know how to thank you..." Mon-el whispers softly, eyes trained on the small bottle wrapped around his fingers softly, as if he'd break it if he added anymore pressure.

"You literally thought me how to fly! I should be the one thanking my you!" Cisco remarks, with a wide grin plastered on his face...'so that's what that was about' I think to myself recalling the events of last night.

Mon-el chuckles softly at that statement.

After saying goodbye to everyone Mon-el and I make our way back to earth-38. When we step out the portal we're placed directly in front of Mon-els dorm room.

"That was one hell of a wedding" Mon-el remarks smiling softly.

"Yeah-yeah it was" I reply back, letting out a laugh of my own. " I guess I should go unpack" I mumble softly, after our laughter has died down, and begin to make my way towards the open hallway leading to the circular table.

"Kara wait..."Mon-el says softly causing me to turn back around to face him once again, "um...I know things have been awkward between since that night at the hotel, but it would really mean a-lot to me if you stayed here with me, while I take this" Mon-el says nervously.

"Yeah-yeah, of course" I reply softly, causing Mon-el to let out a small breath of relief. "Do-do you wanna go inside?" I ask, Mon-el only nods in response, before moving to open the door and make his way towards the bed, with me following closely behind him.

"Thanks for being here Kara" Mon-el says with a genuine smile spread across his face.

"You've always been there for'd be rude of me if I didn't return the favor" I reply returning his small smile.

After a while of starring at each other with dopey grins splashed across our faces, Mon-el finally takes the small container out of his pocket and into his hand.

"My heart feels like it's gonna fall out of my chest" Mon-el whispers more to himself than me, and he's right, even without my super-hearing the rapid thumping of his heart is very noticeable, so I reach for his free hand and interlock our fingers together to ground him.

"Whenever you're ready" I say as I reassuring stroke my thumb across the back of his hand. After a while of sitting in an comfortable silence, Mon-el rises the container up to his lips, and swallows it in one motion.

"Now what?" Mon-el ask playfully, as he turns his gaze to me.

"Now we hope" I murmur softly, as I give him a reassuring smile. "Now we hope" I whisper again to myself.

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