You being here is everything

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Mon-El's pov

I don't think I've ever felt this happy in my entire life—we'll surely I've probably said that before—and I have Kara to thank for that.

She's just...I can't even describe her in words because none of them could even begin to amount to how much she means to me, but I can say that she's far more than anything I could've ever asked for, and I couldn't be more grateful for her.

We've only been dating for a week, but I'm all ready head over heels for her, 'I mean how could I not be, she's Kara' I think to myself as I continue to stir the sauce in the pot.

Kara's been at work since before I even got up this morning, so I thought it would be nice to surprise her with dinner tonight. I just love seeing the way her face lights up every time I cook something for her.

'The water seems to hot enough'I think to myself as I move to the kitchen island to grab the Penne pasta, once I grab hold of it, a searing agonizing pain rushes through my skull, causing me to drop the box of pasta and sink to the floor.

                                        Kara's pov

"Yeah, I'll have that report on your desk by Friday, James" After hanging up, on James, I dig into my purse grab the keys to my loft and open the door.

The lights are on indicating the Mon-Els either here or had to rush out of the apartment to handle a rogue alien. It must be the first situation because the stove is still on, and knowing Mon-El, he'd never leave the stove on if had to leave the apartment.

"Mon-El? I'm home" I say as I set my purse down on the table.

No response.

"Mon-El?" I call out again, and yet again there's no answer. And that's when I noticed the spilled Penne on the kitchen floor and island. That's weird, Mon-Els the most organized and sanitary person when it comes to cooking, he'd wouldn't leave a mess just laying there in the kitchen.

I'm taken away from my thoughts when I hear labored breaths coming from the direction of the kitchen. I recognized that sound right away, it was Mon-El. He's hasn't really been keen on showing his emotions that much, but when he does he tries to settle himself by taking deep breaths, although these deeps breaths sound more like compressed wheezes.

"Oh no" I mumble softly to myself as I quickly make my way over to the other side of the kitchen island. When I walk over I find Mon-El leaning against the Kitchen island, holding his head in between his hands, as he mumbles some intelligible words to himself. "Mon-El?" I whisper softly trying to grasp his attention, but he doesn't respond to me, so I quickly turn off the stove top before bending down to his level to grab a-hold of his wrist so that I can remove his hands from his face, but as soon as my fingers make contact with his forearm Mon-Els head quickly snaps up, causing me to jump back a little. "Hey. It's okay, it's just me" I say affirm softly, causing the frighted and bewildered look to disappear from Mon-Els weary eyes.  ––He's been crying––I think to myself, as the features in his face are illuminated by the surrounding lights. His eyes are puffy and red, his face is tear stained, and his lips are chapped. "What happened?" I ask him, as I move closer to him.

He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing but a pained sob came out.

"Shh, it's okay, come here." I whisper softly before pulling Mon-Els towards me. Allowing him to wraps his arms around my middle, and cry into my shoulder.

He hated being vulnerable just as much as I do, so seeing like this is both concerning and heartbreaking.

After spending minutes of whispering little nothings into Mon-Els ear, and stroking his back in a soothing manner, his breathing finally calms down, and the tension in his body begins to diminish.

"You wanna talk?" I ask him my voice, preparing myself for his rejection.

Mon-El sniffles softly before moving to sit up against the kitchen island once again.

"She's-" Mon-Els starts.

"'s okay, take your time" I whisper to him softly, as I move my hand on top of his reassuringly. In return he intertwines bis fingers through mine and squeezes my hand delicately, as if silently asking me not to let go.

"She was there...I watched her die" Is the only thing Mon-El can mumble, before more tears began to track down his face.

"Who'd-who'd you watch die?" I ask, creasing my eyebrows together in confusion.

Mon-El  hesitantly looks up meeting my gaze with his heartbroken, teary-eyed one. The look in his eyes alone managed to break my heart.

"My Mother"


He remembers...oh my god, he actually remembers! Which means the cure worked! Oh my god! I wouldn't totally be jumping up with excitement right now, if it wasn't for that fact, that the memory he got back was the one of his mother dying.

" remember?" I utter softly, desperately wanting to hear a conformation from him.

He only nods softly in reply.

Not knowing what or how to reply, I just keep my gaze looked on our intertwined hands —he never liked holding eye contact when he's emotional— physical contact always kept him grounded, I guess that's because he was so used to drinking his problems away up until the point he realized that numbing his feelings, and drowning out the world, isn't the best way to handle things, but talking can be, and allowing yourself to feel loved can be.

My mother always told me that 'the first step to healing is acknowledging and accepting that you have a problem' and Mon-Els life has been nothing but problem filled. And since his memories are —thankfully—coming back he's gonna have to relive them, and that's okay because he's not going through it alone, and I'm gonna make sure he knows that.

Just as I think of something to say Mon-Els voice rings out through the current silence of the apartment.

"She wasn't the best Mother, but she was still..." Mon-El starts but stops as he tries to think of what to say. "-I always thought she died along with Daxam" Mon-El adds, as a single tear slides down his cheek, which causes to subconsciously move my free hand up to his face and wipe it away. "You-you were there when she—...." Mon-Els mutters, eyes locked on the stove. He's referring to the day where we watched his mother turn to ash...and the day he had to leave.

"I had to send you away that day" I utter mindlessly. Mon-El than looks up at me, with an understanding look in his eye.

"It was lead wasn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah it was." I reply, the breaking of my voice noticeable.

Mon-El only nods, before he lifts his free hand and lifts his knuckles into view to displays his legion ring.

"I spent years listening to her drag me down." Mon-El starts as he moves his fist back onto the floor. After a moment he begins to chuckle sadly "If only she'd see me now."

"You had nothing to prove to her."

"I was I knew that back than, but at that time in my life all that mattered was her approval...I just—...I think she resented me from the start. No matter how much I tried to impress her, or show her how worthy I was of her affection, she just—she hated me." Mon-El whispers soft, as he quickly moves his eyes up to the ceiling to try and stop further coming tears.

"Mon-El-" I start, trying to reason with him, but he just continues.

"I don't even think she saw me as her son. It was more like I was someone she hired to continue her legacy, and I guess I never met her standards, and she always made sure I knew it, whether it was reminding me of what an embarrassment I was, or how much I'd managed to screw up something...but regardless of that I cared for her, yet she never returned those a child I'd always used to tell her how much I loved her...but" Mon-El trails off rapidly blinking away tears. "—she wouldn't even let me hug her" Mon-El adds his voice breaking, as he takes a minute to recollect himself "and it wasn't like I could talk to my father about this, because he basically ignored me all my you—do you know what happened to him?....Did he make it too Earth too?" Mon-El ask, bringing his attention back towards me, who is currently struggling to keep my tears at bay. How could I possibly tell him that his own mother killed his father just to try and get him to go back to Daxam?! That will completely obliterate him!

"Mon-El..." I start, desperately wishing that the ground would swallow me whole. If I tell him, it'll just break him even more, but if I lie to him he'd probably never forgive me...hell I'd never be able to forgive myself!

"Never mind...I'll find out eventually" Mon-El whispers softly more to himself as a few more tears slip for his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" is the only words I can utter, before I'm over come by tears, and a lump in my throat.

"Don't be" Mon-El whispers as he pulls me into his arms, "you being here is everything" Mon-El remarks, as he tenderly leaves a small peck on my forehead.

"I'm supposed to be the one making you feel better" I state, causing Mon-El to chuckle—it's felt like years, since I last heard his miraculous laugh— sending soft vibrations into my ear.

"Well you've definitely succeeded" Mon-El comments.

"But I didn't do anything" I state moving my head up to look at him confusedly, but he meets my gaze with a warm dimple showing smile plastered across his adorable face, tears still clinging to his eyes.

"Like I said you being here is everything" Mon-El states again.

That face. That smile.

I don't know who moved first but the next thing I know my lips are attached to his.

I might not know what the future has in store for the both of us, but that's okay, because we have each other and as long as we're together we can overcome anything and everything.


This is soooo cheesy, but honestly being cheesy is what I do best.

I swear this book is 99% fluff and 1% action 😂

Well anyways have a great/day night and I hope you enjoy this chapter #2021karamelendgame

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